


Original Poster:

118 posts

2 months

Tuesday 25th June
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As its a Tuesday, a lovely sunny Tuesday, I'd thought I'd ask....

If you create something in your mind, does it actually exist?

Over to you!


1,566 posts

5 months

Tuesday 25th June
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What do you mean by exist?

Gordon Hill

1,056 posts

18 months

Tuesday 25th June
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It exists.........
But only in your mind.


2,568 posts

216 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Spare tyre

9,831 posts

133 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Don’t mind me


5,170 posts

231 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Yes - to you
No - to me

Until you tell me

Then yes

I'm a Christian, so this might explain things, or not depending in one's faith.

I guess it depends on what you've created, what it does and how much other people what to believe it.

Or not


8,135 posts

283 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Tried this with Kelly LeBrock in the 80's disappointingly it didn't work .... Yup tried it with the Micro as well ..


70,090 posts

232 months

Tuesday 25th June
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No. Only as a concept in your mind.


908 posts

218 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I like to think that novel ideas that are new to you exist. They exist as a concept not as a solid reality, but they still exist.


4,660 posts

284 months

Tuesday 25th June
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You think, therefore you are. However, it isn't.


7,365 posts

186 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Yes absolutely.

What existence means however ...


365 posts

208 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Nope. When I'm 6 ft down there will be nothing.


4,374 posts

167 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I think, there I am…..is as close as you can get.

You could be a Boltzmann Brain.

Odds on a simulation are reasonably high.

Universe appears also to be highly determinist, at our scale anyway.

Your consciousness could just be an output of your brain and perhaps having any control is just an illusion.

I try not to worry about it. Probably doesn’t matter anyway.


4,374 posts

167 months

Wednesday 26th June
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dundarach said:
Yes - to you
No - to me

Until you tell me

Then yes

I'm a Christian, so this might explain things, or not depending in one's faith.

I guess it depends on what you've created, what it does and how much other people what to believe it.

Or not
A lot of faith depends on personal experience - non testable.

Real to the person experiencing it but unprovable.

Telling you something is not proof.


9,298 posts

206 months

Wednesday 26th June
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If I recall Bishop Berkeley’s writings correctly, it’s the only place where things exist, according to him.


13,082 posts

258 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Tenacious said:
If you create something in your mind, does it actually exist?
There's a technique taught by weirdy-beardy management guru types called 'Visualisation'. I was introduced to this in the 90s on some management away day where you have to make rafts out of your colleagues or something. The theory is that you visualise something you want or want to achieve; you imagine yourself having attained or achieved that thing and do this regularly until it becomes etched into your psyche to such a degree that you believe it to be real. This differs from setting goals or targets because these are prone to change. At the time, I placed this firmly in the box marked "A Load of Old bks".

However, early 00s and I'm working for a chap who fully embraces this idea. Spurred on by him, I find myself unwittingly visualising a couple of things related to my career as well as the desire to have a 'red sports car in my garage'. These 'visualisations' become ever more prevalent (featuring in dreams, for example) and 20 years on, they have all manifested into reality.

I've since retrospectively explored this idea. The theory expands that by creating a visualisation of the reality you desire in your mind, informs the choices you make to such a degree that those choices contribute towards transitioning that visualisation of desired reality - into reality. Looking back, this is exactly what happened to me.

I can't say that I've fully taken the idea out of the 'load of bks' box but the lid is certainly open!

So in answer to the question, I would say that if you create something in your mind, it doesn't exist in reality but because it exists in your mind it has the strong propensity to become real.

Roofless Toothless

5,817 posts

135 months

Wednesday 26th June
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psi310398 said:
If I recall Bishop Berkeley’s writings correctly, it’s the only place where things exist, according to him.
Exactly. If only we had people called philosophers who have been pondering all this for centuries. The OP should read some Kant, or Plato even.


5,170 posts

231 months

Wednesday 26th June
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jdw100 said:
dundarach said:
Yes - to you
No - to me

Until you tell me

Then yes

I'm a Christian, so this might explain things, or not depending in one's faith.

I guess it depends on what you've created, what it does and how much other people what to believe it.

Or not
A lot of faith depends on personal experience - non testable.

Real to the person experiencing it but unprovable.

Telling you something is not proof.
Well I think that was my point.

The question was "If I create it in my head, does it exist?"

Faith by its nature can't be proved and yet some 85%* believe in something which could quite possibly have all been made up in someone's head!

So the answer to the original question is, Yes. If you create something in your head, it can very much exist.

Unless I guess, it only become real once communicated??


Capitan Obvio

17,823 posts

203 months

Wednesday 26th June
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You can create a vision of what success looks like in your mind.
But its a series of decision making and work towards that vision that counts imo. And some degree of luck whether it happens or not.

I dated someone who was into a load of st about 'manifestation' and 'cosmic energy'...
Basically seemed to be lots of thinking and writing about what she wanted / deserved in life. In quite some detail I'll add.
Didn't seem to do much actual work towards these goals though... seemed to think the universe would just provide if she wished hard enough...
Bumped into her few months ago, 5 years later her life hasn't moved on one bit.
And she's now really into Crystals or Tarot or something. It was immediately utterly boring fantasy-land bks.
I remembered instantly why I stopped seeing her and within 2mins wished her all the best whilst making a sharp exit.
At best an innocent, easily-led fantasist who is probably deluded.
At worst just plain lazy, taking zero accountability for building the life one wants.

Still pretty though with nice boobs, so number still in phone just in case. hehe


11,999 posts

190 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Narcisus said:
Tried this with Kelly LeBrock in the 80's disappointingly it didn't work .... Yup tried it with the Micro as well ..
Science is indeed Weird wink