Calling the Sexperts

Calling the Sexperts

Poll: Calling the Sexperts

Total Members Polled: 566

Probably a prostitute: 64%
Any girl would say that: 2%
Definitely wants a shag: 34%


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Earlier today, I parked on the drive, was walking inside (house conversion into appartments) when I bumped into an attractive lady who seemed to have come from the mail pigeon holes, started chatted to her on the stairs. I was in a hurry, shamefully not giving her my full attention, but seem to remember her being dark-ish skinned, thirty-something, kinda pretty IIRC, (couldnt be more vague if I tried!) but what I remember most was her energy. She was very confidently charming, but also strangely confident. Kinda liked her.

Knowing someone had recently moved into the building, I asked if she was one of the new neighbours. She wasnt, said she was seeing a friend, and was knocking on her friends(?) door when I said goodbye - off I trotted.

Hopped into my car this evening, to find a note on the windscreen in an envelope addressed to Mobsta.
With her name changed, it read:

Hello my name is Sarah.
Today I met you on the

'Do you ever get lonely
Sometimes I do'

You may call me if you
like !! x

Tel 07892......


I mean come, on WTF.
Whats with the lonely comment? In quotes just like that, too!?!

Is this merely the sign of a cheeky lady - or the calling card of pay-as-you-go soliciting cat flap slapping devil-fornicator?
Is was wonderfully forward, I must admit.

Thing is, when I first walked into the building, she was standing by the pigeon holes. I had mail, so she might have seen my first name on one of my envelopes. And I dont think I actually remembered seeing her walk inside the middle floor appartment of 'her friend' either - I remember her knocking, and thinking at the time, it was funny she popped down to check her friends mail, and locked herself out. All of the doors here are normal, and dont shut by themselves.

I picked up a free ads paper on my way back this evening, going to scan through the dodgy numbers at the back to see if I can find hers.

Over to you lot. You may fire when ready etc...


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5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Right. Thats that then.
And to think I thought she might have just been a nice but very forward girl rolleyes


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258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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LukeBird said:
Mobsta said:
or the calling card of pay-as-you-go soliciting cat flap slapping devil-fornicator?

Have to say, top form on the euphemisms tonight gents! thumbuprofl

Couldnt find her number in the back of the local rag.
Been through my mail (that which I could find) and nothing had my first name on it.
Her calling card was a hand written letter, on writing paper, envelope sealed shut.

She called out a name when knocking on my neighbours door (very respectable neighbour, seems happy with husband and newborn, looks decent) but I cant remember my neighbours bloody first name, and there was no mail in her pigeon hole when I went down to check. Tomorrow mail might confirm the neighbours name, and that they probably do know each other.

king arthur said:
How does she know which is your car? And how do you know her real name isn't Sarah?
I wondered about the name, as it was spelt, erm, like Sayrah with a y.
Only a different name. They Y was ever so slightly unusual.

Google returned zip, mobile appears squeaky clean.


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5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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king arthur said:
How does she know which is your car?
Probably heard me pull up, right outside the front door...


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5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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deviant said:
Why is it taking this long for you to call her?!?! I would have thought about it for all of 2 seconds!
"Its a bit late" is a terrible excuse, but Im sticking with it until tomorrow wink


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258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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308mate said:

Whats wrong with you? Your poll options dont cover HALF of the possibilities.

What if she is just a decisive, forthright girl who fancied you and wanted a date?

What a shocking thought!

And you post here asdking what you should do?

Do you need me to tell you to wipe front to back, not back to front?

CALL her. Say you were pleased to get a note from her and ask when she would like to meet. Then find out for yourself what her story is.

Sheesh? shoot

Chaps, I had and still have, no intention of calling this lady tonight and every intention of ringing her tomorrow, if only to confirm whether her entry point is rights-managed, or royalty free following pleasantries.


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5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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308mate said:
what is your question?
Just the poll, after popular opinion, suspecting naievety on my own part.


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5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Gylen said:
I can't understand why you haven't called her yet?
Because Im working.
And Im calling her tomorrow at a sociable hour.
Besides, the poll was Re: popular opinion on her weird 'im lonely' type message, not on whether I should call her...

Uhura_Fighter said:
I dont think anything bad of this note, I think it is kinda nice, met a lot of forward girls at uni, was she northern? scratchchin
Dont remember it being from oop norf, or I wouldnt have given it a second thought hehe


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5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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king arthur said:
Mobsta said:
I wondered about the name, as it was spelt, erm, like Sayrah with a y.
Only a different name. They Y was ever so slightly unusual.
Hmmm. scratchchin

Jayne! Her name's Jayne isn't it?
She hit your neighbourhood too? hehe


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Emsman said:
I have a pay as you go phone that i no longer use.

I am more than happy to guinea pig for the greater good of entertainment????
Perfectly capable of guinea pigging for my own entertainment biggrin thankin you kindly for the offer my good man, hoebags and hoodrats aside.


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258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Catz said:
You evidently gave off a "lonely" aura when talking and she feels sorry for you. wink

Bless ...


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Catz said:
Mobsta said:
Catz said:
You evidently gave off a "lonely" aura when talking and she feels sorry for you. wink

Bless ...
What did I miss something?

Sorry was skim-reading, very fast.
Not you, you muppet.
ahem... me


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Nobody You Know said:
MK4 Slowride said:
Oh st really?

Classic trap used by 'Greckish Mongolids'. They're after the lining of your skull so they can bury it with some lavender and parsley. This helps the spirits to speak to the living and bring enlightenment to those bereft of thought.
You really have too much time on your hands....
He could be right you know...


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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elster said:
You must have a very expensive car, or a chaved up car and she really is 16.
Or perhaps car is short for my caravan. It might be horse powered, and she might have been a tall, slim, dark skinned 30 year old Llama.

Catz said:
Mobsta said:
Not you, you muppet.
ahem... me
Oh right ...

Maybe it was that "hitman" persona she loved along with the Fiat Panda.

Maybe you're just good looking ... post a pic for the lady PHers and we'll let you know. biglaugh
Oh, I guess it cant hurt...


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Gazboy said:
Perhaps she was looking at the mail to see if her mate was in before going up the stairs? Sure you can knock but if you see loads of post in a pigeon hole it kind of confirms someone isn't in.

I'd call her but hide any valuables if she comes around or you end up at ypur place after a night out, until you've decided she is a nutter or legit.
Ive known a few girls on the game in my time, never slept with one though. And Ive heard all sorts of stories, their side of things, the way some blokes like it, etc! But not enough about their own shady side of things, ie nicking what they can get their claws on, and running off with.

Either she is or she isnt. If she is, then I'll have a nice chat, then just leave her to it.
If she isnt, it wouldnt take more than a few minutes to decide, Id guess she'd be out with it in the first few minutes.

They dont cajole you into it, through the pretence of being unhoely, I dont think biggrin


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Catz said:
Mobsta said:
Catz said:
Maybe you're just good looking ... post a pic for the lady PHers and we'll let you know. biglaugh
Oh, I guess it cant hurt...



That says it all really.
We all know I sometimes feel lonely.
Do you sometimes feel the same, Catz?

You may PM me if you like ! x


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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minimatt1967 said:
Why is their no psychopathic bunny boiler or pre op trans-sexual option in the poll?
I came in the front doors...
Took her up the stairs, not the wrongun...
So its too early for those options coffee


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5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Gazboy said:
Mobsta said:
Gazboy said:
Perhaps she was looking at the mail to see if her mate was in before going up the stairs? Sure you can knock but if you see loads of post in a pigeon hole it kind of confirms someone isn't in.

I'd call her but hide any valuables if she comes around or you end up at ypur place after a night out, until you've decided she is a nutter or legit.
Ive known a few girls on the game in my time, never slept with one though. And Ive heard all sorts of stories, their side of things, the way some blokes like it, etc! But not enough about their own shady side of things, ie nicking what they can get their claws on, and running off with.

Either she is or she isnt. If she is, then I'll have a nice chat, then just leave her to it.
If she isnt, it wouldnt take more than a few minutes to decide, Id guess she'd be out with it in the first few minutes.

They dont cajole you into it, through the pretence of being unhoely, I dont think biggrin
I never said she was a hooker. I assume they are more discrete.
Nudge nudge, wink wink eh wink

Gazboy said:
Girls can be forward, I've had shopgirls write their phone numbers on the back of my till receipts before.
Yeah, and if a shopman wrote "do you ever get lonely, sometimes I do" and put it on the windscreen of a girl he passed in the stairwell... hehe

Oh I dont know...
RustyCock at your service!
shout Catz!!

Edited by Mobsta on Thursday 26th February 01:37


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Famous Graham said:
scumbagjag said:
I'd jump in feet first.
Like 'em slack, do you?
Possibly just a bad experience with crabs nipping fingers...


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Catz said:
Mobsta said:
RustyCock at your service!
shout Catz!!
I don't want a rusty cock. sleep

I want a crusty rock ... ermm no that's not quite right either ...
A crusty sock? hehe