Grade your life so far

Grade your life so far



Original Poster:

6,672 posts

221 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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How does your adult life correlate with your school reports or grading? Are you a solid B+? Are you fulfilling your potential? Could you do better? Do you treat work deadlines like homework to be half-arsed the night before it is due to be submitted? Did your A* grades lead to an A* life? Or are you a solid mid-table Mr/Mrs average?

Would your teachers be surprised at where you are now, in either a positive or negative sense?


Original Poster:

6,672 posts

221 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Fusion777 said:
It’s a shame that we often equate conventional career success with complete success (happiness, hobbies, family life or whatever).

There is much more to life than “hitting work deadlines”.
So, you didn't do any homework either? hehe


Original Poster:

6,672 posts

221 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Jimjimhim said:
LimaDelta said:
How does your adult life correlate with your school reports or grading? Are you a solid B+? Are you fulfilling your potential? Could you do better? Do you treat work deadlines like homework to be half-arsed the night before it is due to be submitted? Did your A* grades lead to an A* life? Or are you a solid mid-table Mr/Mrs average?

Would your teachers be surprised at where you are now, in either a positive or negative sense?
So what's yours if you're so bothered about it?
I saw through the system at an early age, and as such never put in much effort at school, college or university. Any moderate success I may have had since comes from my innate abilities and willingness to not follow the set path, rather than formal education (and of course, a bit of luck). In financial terms, as I tell my children, we do better than most, but certainly aren't rich, so B+ there. For work/life balance and personal fulfilment, a solid A+.