Ungrateful/Argumentative wife

Ungrateful/Argumentative wife



Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Monday 10th June
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I've been married for 1 year and if you look at my post history it's been a very turbulent year. We argue all the time over the most mundane things and not being biased here, but I never ever start it.

I give it as good as I get because she doesn't stop but I never start, poor form on my part.

I do everything for her from finances, household things and just helping her in life.

Went abroad for our 1 year anniversary which I paid for and on the trip she accused me of being moody when I was quiet for a few mins after a huge meal and in a food coma, said she should have married another ethnicity, accused me of checking out women when I was looking at the sights and asked for the bill midway through a meal as she felt like I wasn't enjoying it.

50% of our holiday was arguing.

I feel broken and trapped, I gave up everything for her and do as much as physically can but I just sit and wait for the next thing to annoy her.

She now wants a baby and I know I'll have to do everything financially and physically for the baby, so I keep saying no.

I don't know what to do and was looking for advice from other men who have experienced anything similar?


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Apologies been at work so unable to respond.

I actually wish I was trolling, would make my life easier.

Valid points about my previous threads, I make a decision then I back out because weirdly on some level despite how toxic she is I do care for her. Not to mind the last time I said I want to divorce she grabbed a knife and attempted to go for her wrists.

I wish it was as easy as just filing for it. She's said she won't leave this house unless it's in a bodybag.

I always (inexplicably) give her the benefit of doubt that she'll change or she'll be fine in a bit but no.

We got back from holiday Sunday and today shes kicked off again about why my siblings don't talk to her or make an effort (my siblings feel awkward with her due to her previous behaviour but she doesn't agree). I said I can't control what other do and then she said you're disloyal to me and always have been.

She said our sex life means nothing because I'm emotionally distant from her, I hand on heart don't know what more I can do.

I may come across as a troll or someone wasting everyone's time, but I am utterly broken. I gave my up so much of my life for her that I can't get back.

I appreciate everyone's input especially the posts that made me chuckle (e92 335d).

I'll try to respond when I can.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Tuesday 11th June
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dudleybloke said:
Does she have family nearby so you can drop her off there?
Yes but they are of the same mindset, they'll just say marriage is hard put up with it don't be weak.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Just every step of the way she's insulted me or put me down.

She egged me on to buy my dream car (e92/3 M3), I bought one.

Within 2 weeks she asked me to replace the flooring in the house and I said well I've just bought the car so I need to wait a bit.

Response to that: So you have money for a car but not the house.

I've been driven to the brink of insanity with crap like this.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Wednesday 12th June
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I've spoken with my family.

I'm getting the ball rolling.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Thursday 13th June
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By getting the ball rolling I have told my family that I want a divorce, they are fully supportive of it.

Going to sort things Monday, due to it being Eid Sunday and I don't want to ruin everyones day.

We are both British Pakistani and it wasn't arranged, we met fell in love and got married.

I'm not backing out but I feel extremely beaten up inside, almost like someone has died.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Saturday 15th June
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Told her.

She's crying her eyes out and literally begging me, won't let me leave a room until I change my mind.

This is beyond tough.


Original Poster:

362 posts

73 months

Sunday 16th June
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Her family came over, explain the situation.

They've taken her whilst they give me time to think. Not going to change my mind.

The comment above about discussing with family and trying to salvage it, I get it but I'm more western in my life/beliefs so that has no bearing on my decision.

Can't live a life of pain to appease a bunch of 65+ year olds.