Is PH just a bunch of Victor Meldrews?

Is PH just a bunch of Victor Meldrews?



Original Poster:

11,239 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd December 2004
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I apply this equally to myself as others, but is PH just a bunch of people who will grumble about anything and everything, and who cannot see anything good in the world?

We grumble about the current administration, and loathe Mr Bliar, Blunderkit and all the rest of them. However, we don't seem to think that the Tories are any much better - Oliver Letwin got a bit of a toasting on here a couple of days ago, and Michael Howard is not held in terribly high esteem. Oh, and don't mention the LibDems ...

Roads are too busy, speed limits too low, speed cameras too prevalent, Police too stupid, bureaucrats too bureaucratic, red tape too tough and rules inconsiderate. We don't like ID cards, but also don't like the raft of illegal immigrants which swamp our shores. Chavs are the scum of the earth, their parents are quite obviously to blame, that and the welfare system which supports their infinite chav-ness. Gypsies are possibly worse. The NHS sucks, the education system is little more than un-licensed crowd control and the end product is - well, see "Chav" above.

Prices are too high, public services too poor. Tax, tax, tax - we hate them all the same. Petrol is exhorbitantly expensive, and most of that cost is a tax for (once again) the benefit of chavs. Modern cars are characterless, car dealers are hopeless and drivers are clueless. (BMW's are quite, quite unmentionable.) Modern standards of honesty leave too much to be desired, and as for expecting customer service in a modern shop - forget it!

While I fully agree that there is much to be unhappy about in the UK today, does anyone have anything good to say about anything (other than TVR's)? Mrs zcacogp has taken to calling me "Victor Meldrew" whenever I start grumbling, and (I suspect) blames PH for instilling such critical views in my few neurones. (She's wrong as it is, such views are all my own.)



Original Poster:

11,239 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd December 2004
quotequote all
PetrolTed said:
As a community of people who aren't out robbing, theiving, abusing the social security system, claiming for falling off ladders, we are a bunch of people who know the real value of money - having earned it.

As such we are more likely to be offended by the way the Government piss our money up the wall. Hence the tone of discussions on here.

Bravo that man! Well played sir!

Very good to see that our great and glorious leader is so completely in tune with his acolytes.
