Classic from the Mrs! Vol 2

Classic from the Mrs! Vol 2


Big Al.

Original Poster:

69,032 posts

261 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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Continued from here

Over to you........


19,772 posts

161 months

Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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I didn't realise it got that big.

(The thread, that is...!)


1,034 posts

167 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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'I've woken up with a headache in my neck'


14,751 posts

146 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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Im surprised that it took that long to get to 500 pagessmile


32,278 posts

203 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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kowalski655 said:
Im surprised that it took that long to get to 500 pagessmile
I'm not, after lots of regular posters got banned for rofl pryamiding.

I've been waiting weeks to post the following -

Mrs Hooli, doing a bit of rendering on a difficult wall - 'This is really starting to annoy me.'
Me - 'Shall I do some?'
Mrs Hooli - 'No! it's relaxing.'



9,950 posts

209 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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Yesterday, drove past a house with some xmas lights tied to the guttering.

She says: 'do you think they used a ladder to get them up there'

No dear, I think they probably hovered!


6,855 posts

156 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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The wife's just got a new car, again with parking beepers that beep the same as her previous 4 cars, but even so, the first time she drove it, she put it in reverse and the beepers started:
Wife: but how do I know when I get near anything?
Me: eh? The same way as your previous cars.
Wife: but they sound different?
Me: they are still fking beeping aren't they?

She didn't talk to me for a while after my WTF?!? The screen showing the car with yellow and red round it must have got her confused!

Bit of a Unit

6,775 posts

200 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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Told the other half she was being a Cupid stunt last night.

What do you mean, is that some sort of nasty love trick? she replied.

It took her a few minutes and me saying for sucks fake in mock exasperation for the penny to drop.


11,151 posts

153 months

Thursday 25th December 2014
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Just opened the Christmas Dates, we did not buy the usual type, and we're disappointed with our choice.
"I told you we should have bought Majeski Dates!"

Is he in that business too?


168 posts

120 months

Saturday 27th December 2014
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Whilst looking round the house we have now moved into, stood in the conservatory after her messing around with various light switches on the wall.

"Oh I wont be spending much time in here, its really draughty".

I didnt even open my mouth, just caught her eye and glanced up at the ceiling fan hurtling round above her head, all I got was "DON'T!"

The other night sat watching Miami Vice.......

"Where is this film set".

God help me!!!!


18,327 posts

201 months

Saturday 27th December 2014
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"Birds of praise"


8,537 posts

203 months

Saturday 27th December 2014
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Just now- "if I keep pressing this button on the Sky remote I'll get CSI in my finger"


2,073 posts

224 months

Sunday 28th December 2014
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Nice of the ladies to keep us amused all this time.

fatboy b

9,519 posts

219 months

Sunday 28th December 2014
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We went to friends for Xmas. I was driving her car for the first time in a while. As it got dark, I noticed the o/s headlamp wasn't projecting properly. "What's wrong with that headlight?" I asked. "Not noticed anything wrong". She replied.

We got where we were going, so I asked her to flick the main beam on and off while I look from the front to see if I could fathom out what's wrong. Bearing in mind it's her car, I got:-
- indicators on both sides flashing alternately
- the wipers on both slow and fast
- the headlamps & windscreen washed

then eventually the lights got flashed. rolleyes


3,992 posts

237 months

Sunday 28th December 2014
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"Hi, I want to buy a new phone, preferably on an Orange contract".............. In the Vodafone shop!


2,697 posts

237 months

Sunday 28th December 2014
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Hasbeen said:
Nice of the ladies to keep us bemused all this time.


10 posts

187 months

Monday 29th December 2014
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im as daft as my misses.. put thread in wrong place any way .. so ive moved it here ..

when i was feeding the fish in the aquarium she looked distressed and said , will it get in there eyes lol


1,215 posts

184 months

Monday 29th December 2014
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We were walking across the beach one day as the the tide was coming we approached the estuary she pipes up " if the tide is coming in does the water flow backwards back to the source.then come down when the tide goes


3,938 posts

152 months

Tuesday 30th December 2014
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illmonkey said:
"Birds of praise"


3,283 posts

152 months

Tuesday 30th December 2014
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I imagine this guy will be along when his missus comes home and describes the petrol cap switching sides...