Blast from the past - remind us of a thing

Blast from the past - remind us of a thing



Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 13 December 2023 at 10:31


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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Radec said:
The fantasy threesome growing up.

It's the Fun House, a whole lot of fun, prizes to be won!


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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Five kids on one end, the victim on the other. Three, two, one... goodbye front teeth!


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Teppic said:
eldar said:
Threads about things we had thought we'd forgotten.
Yeah, but the title of that thread makes my teeth itch.
Also, there were a lot of random pictures being posted and I wanted to try and elicit a more story-based thread here.

Where an image accompanied a memory, tale, or scenario to be shared.

It's been fun having breakout discussions and shared experiences around the campfire of past times.


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Okay so I knew Vinyl, Tapes, CDs.

But never realised there was a market for produced music on reel.

Apparently this aspect skipped me by.

The Pulp Fiction link; I presumed it was a Tarantino thing. That Marsellus was a producer or something or worked with movie film and had a trick stereo for that. Perhaps a foley artist in his downtime laugh

I feel like I need a casual woosh parrot, but the culture one, not the one that misses jokes!


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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cuprabob said:
Can anyone identify this phone number (singing in my head!)

081 811 8181
Live & Kicking.

Now do this one:

' 0 8 9 1 50- 50- 50 '




Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Saturday 28th October 2023
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You're presented with a book...

Turn to Page.5 to relive your youth, or Page.12 to be slaughtered by a mythical beast and have to read from the beginning again.

(Or be a snidey kid and keep one finger at this crossroads in case the death impending leaves you no out, so you may easily return to this point, the equivalent of a savestate.)


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Blib said:
nicanary said:
Anyone else have a dentist's appointment card in their jacket pocket for skiving off games on a winter's day? Just fill it in yourself, and hey presto.

(Didn't there used to be a supermarket chain called Prestos?)
Reminded me of playing football in the rain during break time and lunch, then sitting in the classroom in a soaking uniform, gently steaming.

Also, the playing ground football pitch pecking order. Woe betide a second year game daring to take place on the -wrong' pitch.
Our field looked like this...

school / field / sloping bank


From the school of a heady Summer lunchtime you could see whisps of cigarette smoke eminating from region of the banked field, with the culprits 'hidden' from view in their bunker.

All it took was one lookout along the ridge to keep an eyeout for wayward incoming Teachers laugh


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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dickymint said:
Last time I had to 'see' the head - according to the punishment book was for "language unbecoming of a scholar and gentleman" .......SIX fking lashes on the arse yikes
What was it like sailing on the Mary Rose?


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Sunday 29th October 2023
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Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Depending on your vintage, locale, and perspective. How quickly does your local Services fleet date...

... we took the boy in a Fire Engine for a yomp around the Top Gear test track years ago and he still has a glow of joy about it as a young man.

Wee Waa
Pszzzt Fump
Waw Waw
WoOp WoOp



Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Wednesday 1st November 2023
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Snoggledog said:
Dialing 123 on the telephone and hearing

At the third stroke the time sponsored by Accurist will be ........... precisely.... Beep Beep Beep

(Yes I know the service still exists but who's actually used it since the internet became a thing?)
Am I making this up... I'd swear Brian Blessed did it at some point for a laugh / charity / because Brian.


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Wednesday 1st November 2023
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yellowjack said:
No mention of Brian Blessed in this Wikipedia article...
I'll keep taking the pills then laugh


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Friday 3rd November 2023
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Slow.Patrol said:
Sticks. said:
I remember that M&S didn't take credit cards long after everywhere else did.
Yep. They made you take out their own "credit" card and insurance.

Years later it got me a £2k PPI payment. smile
Not just any payment protection...


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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dandarez said:


Half a stone of chocolate rofl


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Jonquil said:
hammo19 said:
Crepe paper crackers

I remember them. Didn't think they were that bad though.


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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RammyMP said:
pocketspring said:
Decorated Shire horse on the roads.

Old fellas with side burns like that chap’s!
Head to the West Country!


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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dickymint said:


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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wolfracesonic said:
Jordie Barretts sock said:
pocketspring said:
EmailAddress said:
dickymint said:
For when you hate people coming over for dinner and tell them via the food.
It does look like it's been consumed at least once before to be fair.
Pan seared face hugger served on a bed of despair?


Original Poster:

12,522 posts

221 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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Sticks. said:
DickyC said:
markymarkthree said:
dickymint said:

It was a real pi55er when you couldn't find the penny or half-penny after the train had passed. frown
Wasn't the slight impression of the coin on the track sufficient?
I got chatting to a friend's dad who's in his eighties. As boys they'd break into the shed near the railway and steal the explosive warning charges and place them on the line. Bullets? His friend's dad brought a Luger and live ammunition back from the war, so off to the woods they went with them. And the learnt to make hydrogen, would fill a balloon with it and attach a fuse, then let it go....

Young people today eh?
Waking around with all their fingers and eyebrows, probably without the high pitch squealing in their ears either.

They haven't lived!