Facts that shocked you

Facts that shocked you



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112 months

Sunday 25th June 2023
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A few.

The Holocaust. I was probably around eleven and off school sick watching daytime TV. I am not sure if it was a program for schools or perhaps an episode of The World at War. It was about the liberation of the death camps. There was footage of dead bodies piled up and the survivors in rags (just skin and bone). I knew the Germans were the “bad” guys but had had no idea of the evil they had perpetrated. I think my faith in humanity took a fatal hit that day and has never really recovered.

That light can be both a wave and a particle and that the same applies to other particles like electrons. The double slit single electron interference pattern still blows mind.

Special and general relativity and how time isn’t constant for all observers.

That the observable universe is only a (most likely) tiny part of the whole universe and that every day the observable universe gets “smaller” as the accelerating expansion of the universe means that light from the furthest stars and galaxies will never reach us.

The unimaginable scale of the universe. Even the bit we can see.

That there were an estimated 50 million to 100 million native Americans before the Europeans arrived (about a quarter to half the population of Europe at that time).

That you are not just you. In terms of number of cells we contain more “non” human cells (eg bacteria but also parasites) than human cells. We even have cells from our mothers.


Original Poster:

7,770 posts

112 months

Monday 26th June 2023
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Super Sonic said:
Every prime above 6 is a multiple of 6, plus or minus 1
That sounded more impressive on first reading it until I realised it was obvious. A multiple of six plus or minus 2 or 4 is even so can’t be prime. A multiple or six is also divisible by three so adding or subtracting 3 will also be divisible by 3 so not prime. Which only leaves plus or minus 1 or 5. But minus five is the same as the previous number divisible by six plus one. So effectively you can shorten it to just plus or minus one.


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112 months

Monday 26th June 2023
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Pitre said:
Pitre said:
Skeptisk said:
.... A multiple of six plus or minus 2 or 4 is even so can’t be prime. A multiple or six is also divisible by three so adding or subtracting 3 will also be divisible by 3 so not prime. Which only leaves plus or minus 1 or 5. But minus five is the same as the previous number divisible by six plus one. So effectively you can shorten it to just plus or minus one.
It's shocked me that you can write that before 7am. Hats off sir.
Just seen that you are in NZ. As you were.
NZ so last year. Now in Denmark.


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7,770 posts

112 months

Wednesday 5th July 2023
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GroundEffect said:
Countdown said:
DodgyGeezer said:
I remember being told as a child that the whole of the world's population could fit on the Isle of Wight - which would then sink due to the weight (whether both parts were untrue, neither or just the one I have no idea)
I’m not sure why it would sink? It’s not floating…
All land is floating. On the mantle. Whether or not the Isle of Wight would sink is another matter.
Having done some calculations. If you give each person an area of 0.15 m2 (cross section of the average coffin end up) then for the current 8 billion people you would need 1200 km2. The Isle of Wight has an area of 384 km2 so you would need four of them.

What this shows is the shocking fact of how much the human population has grown over our lifetime as I suspect then when this snippet was first stated the population of the earth was small enough to fit onto the Isle of Wight but in less than a century it is not.


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112 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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OzzyR1 said:
98elise said:
Fusion777 said:
OzzyR1 said:
Leads to moaning about the NHS being underfunded when the current annual budget is around £160 billion - a staggering amount if thought about.
True. Then think that there are individuals with even more wealth than that.
That wealth though is mainly the capital value of businesses, not a pile of cash. Its a value that will have accrued over a number of years, and may well have lots of "jam tomorrow" baked in. It may also never be fully crystalised and could in fact end up worth zero (Elon Musk is a good example)

The NHS consumes160bn of actual cash every year!
Yep, as I said above £300K/minute = £18million per hour = £438million/day.

£438million per day, every day of the year.

It is a colossal amount of money. On an individual level, people dream of the huge rollover lottery jackpot of £100million. The winner would be amongst the richest 300 in the UK.

That £100million fortune would run the NHS for 5 hours then that cash runs out.

I'm a fan of the NHS, but we can't keep puting more and more into it due to claims of underfunding & hope it will all be OK. What would be enough? £500million/day, £600million?

Insanity, needs an overhaul but no Govt will be brave enough to do it as they will be accused of "destroying the NHS".

Edited by OzzyR1 on Saturday 22 July 21:36

Edited by OzzyR1 on Saturday 22 July 21:37
There are over 60 million people in the UK. Per person that is £2700 a year. I think I was paying close to that for health insurance in Switzerland (it was a while ago so my memory not so certain). Health care is expensive and getting more expensive as they discover new therapies and drugs. On top of that we have an ageing population who need more healthcare. It certainly isn’t as simple as you are making out.


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112 months

Tuesday 1st August 2023
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GroundEffect said:
No two decks of 52 cards (the order of the cards) have ever been the same. Or ever will be the same.

The chances of that are for all intents and purposes infinitely less likely than you choosing the correct grain of sand (that someone has pre-earmarked) out of all the grains on earth.
Based on the maths, probably true. However I wonder whether it is true in practice. On many occasions people start with a pack of cards that are in order eg is someone has been playing patience. Then the cards are shuffled.

I wonder how many shuffles are required to mix them completely. If you only did one shuffle then there might not be that many different combinations so the chance of someone else having the same combination might be low enough for it to happen.

Not sure if my ramblings are comprehensible. Any experts in probability on here?


Original Poster:

7,770 posts

112 months

Wednesday 16th August 2023
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98elise said:
Girls are born with every egg they will ever produce.

This means that when a woman is pregnant with a daughter, she is also carrying the eggs that will one day be her grandchildren.
Some material crosses the umbilical cord so you can find DNA from the mother in their children.


Original Poster:

7,770 posts

112 months

Wednesday 16th August 2023
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pocketspring said:
DodgyGeezer said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
GroundEffect said:
Maths is taught very wrong to people.
English is taught wrongly too.
your both correct getmecoat
There both what? getmecoat

I sea what you did their!