New Pie & Piston Forums

New Pie & Piston Forums



Original Poster:

40,601 posts

243 months

Monday 6th April 2009
quotequote all
Welcome to the newly created Pie & Piston forums woohoo

As many of you will know, creating new forums isn't unusual for PistonHeads and when we started 10 years ago there were only a small number of forums available. Over time we have grown to have the huge variety of fora we offer today as we increase to cope with demand.

We only create new forums when the usage demands it and the Pie and Piston now has such a huge amount of traffic it has resulted in a large number of posts and has become the largest forum on the site.

Search through it and you'll find a host of useful information, but as the post count increases that is easily lost due to the immense amount of traffic passing through there. Sadly, the P&P also attracts its fair share of schoolboys posting rubbish and these posts have made the forum a less attractive place to be for many of you. It also means that more sensible topics are pushed off of the front pages quite quickly and some great content is lost.

The new P&P gives you a wide choice of topics to choose from, meaning it's easier to search for the content you want and more importantly it's easier to receive a swift answer to any questions you want to post. These forums cover all of the areas that are discussed in P&P currently and we have taken a long time to ensure we have got things just right. If you have any suggestions for anything we have missed then please post these in website feedback.

The 'old' Pie & Piston will remain live as a 'read only' forum but you can move topics over to the relevant new forum if you would like to comment and continue the discussion, but we have moved many topics over already to save you the trouble.

The 'Lounge' forum is the place for any matters not covered by the new forums, but as we want to make this new area a success we urge you to use the relevant forums for any new posts you make. This will help to create debate and activity across all of the sections available and will get us up and running as soon as possible.

Any topics posted in non- relevant forums will be moved by the moderators.

Sit back, relax and settle into your new home, it's a new era for P&P and you are the people that will make it a success. Use it, enjoy it and use website feedback for any comments or suggestions.