I feel sick


Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Tuesday 10th February 2009
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Today, after a long discussion with other half last night, I have packed a few things in a bag and am going to my brothers. We are calling it a break but I am scared it is more. We are great friends just crap at boyfriend and grilfriend. I just cant get my head around this. I instigated it as other half never would, he is a blokey put his head in the sand sort of guy.

The plan is I stay away for a week to think our future through and he does the same.

Why am I telling you? Well I guess I just want to tell some unsympathetic strangers as writing helps. I am afraid you can't have your 2 minutes back though.

Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Tuesday 10th February 2009
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Just the replies I have come to love and expect from you guys. A small smile is on my face.

Oh and red seatbelts are the best!

Should there be a PH agony section so loosers like me don't clutter up the chatter?

Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Tuesday 10th February 2009
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anonymous said:
oh st, I am now doomed!

Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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Well on day 3 of being apart. Have moved from guilt(!?) to feeling numb.

OH rang yesterday and manage to upset me buy aknowledging their problem (Aparrently there is only one....) and then expecting me to just say ok and come home. I just can't get over all the problems that have been building up over the past 2 years and now see my mistake that I should have addressed this a LOT earlier.

So now we are meeting on Saturday for a chat. I have to go home at some point as TBH it's MY home too. I am just not ready.

I am terrified of making the wrong decision but I can't seem to work out which is the right one.


Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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tongue out

Tough guys, no garden pictures!

Anyhow, I rather dodgy photo of me does exist on PH! It's quite recent too!

Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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Told you it was dodgy! Snow gear does nothing for me!

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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So last night we split up for good. Things took a nasty turn this morning and he has told me to fk right off out of my home.

I personally won't go until we have sorted out the financial situation (He owes me quite a lot of money) I don't care about the house, I just want my own place and rediscover myself.

I feel like hell!

Soo... where do I sign up for the "messed up broken down relationships of 2009" club?

Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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tonyvid said:
Oh dear. Things will be pretty tough for a few days now, his ego will have been clobered and his anger has no where to go but at you.

If it is your place then stick it out as it's your home smile
Hey Tony
Tell me about it. I am getting some really viscious mails and texts.

So the thing is, do i squander the money on a new toy or "save for the future".

Cap'n Custud

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1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
So last night we split up for good. Things took a nasty turn this morning and he has told me to fk right off out of my home.

I personally won't go until we have sorted out the financial situation (He owes me quite a lot of money) I don't care about the house, I just want my own place and rediscover myself.

I feel like hell!

Soo... where do I sign up for the "messed up broken down relationships of 2009" club?
So, ignoring the fact I own a caravan, an old mans motorbike, have no hair, groan when I bend over to tie my laces and am obnoxious, I'm in with a chance then? biglaugh

So when do we consumate this paring?

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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G'kar said:
Cap'n Custud said:

So when do we consumate this paring?
Run Nick. Run like the wind.


Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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G'kar said:
Cap'n Custud said:

So when do we consumate this paring?
Run Nick. Run like the wind.


Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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308mate said:
Tim Mosley said:
Still dead.

But when he was here he paid for his kids and didnt walk out on them.
Remember the other thread when you asked everyone if you were a kunt[sic]?

Now that we have the answer, will you fk off?
Seconded. This is my misery thread where I get away with misspelling and things. If you want to be nasty, do it elsewhere.

edited as I really cannot spell today!

Edited by Cap'n Custud on Thursday 5th March 12:11

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Garlick said:
Do me a favour chaps and get this back on track as soon as possible, I don't want to close it smile

ETA: Now, about your troubles Custard? Any pictures?

Edited by Cara Van Man on Thursday 5th March 12:21
thanks Garlick.

Now Mr Van Man, pictures of me are all over this site (well 2 and one is terrible) I absolutly refuse to post any more until the babes calender comes out, can't over expose myself now can I! (oh I hope the calender project comes off)!

I really am not one of those tarts that come here for someone to dribble over (Or laugh at depending on your tastes!) I seem to recall Princess Becky......

So back to my misery....I guess I have to go home tonight but am dreading it. Someone please say some thing outragous to make me laugh.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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My dad owns a caravan. Am I guilty by association?

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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ali_kat said:
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
My dad owns a caravan. Am I guilty by association?

That almost makes us brother and sister.

Oh well, I'm still up for it.
and anothor rofl

Now THAT made me laugh! Not enough to eject my coffee on my keyboard though (Why would anyone want to do that?)

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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scotal said:
Cara Van Man said:
scotal said:
Cap'n Custud said:
My dad owns a caravan. Am I guilty by association?
Yep you're in the Caravan Club.

Burn the witch! burn the witch!
Watch it sonny.

She's got protection.

It'll come silently in the night, under cover of fibre glass.

The only thing you'll know about it is the chink of a jacking handle winding down 4 stabilisers, the whoosh of a propane bottle turning on and a faint whiff of cassette toilet racasan. Then it'll be Laura Ashely curtains for you, boyo.
rofl Very good.

But whatever you call it you still st in a bucket.
Cara Van Man is my superhero cloud9

I hope that you remember to put all the catches on, on the cupboards before you stealtly race to my rescue. You don't want items falling all over the place.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
scotal said:
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Cara Van Man is my superhero cloud9

I hope that you remember to put all the catches on, on the cupboards before you stealtly race to my rescue. You don't want items falling all over the place.

I've fitted magnetic doors catches and non slip matting for that reason, but let's not give the haters more ammunition.
If you didnt have access to firearms, i'd advise you end it all now mate. Read that last sentence back to yourself.

Edited by scotal on Thursday 5th March 14:42
Oooh, firearms? You go shooting? I have a Beretta Airpistol with a really cool laser sighting.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Oooh, firearms? You go shooting? I have a Beretta Airpistol with a really cool laser sighting.
Not if I can help it, cos it usually means I'm being shot at also as I'm one of HMs finest*.

*Well, that's a lie, I'm the best that was around at the time

So yours is bigger and real I guess!

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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G'kar said:
Cap'n Custud said:

So yours is bigger
Don't do that.

He really doesn't need the encouragement.
hehe Couldn't resist!

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Cheering me up no end!

Cara Van Man's gun is enlarging. Making me feel quite dizzy thinking about it.