In "theory"... is it reasonable

In "theory"... is it reasonable



Original Poster:

11,876 posts

259 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Say, for example if your neighbours cut down a lovely wood at the back of your garden...... (OK the wood was their wood but it provided a great deal of privacy) but they then built a hideous tiered, landscaped, lawned monstrosity including a picnic area (with hideous taste in furniture... makes it worse I feel) from which you had no screening.... and from which they overlooked your entire garden and house..... and THEN conducted walking tours with their freinds on Sundays to basically "show off" their twee landscaping and planting but which included standing in a group at the top, and looking at your house, a lot.

So would you think it reasonable to tie an inflatable doll to the nearest tree facing their garden?

She does look like she has an expression of suprise (at the shiny teak furniture) awe on her face... and a gesture of 'wow, isn't your lawn lovely' with her hands?

Red Kite

3,358 posts

199 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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10,731 posts

239 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Hell yes!

Photos please....


2,149 posts

203 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Edited by AlpineWhite on Sunday 29th March 17:57

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

233 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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If one had one to hand, certainly. Buying one just for the purpose would seem a little overzealous.

But if you did have one to hand, that would also raise a few questions...

Shaw Tarse

31,679 posts

211 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Please post pics.


536 posts

205 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Fantastic, nice idea.


77,520 posts

290 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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I can imagine that would be annoying. Sunbathe naked next time they have guests.

Shaw Tarse

31,679 posts

211 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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ShadownINja said:
I can imagine that would be annoying. Sunbathe naked next time they have guests.
That would only encourage the tours!


650 posts

214 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Shaw Tarse said:
Please post pics.

a veritable bargain at £7.99 smile

Red Kite

3,358 posts

199 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
Say, for example if your neighbours cut down a lovely wood at the back of your garden...... (OK the wood was their wood but it provided a great deal of privacy) but they then built a hideous tiered, landscaped, lawned monstrosity including a picnic area (with hideous taste in furniture... makes it worse I feel) from which you had no screening.... and from which they overlooked your entire garden and house..... and THEN conducted walking tours with their freinds on Sundays to basically "show off" their twee landscaping and planting but which included standing in a group at the top, and looking at your house, a lot.

So would you think it reasonable to tie an inflatable doll to the nearest tree facing their garden?

She does look like she has an expression of suprise (at the shiny teak furniture) awe on her face... and a gesture of 'wow, isn't your lawn lovely' with her hands?
Seriously, though. Something similar happened to me once. It really makes you question the personalities of people who go out of their way to get a view of your house that they hitherto had privacy from, doesn't it?


1,851 posts

213 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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You need to have the arm in the waving position and a big cardboard speechbubble attached saying "Hello there!"


794 posts

203 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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I think a couple of inflatable sheep might enhance the scene.


9,699 posts

282 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Perfectly reasonable .... IF accompanied by posted pics here


35,829 posts

279 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Zen. said:
I think a couple of inflatable sheep might enhance the scene.
INflatable gay doll with his inflatable wiener up an inflatable sheep's ring.


10,877 posts

196 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
quotequote all please of said doll tied up and said nosey gits biggrin


Original Poster:

11,876 posts

259 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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It was rhetorical....

Of course

Yes, will post pics.

Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.


19,529 posts

215 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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A flock of inflatable sheep balanced with their tails in the air, and some spring flowers using them as vases........


35,829 posts

279 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
It was rhetorical....

Of course

Yes, will post pics.

Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.
I think I may have been with her.


32,033 posts

229 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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What a great idea clap