Public or State?



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5,993 posts

218 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Do Public Schools Represent Value for Money?

Apologies for the random topic, for one of my foundation subjects at uni we have to put forward a group presentation on a debatable topic of our choice we have chosen the debate of whether or not public schools are worth it and as a fair few of you on here do have children even if you do not have children you are most welcome to put forward your views, I'd be interested to know -

- Does your child attend a public or state school?

- What were the reasons / motivations behind this choice?

- Did you attend a public or a state school?

- In your opinion are fees of say £5000 per term (give or take) worth paying for your childs education when they are legally entitled to a free state provided education?

- Does the public school environment prepare a child for adult life / further education and work better than a state provided education?

Many thanks for anyones responses to this thread! smile