These pictures make my teeth itch

These pictures make my teeth itch



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212 months

Monday 10th March 2014
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Happy OCD, everyone!


Original Poster:

26,400 posts

212 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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Roverload said:
Mine, does my swede in!
What does? I'm not seeing anything amiss.


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26,400 posts

212 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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Not really about OCD though, are they?


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212 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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PHmember said:
Subtle but evil. I like it.


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26,400 posts

212 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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knotweed said:
That took me ages to spot!
I still haven't, unless the second exhaust is a photoshop?

Edited by Funk on Friday 14th March 21:58


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26,400 posts

212 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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VictoriaYorks said:
hifihigh said:
Yeah, I looked at the other replies and they mostly seemed to be ocd stuff. I find them irritating but they don't make my teeth itch like the images I posted. Especially the frog/toad one. I think I saw that first on Life on Earth as a time-lapse of the eggs hatching D:.

Those images make my teeth itch anyway.

I tried to find the image of the womans nipple with all the 'holes' in but couldn't. Anyone know the picture I mean? Trying to find anything to do with nipples on google that isn't porn related is a real challenge.
I know the image you mean, although I won't be posting it! If you search for "always wash your bra" you should find it pretty easily
It's a fake.

These things are easily checked, don't believe everything you see, especially on the internet...


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26,400 posts

212 months

Monday 24th March 2014
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Humans have an inbuilt natural reaction to what looks like rotten, infested or decaying flesh. It's a sign that something's wrong and shouldn't be touched or eaten as it could be dangerous to us.


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26,400 posts

212 months

Tuesday 1st April 2014
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212 months

Saturday 5th April 2014
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Mine are tingling more at the mangled spelling on that picture.


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212 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2014
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Sargeant Orange said:
We need a vote, that looks like an "S" to me
It's an S.

My thread, I'm over-ruling. hehe


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26,400 posts

212 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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clonmult said:
Bungleaio said:
kellys hero said:
saw this the other day, had to follow it through at a crawl for nearly 15 minutes...

Is that an off centre 5th parking sensor? The rain spots make it awkward to see.
Its the lights.

Right hand side - 2. On the left there's a third lower light that completely wrecks the whole back end of the car.
I think you're seeing things:


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26,400 posts

212 months

Saturday 31st May 2014
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Dibble said:
From the dash in my Saab (not the dust):

I'm missing something here.


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26,400 posts

212 months

Saturday 31st May 2014
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The reason is for better alignment/spacing on smaller screens at lower resolutions.


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212 months

Wednesday 18th June 2014
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HereBeMonsters said:
I actually rotate my tins - they go in the cupboard upside down, then once a week, get rotated. I swear the beans taste nicer.
I never pegged you as a bean-flipper.


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26,400 posts

212 months

Saturday 26th July 2014
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Sweet relief from this chaos:


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212 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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212 months

Friday 19th September 2014
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They would have to knock it down a re-do it if that were my place!


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26,400 posts

212 months

Saturday 20th September 2014
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Never seen a Mk4 with asymmetrical door mirrors (mine certainly didn't).

Edited by Funk on Saturday 20th September 22:29


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26,400 posts

212 months

Sunday 28th December 2014
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Oops. At least it's not perman.......oh.


Original Poster:

26,400 posts

212 months

Wednesday 31st December 2014
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anonymous said:

They have seized to surprise you.