The smell of cannabis

The smell of cannabis


Wacky Racer

Original Poster:

38,458 posts

250 months

Monday 24th June
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OK, I'll start by saying I've never taken recreational drugs in my life of any description, never smoked and have no intention of doing so.

However, if someone walks past that is on the stuff, I catch a brief whiff of it's "earthy" smell, which, to be honest doesn't bother me, I won't say I like it, but I don't dislike it.

The Mrs however hates it, but she also hates smoking.

Not sure what the point of the post is tbh, biggrin but there you go.


7,320 posts

121 months

Monday 24th June
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Can't stand the smell personally, but each to their own, no worse than walking through a cloud of cig smoke..

What bothers me more is when you're driving or sat in traffic and can smell it emanating from a car in front of you rolleyes


1,723 posts

193 months

Monday 24th June
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The smell of the dried buds is nice but I don't like the smell when it's smoked. Plus it lingers for ages! If someone walks past smoking it on the street you can smell it for ages!


511 posts

34 months

Monday 24th June
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Can't stand it personally, but you smell it everywhere these days. If I walk into town I guarantee I will smell it once or twice as I walk past houses. I have been in Tesco's before and smelt it on someone who was two aisles away. The smell has been so strong from the car in front that I have been able to smell it in my car.

These people and their houses must absolutely reek of the stuff.

I live near the Thames, the amount of people who sit there and just smoke it in plain sight is incredible. Have the police essentially given up even trying to prosecute people?

Mont Blanc

808 posts

46 months

Monday 24th June
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It must only be me who actually thinks the smell is quite pleasant? To my nose, it smells a bit like Christmas tree pine needles.

Never smoked the stuff and no intention to ever smoke it, but I don't mind the smell of it. I've seen loads of comments and threads over the years where people get really mad about the smell, especially if they can smell it in their garden or whatever, and it baffles me.

But then again, I did comment recently that I liked the smell of cigarettes and cigars despite being a non-smoker, so clearly it's me with the defective sense of smell biggrin

Agree with the comments though, it is absolutely everywhere these days. You smell it all the time in traffic, in town, in city, coming from peoples gardens, in the park, everywhere. People will just openly stand smoking it in public without a care in the world.


1,566 posts

5 months

Monday 24th June
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I really dislike the smell. It’s as as unpleasant to me as dog st.


20,312 posts

123 months

Monday 24th June
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I used to love the smell of black resin only...bush just smelt like a forest fire lol.

Years later it's all a bit sweet and sickly.

Wheel Turned Out

676 posts

41 months

Monday 24th June
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I used to drive city buses, and on most days even by 10am the reek of it was pervasive.

(No it wasn't mine, before you ask biglaugh)

Spare tyre

9,831 posts

133 months

Monday 24th June
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We have a pathway up the side of our house where teenagers go to smoke weed and people smoke there before / after the bus

Most days you get a wiff for ten seconds and it’s over, as time has gone on it’s becoming very frequent, we were wondering if people have a weed vape flavour


21,456 posts

287 months

Monday 24th June
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I often smell it outside my local pub from the smoking area. Not a great advertisement really.

Don't really mind it but does seem to have a bad effect on some who smoke it and drink heavily as well.


6,760 posts

187 months

Monday 24th June
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The smell of cigarette smoke is much more offensive to me personally. Living in the Netherlands for the last year and the smell of weed is an everyday occurrence, especially as I live near University halls.


31,622 posts

236 months

Monday 24th June
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I quite like the smell of it. Way better than cigarette smoke or most vapes.

Spare tyre

9,831 posts

133 months

Monday 24th June
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parabolica said:
The smell of cigarette smoke is much more offensive to me personally. Living in the Netherlands for the last year and the smell of weed is an everyday occurrence, especially as I live near University halls.
Whanna hava Smhoke?


3,523 posts

27 months

Monday 24th June
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It's not a good smell - smells like cat piss. The girl in the house next door smokes tons of it, sitting in the chair on her patio and within 30 seconds of her lighting up, my house stinks of the stuff. I've no issue with the plant itself and what people choose to do with it, but it's not a pleasant smell. It is however better than the stench of cigarette smoke.


690 posts

167 months

Monday 24th June
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Its use is rampant, I catch its odour all the time when out.
The war on weed has been truly lost.


12,348 posts

191 months

Monday 24th June
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It's an awful stench!


11,662 posts

212 months

Monday 24th June
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cant stand it. was out shopping the other day and a builders van in the car park was leeching smoke, the stench of weed was so strong you could smell it 20-30m away

how they get away with it when driving is ridiculous (see phone use, watching tv etc as well)

Rich Boy Spanner

1,389 posts

133 months

Monday 24th June
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It stinks and so do the paranoid losers that use it, or as somebody else wrote, it is 'the stench of failure'.


2,163 posts

40 months

Monday 24th June
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I think it smells lovely dried. Smell is hugely subjective. Alchol for instance smells very bad to those who abstain. But wine drinkers sniff before drinking!

Burning is different, all burnt stuff stinks to my nose. Even incense etc.

In my experience usage demographic curve is very u shaped. Lots of losers use it, the middle has a stigma, but it ramps up again at the other end.
I can only see it going one way. Once it’s legalised I imagine the curve will flatten out as it’s a good return on investment in terms of health and time vs alcohol.

Edited by lizardbrain on Monday 24th June 16:00


3,087 posts

225 months

Monday 24th June
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To me it stinks of Body Odor, so I find it unpleasant in people or in the streets. Definitely a lot of folk it comes from their vape machines