Sleeping Bag recommendation?

Sleeping Bag recommendation?



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945 posts

105 months

Sunday 30th June
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Didn't know where to put this so apologies if in the wrong place.

I dug out my old sleeping bag today and to be frank, it's fking disgusting. It was a cheap one to begin with from one of the old camping shops decades ago. Blacks/Millets? Can't remember what they were called. But the foam is coming out of it, the zip is bust, and it's just generally filthy and threadbare from being dragged round festivals etc for decades. It's one of those things that you never think to replace because when you dig it out of storage you kind of need to use it quickly...

So a new one is needed. What do people recommend? I'd like something half decent. I subscribe to the theory of 'buy cheap, buy twice'. But then again, I'm not a mountaineer so no need to be too esoteric. Probably will only see summer UK/Euro use, camping and the odd sleeping in a car etc. But I'd rather it was too hot than too cold.

What have you got?