The 2024 Noteworthy Deaths Thread

The 2024 Noteworthy Deaths Thread



Original Poster:

4,928 posts

215 months

Sunday 31st December 2023
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As the 2023 Celebrity RIP thread draws to a close, it’s time to prepare for 2024 with a more appropriate thread title!

Celebrities are of course still welcome, but anyone else newsworthy can be posted without fear of ‘but they’re not a celebrity!’.

SpudLink said:
It's impossible to know everyone. But the fact that you or I don't know (or care) who someone is does not mean that person's death is not worthy of note on this thread.
Edited by bristolbaron on Thursday 11th January 10:10


Original Poster:

4,928 posts

215 months

Thursday 11th January
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Mark-C said:
SpudLink said:
Seven7 said:
Blathering? Do you enjoy being condescending?

So I'm ignorant for not knowing that singers wife? You, of course, know all about her, yes?
It's impossible to know everyone. But the fact that you or I don't know (or care) who someone is does not mean that person's death is not worthy of note on this thread.
Would be nice to have this pinned ... it will happen regularly throughout the year as it does every year. It appears changing "celebrity" to "noteworthy" hasn't helped!

I actually find the people I know nothing about more interestingyes
Agreed, there’s plenty posted so far who I don’t know, last year one of the most interesting was a plane builder who certainly wasn’t a celebrity but led me down a deep wiki hole!

I’ve added Spud’s comment to the first post. By the end of the month things should settle down as usual!


Original Poster:

4,928 posts

215 months

Thursday 13th June
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Chuck Roberts. A nicely niche noteworthy one, probably unknown outside of House music, but to those that understand ‘In the beginning there was Jack, and Jack had a groooove’ he probably elevated your night!