Dangerous sqirrels: Dogs beware!

Dangerous sqirrels: Dogs beware!



Original Poster:

10,376 posts

286 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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"Squirrels have bitten to death a stray dog which was barking at them in a Russian park, local media report."


1,635 posts

234 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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Thought this was going to be the first 2007 squirrel/NUKE from orbit thread.


7,585 posts

253 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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i always knew squirrels would be the perfect killing machine.

David A

3,617 posts

254 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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Thought I recognised the headline - it is from 1 Dec 2005 - so what on earth were you searching for to find that !?


Original Poster:

10,376 posts

286 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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Lets just hope they're not going to displace the grey squirrels like they displaced the reds. yikes


88,902 posts

287 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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9,921 posts

256 months

Monday 1st January 2007
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Mates house backs onto some woods that are infested with tree rats. He has six cats - but the vermin still rampage through the kitchen and have engaged in combat with one of the cats.

Hard little barstewards yes


8,293 posts

280 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I was telling some colleagues about the black squirrels last year and they were convinced I was making it up.

Not so - they are well 'ard and they are here already.



70,125 posts

232 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Killing a dog seems a bit far fetched? If the dog had died of starvation and they then started eating the body, that I could almost believe.


21,816 posts

228 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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17,113 posts

267 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Must be something in the air.

We nearly got stabbed by a rabbit whilst enjoying a quiet pint last night...


16,484 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Where is Tallbloke?

Is he still about? He was a good contributor.


11,876 posts

254 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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It was probably kind of babychild-dog wearing a pricess outfit like Parisite Hilton carries around.

The squirrels were simply ashamed.

Anyway, my cat Boris has captured and killed two squirrels so whatever it was should be ashamed of itself. Or dead.


5,666 posts

195 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Article said it was a large dog, didn't say what colour it was. I fear it was probably a racially motivated attack.

Ona more serious note, squirrels are double hard bds. I'm sure I remember reading an article in the Daily Wail a couple of years ago about a Labrador having to have major facial surgery after being attacked by a lone squirrel which ripped its face to bits. I'm always a bit wary of them now to be honest.


1,254 posts

190 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Squirrels or labs ?


2,662 posts

191 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Mexico. said:
Squirrels or labs ?
lab attacking squirrels


4,615 posts

213 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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This really is old news - Last Updated: Thursday, 1 December 2005, 18:14 GMT


1,254 posts

190 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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They must be double hard bastids in Lazo funny news many moons ago smile


70,125 posts

232 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I went to view a house where the resident cat was clearly a double hard b***rd. There were two dead squirrels in the garden and the cat was busy stalking another up the tree.