Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40


Biker's Nemesis

39,274 posts

211 months

I've taxed the big Yellow Motorcycle, I'll pop to the dealers to get it plugged in for its service history then see how long it takes me to say Holy f*ck when I open it up.

Bathroom cleaned and kitchen floor mopped.

I'm sure I had something else to do. Mrs Nemesis will no doubt remind me when she gets in!


762 posts

76 months

Good morning all.

Scattered sunshine with occasional gusts.

Today is beds in the fortnightly washing cadence ordained by Mrs F. I am well ahead of the game having executed the required change of linen and also (in what was, for the avoidance of doubt, an entirely seperate task) created new bin capacity by doing an early morning run to the tip while listening to smug labour people and crestfalllen tory people on the radio.

My feet are a bit too cold for just slippers, but a bit too warm for socks and slippers. I'm not sure what to do about that.


39,122 posts

190 months

So i decided to have a mooch round the town whilst the Big Mazda is in for it’s service.
It used to be such a vibrant town centre but now seems to be just charity shops, cafes, opticians and the ‘spoons for the local alcy’s to get smashed on the cheap.
I walked round it in 25 minutes so decided to carry on walking as i won’t get the car back until 1.30ish.
Just sat down in the dealers after a 4 mile walk.

I’m fair puggled now


62,468 posts

220 months

slopes said:
So i decided to have a mooch round the town whilst the Big Mazda is in for it’s service.
It used to be such a vibrant town centre but now seems to be just charity shops, cafes, opticians and the ‘spoons for the local alcy’s to get smashed on the cheap.
I walked round it in 25 minutes so decided to carry on walking as i won’t get the car back until 1.30ish.
Just sat down in the dealers after a 4 mile walk.

I’m fair puggled now
I've mostly lived in Wales for 6 years, realised I don't know much around North Wilts anymore. Just popped to the supermarket mall, to find the newsagents has closed that had the post office in. That's moved elsewhere. I know where nothing was on the shelves anymore, and just about every other shop there had changed.


39,122 posts

190 months

The town council of the place the Mazda was being serviced, made the shrewd decision to close the post office and sell it to a housing company, who knocked seven bales out of, then sold it to a charity who have let it go to ruin.
The post office went to a small ish supermarket that occupied two shops, so not tiny but not big either.
They've downsized to one shop now and so you have the worlds crappest post office counter that can't take parcels, only letters and sells naff all but stamps, What is the point?
The nearest post office of any real use is about 30 miles away, so everytime you need to renew your driving licence picture, it is some trek.

However, i did notice the council had sold some land for a new building.....a Starbucks. Opposite Esquires coffee house, round the corner from an independent coffee house and a 4 minute walk from Costa and Prezzo
Even the banks have all but left the town, HSBC is the last one left with any presence in the town now.

I did snigger a little when i was walking back to the dealers and passed the local Conservative Club - most people joined it for cheap booze but it was a forlorn sight this morning, all the old ducks at the bus stup sucking air through their teeth and shaking their heads.

I'm tempted to send an email to the Labour Party and ask them if, that now they are back in power again, they wouldn't mind awfully removing my name from their mailing list, i neither want or welcome their claptrap through my door. I might even point out that i have never once voted for them and nor will i ever, so please, pretty please, stop sending me your crap or i'll send you some of mine and that is a whole different ballgame and no mistake.

Edited by slopes on Friday 5th July 21:09


39,296 posts

101 months

Some learning at work, followed by my Friday gym session, lunch consumed, and now off to see my dad to try and get some of his bank stuff sorted.


6,797 posts

195 months

Dentist done and dusted - all sorted.

When we moved house we kept our NHS dentist where we used to live. Just as well because finding one near here is impossible and they're a great dentist. Only downside is 35 minute drive.

On the way back I popped into a few sofa places to scope out options as ours has started to collapse.

It's made me realise how expensive decent new sofas are so might try and repair this one first as it's comfy and owes us nothing. (We bought it second hand 8years ago)


62,468 posts

220 months

Watch f1 practice1, walked Asha, chopped a whole 1 ton builders bag of ivy down, now it's raining again.


62,468 posts

220 months

Hang on!!! I don't remember...



3,458 posts

160 months

Greetings, earthlings.

If any of you want a scapegoat for the Summer weather blame me.

I bought a Chimaera in May and I've had it out of the garage once. Barely a day has gone by without at least a shower of rain. Apart from last week when it was 26/27 degrees at home. But I was on holiday in Cornwall where it was ten degrees cooler and mainly cloudy with scattered showers.


62,468 posts

220 months

Good choice of car, but you know you can drive them all the time...


3,458 posts

160 months

Ha ha, yeah I know I can but I really don't want to get it too wet.


9,065 posts

149 months

I was hoping we were discussing a mythical beast

Mr Magooagain

10,219 posts

173 months

Mallard126 said:
Greetings, earthlings.

If any of you want a scapegoat for the Summer weather blame me.

I bought a Chimaera in May and I've had it out of the garage once. Barely a day has gone by without at least a shower of rain. Apart from last week when it was 26/27 degrees at home. But I was on holiday in Cornwall where it was ten degrees cooler and mainly cloudy with scattered showers.
What size logs does it take?

Still Mulling

12,772 posts

180 months

Hi Mallard wavey


39,296 posts

101 months

Nice to see Mallard126 back posting!!

I'm a little stiff after the gym earlier, I don't suppose doing 5 reps @ 110kg deadlift has helped.


Original Poster:

50,333 posts

201 months

Bobberoo said:
Nice to see Mallard126 back posting!!

I'm a little stiff after the gym earlier, I don't suppose doing 5 reps @ 110kg deadlift has helped.
I say, old boy. There are limits to what we are prepared to discuss here before twenty one hundred hours.


62,468 posts

220 months

Seems we have the grandkids overnight.

Is that sugerfree jelly camping, said Mrs b
Of course not says I, where's the joy in that.

Plus I've introduced them to Angel delight...


39,296 posts

101 months

Byker28i said:
Seems we have the grandkids overnight.

Is that sugerfree jelly camping, said Mrs b
Of course not says I, where's the joy in that.

Plus I've introduced them to Angel delight...
Mmmmmmm, angel delight!!!! lick
Sunday night tea at my dad's courtesy of my Nan, sandwiches and crisps followed by a choice of chocolate or strawberry angel delight!!!


5,271 posts

199 months

Managed to squeeze in 9 holes of golf this afternoon.