


Original Poster:

461 posts

9 months

Just wondered your thoughts on it. We are not talking people with addiction problems etc just normal people who due to the cost of living, divorce, mental health etc, massively changing, not ticking boxes for social help, usually single males,

Just noticed a lot of people sleeping in their cars, and nomads nowadays. Is this acceptable?


Original Poster:

461 posts

9 months

i came across a group on FB, basically a bloke living in shelters. i know a bloke who lived in a garage for a few years sue to lack of support. the common dominator is single man, just seems sad really in a first world country, there is more than enough money in the system.


Original Poster:

461 posts

9 months

This is the bloke I came across living in a garage as couldn't get housing support. Can't remember details of reasons.

Might be nsfw swearing etc.

Xmas 2001 in a garage.


I know there a lot of people sleeping in cars nowadays as well


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461 posts

9 months

quotequote all
Countdown said:
Don’t be so pathetic. We have a thing called Social Housing. It’s supposed to be there to provide homes for people who would otherwise struggle and be living on the streets. It’s no more “cuddly socialist” than providing unemployment benefits, free healthcare, free education.
True. my feeling is anyone born in this country gets priority bar certain exclusions etc, I think single men are discriminated against , which is sad really.


Original Poster:

461 posts

9 months

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One statistic I saw was the aging prison population, elderly people going to jail for a roof over their heads, and food.


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461 posts

9 months

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phil1979 said:
And sex now, apparently. Looks OK to be honest.
Lol drugs, sex and booze, yeh prison isn't all bad.


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461 posts

9 months

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Zolvaro said:
I'd like to see the source to back that up please. Do you honestly believe that normally law abiding citizens are committing crimes at the threshold to warrant prison just to get food and shelter?
The UK prison population is aging that is clear just Google it.

It happens in Japan, no reason why it doesn't happen here.



Original Poster:

461 posts

9 months

I went from earning over 2k a month take-home to 600 quid when CV hit. Never recovered. One thing is if you don't tick boxes you don't get any real social help.