Stupid "bird"


Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,567 posts

216 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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a Chaffinch keeps headbutting the window and is trying to get in ,the dogs are both sat waiting for him to achieve his objective.....with their dinner bowls at the ready..

it must be able to see its reflection in the glass and sees itself as a threat ,

dog----and bird = more entertaining than tv..!


2,860 posts

187 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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our patio doors look out onto our garden and the dog often stares, barks etc at things invading our garden. in fact theres an almost perfectly horizontal line across them made from "dog grog" sprayed on when he barks and wet nose smears where he's pushed himself up against the window.

they also look a right state with the amount of pigeon shaped smears on them from where they have been flown into. had a sparrowhawk (i tihnk) fly into them and kill itself outright the othe day! those windows provide a LOT of entertainment

The Riddler

6,565 posts

200 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Not quite the same, but we have a budgie, its flown into the windows that often it can no longer really fly. biggrin


21,889 posts

228 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Road Hog said:
a Chaffinch keeps headbutting the window and is trying to get in ,the dogs are both sat waiting for him to achieve his objective.....with their dinner bowls at the ready..

it must be able to see its reflection in the glass and sees itself as a threat ,

dog----and bird = more entertaining than tv..!
Is the low sun reflecting in the window?


4,348 posts

209 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Hmmm a few days after having out conservatory fitted i walked into the closed doors, the bloody glass was very clean, my dad absolutely pissed himself laughing

Mr Fenix

863 posts

208 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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We have sliding glass doors onto the back yard and above that is a single pane rectangular window. When I clean it inside and out, you can see straight into the nice dark corners of the house.

I clean because we have 1-2 birds (finches and brown doves so far) a month slam into it...fall to the ground dazed right in front of the cats who are going crazy due to the glass door separating them from a tasty dove dinner!

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,567 posts

216 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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NDA said:
Road Hog said:
a Chaffinch keeps headbutting the window and is trying to get in ,the dogs are both sat waiting for him to achieve his objective.....with their dinner bowls at the ready..

it must be able to see its reflection in the glass and sees itself as a threat ,

dog----and bird = more entertaining than tv..!
Is the low sun reflecting in the window?
no its at the other side of the house ,windows in shade ,been nutting windows for about 4hours now,

here is the little fela..

starting to get irked now


12,134 posts

249 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Road Hog said:
a Chaffinch keeps headbutting the window and is trying to get in ,the dogs are both sat waiting for him to achieve his objective.....with their dinner bowls at the ready..

it must be able to see its reflection in the glass and sees itself as a threat ,

dog----and bird = more entertaining than tv..!
Spot on! It's mating season and his reflection is intruding.


2,579 posts

185 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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yikes WHAT! You havn't been watching eastenders.



4,615 posts

213 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Do the little fella a favour and selotape a sheet of A3 up against the glass.


1,539 posts

204 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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absolutely shat my self the ther day when a pheasant tried to fly through the front window. I don't know who got a bigger shock, me or my 9 week old boy who i was feeding st the time.


12,134 posts

249 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Pied Wagtails are notorious for 'challenging' their own reflection in car mirrors.


15,370 posts

191 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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richyb said:
Do the little fella a favour and selotape a sheet of A3 up against the glass.
draw a tiny pair of sunglasses on it, and a moustache, and he won't recognise the reflection anymore.

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,567 posts

216 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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richyb said:
Do the little fella a favour and selotape a sheet of A3 up against the glass.
did think the 2 dogs with jaws open and white teeth all sharp would have been enough to deter it from its window attack.


15,887 posts

266 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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samdale said:
our patio doors look out onto our garden and the dog often stares, barks etc at things invading our garden. in fact theres an almost perfectly horizontal line across them made from "dog grog" sprayed on when he barks and wet nose smears where he's pushed himself up against the window.

they also look a right state with the amount of pigeon shaped smears on them from where they have been flown into. had a sparrowhawk (i tihnk) fly into them and kill itself outright the othe day! those windows provide a LOT of entertainment
I think it might be time to give them a clean.


4,615 posts

213 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Road Hog said:
richyb said:
Do the little fella a favour and selotape a sheet of A3 up against the glass.
did think the 2 dogs with jaws open and white teeth all sharp would have been enough to deter it from its window attack.
A couple of dogs is not going to deter a horny finch! A sheet of paper will stop the reflection.


6,164 posts

227 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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johnnywgk said:
yikes WHAT! You havn't been watching eastenders.

Corrie perhaps frown


21,889 posts

228 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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Road Hog said:
NDA said:
Road Hog said:
a Chaffinch keeps headbutting the window and is trying to get in ,the dogs are both sat waiting for him to achieve his objective.....with their dinner bowls at the ready..

it must be able to see its reflection in the glass and sees itself as a threat ,

dog----and bird = more entertaining than tv..!
Is the low sun reflecting in the window?
no its at the other side of the house ,windows in shade ,been nutting windows for about 4hours now,

here is the little fela..

starting to get irked now

I thought he/she might have been trying to fly into the sun which sometimes happens.


1,851 posts

208 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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westtra said:
absolutely shat my self the ther day when a pheasant tried to fly through the front window. I don't know who got a bigger shock, me or my 9 week old boy who i was feeding st the time.
Would have been worse if you were a woman...

Yes, I did check your profile.

Monkey boy 1

2,063 posts

234 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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We've got a couple of birds do this at work, the only difference is that they are crows and they only seem to pick one window to constanlty fly into and that's the CEO's window.laugh
It's even more amusing if you knew who my CEO is !!

The m-in-law has it happen in her bungalow lounge window, but it was more like a mis-manouvre & knock-out by the bird, rather than a headbutting exercise. Luckily the bird in question (a sparrow hawk) made a full recovery.

Also if you think about it, why do you put a mirror into a Budgies cage, Surely this woud really p1$$ it off rather than keep it ammused ?