Home Births...



Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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No explicit detail needed thanks... but, have any of you been through this, and if so was it ok, any lessons?

We're within 5 mins of the maternity ward BTW and this would be our second.


1,449 posts

214 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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5 minutes!? You haven't left people much time to answer, eh? eek


Mr Trophy

6,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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rasputin said:
5 minutes!? You haven't left people much time to answer, eh? eek


Edited by Olf on Saturday 28th June 20:45


17,932 posts

206 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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If you have a pool remember to buy a fishing net for the little brown fish.


Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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rhinochopig said:
If you have a pool remember to buy a fishing net for the little brown fish.
I've been through it before mate - you're not going to shock me...wink


18,650 posts

217 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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been there for all 3 of my lads and why anyone would want to do it at home is beyond me.

Apart from the availability of medical skills and equipment should all not go to play, birth is a very messy event.

Best wear your wellies and resist the urge to shout "Surf's Up!"


795 posts

273 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Make sure the water is at the right temperature. Remember, check by using your elbow biggrin


Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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The right people aren't here tonight are they...


Mr Trophy

6,808 posts

211 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Olf said:
The right people aren't here tonight are they...

I blame the beer frown


Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Mr Trophy said:
Olf said:
The right people aren't here tonight are they...

I blame the beer frown
No way dude - we planned this one.


13,753 posts

263 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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The right person is sitting about 2 ft away that way >>>>

But unfortunately she's sleeping in front of the telly! However she's a community midwife so knows all about them as she goes out at all times of day and night to deliver them!

It is of course policy to encourage home births as they are far less stressful, and use much less resources than a hospital birth. Historically a hospital birth was good because mother and child stayed in for several days allowing the family time to adjust. Now your lucky if they stay in for more than a couple of hours.

The best place to have a baby is one of the midwife lead units where you get home birth experience but the mess is left for someone else to sort!


9,335 posts

215 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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I am 100% against home births, and midwives in general to be honest. The expertise is just not there when needed.

Our son would be dead if we had a home birth.


6,083 posts

219 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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A woman on another forum I'm on had a home birth and typed up her experience for all to see! So I went and found the post for you.


It's the 7th post down.


1,697 posts

218 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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One of my step children was born from a home birth and my wife said it was the easist birth due to the relaxation from being at home. Most midwives positively encourage home births unless the mother is too far away from a hospital in case of major emergency- most of which can be assessed anyway.

Mrs BB says "go for it", just don't bank on keeping the sheets afterwards!


6,083 posts

219 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Oh, before the above woman had her home birth she asked the rest of the forum if they'd had any so there's some more stories on this other thread:


And of course, you can always PM the resident PH midwife, Lois.


Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Thanks for this - I will have a good read. My wife is very keen - I'm not so sure.


42,676 posts

272 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Ive witnessed hundreds of Home Births, and have have wide knowlage on the subject.

Ok, i might be lying.


12,362 posts

224 months

Saturday 28th June 2008
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Vixpy1 said:
Ive witnessed hundreds of Home Births, and have have wide knowlage on the subject.
Charlie, reverse pregnancy is something completely different.wink


Original Poster:

11,974 posts

226 months

Sunday 29th June 2008
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Vixpy1 said:
Ive witnessed hundreds of Home Births, and have have wide knowlage on the subject.

Ok, i might be lying.
We're not talking chocolate hostages here...