One for the spelling police

One for the spelling police


Muncle Trogg

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161 months

Friday 11th November 2011
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Saw this and instantly thought of PH:

Muncle Trogg

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161 months

Friday 11th November 2011
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singlecoil said:
If we could turn this into a thread on misspelt words in general, and on PH in particular, then one beauty I came across here this morning was 'owness' in place of 'onus'.
Why not.

I had an email from my landlord yesterday using dia instead or dire.

Also saw a story one of my sons friends had written about a magical land, and in that land lived a younickorn. Made me chuckle.

Muncle Trogg

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161 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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Muncle Trogg

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940 posts

161 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2012
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Spartan luke said:
I have just recived my Sony BDV E880 5.1 off farther christmas.

Muncle Trogg

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940 posts

161 months

Wednesday 25th January 2012
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richie barry said:
im looking forward too whatching this especial if platos driving...

Muncle Trogg

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940 posts

161 months

Thursday 26th January 2012
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Cock Womble 7 said:
Georgelondon said:
I was tonight traveling back home driving my car from Acton I got on the carriage way (A40) to westminster central London, so I drove in the middle line of the A40 at night and I was followed by marked police car all the way to baker street. I drove in the middle line All the way after i turned into baker street I was flashed to stop so I did. I come out talking to the officer what's wrong Sir He relpaid do u hold driving license so I told him yes have it for 11 years now he said I can't beleive I asked why Sir he asked which lane should u use on carriage way of three lane to my knowledge please keep on the left and right lane for overtaking only I replied so he said because you were driving in the middle lane on the A40 I'm going to give you fine it's an offence to drive in the middle lane if the left is clear so I replied I have no knowledge of it and I see every body driving and I would like to appeal it as I feel it unfair so he said well you will loose your license if you go to court for appeal I said I will go to court I don't think highway codes say its offence so he asked the other officer to examine the car (tyres,handbrake .....) and told me to stand a side while he write my ticket and check my insurance and driving license 5 minutes the officer finished examine the car and went to the officer who was checking my license a minute later the officer came out of the car telling me he have to answer emergency call and I was lucky that he was called for despatch giving me my license back and drove off speeding with blue light and without issuing me a penalty notice ANY BODY HERE PLEASE CAN REPLAY IF THE OFFICER HAD THE RIGHT TO GIVE ME PENALTY FOR DRIVING IN THE MIDDLE LANE OF CARRIAGE WAY Thank you
Where do you start?
My dear lord. I wonder if he actually talks like that in real life, maybe the lack of punctuation has caused oxygen starvation and left some lasting damage!


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161 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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Both from the same thread

Monty Zoomer said:
Also, why do we have to indicate right even though we're turning left onto the motorway?

At every other type of junction we indicate the way we're planning to turn but on motorways and duel carriageways we indicate the opposite way.

It's very counter intuitive.

SVTRick said:
Many drivers never seem to grasp the basics of driving !

Your joining a major road, duel carriageway, motorway from a slip road.
Of course you fking signal your obliged to give way to the traffic when entering from a slip.
Edited by CaptainPeanut on Friday 20th September 16:34


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161 months

Monday 7th October 2013
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conkerman said:
Civic By a mile.

Leftfield choice would be an Almira GTi. A really, good little car.Hard to find a good one though.
Very hard to find when you're spelling it wrong!


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161 months

Tuesday 8th October 2013
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TonyRPH said:
ATTAK Z said:
CaptainPeanut said:
conkerman said:
Civic By a mile.

Leftfield choice would be an Almira GTi. A really, good little car.Hard to find a good one though.
Very hard to find when you're spelling it wrongly incorrectly!
Well that's just embarrassing, I'll go over to the corner and hang my head in shame.


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161 months

Friday 15th November 2013
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Chris77 said:
To be fair, This is actually the point I would make. It seems that the bible is an interpritation of gods words???? Why not just wright down what he said, rarther than a cryptic story that can then be made to fit whatever it is you want it to fit.

Again I go back to looking at it rationally (I know stuck record!)


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161 months

Thursday 15th May 2014
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LeoSayer said:
They're something like 500,000 kids at independent school in the UK. If each pays on average £10k pa, then that's £5bn in fees which become tax exempt.

Plus, if more kids went to independent schools then they'd need to find more teachers - where would they come from?