Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



62,299 posts

220 months

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slopes said:
I've just renewed my Operator ID with the CAA for being a Drone Pilot
Yeah did mine last month...

Always handy for telling some Karen that you are a registered operator wink


62,299 posts

220 months

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hammo19 said:
I managed to clean, fill holes, mastic, sand down, clean, do 2 coats on the ceiling and walls, cut in around the lights and then clean up. Just a couple of cutting in coats and then sort the shower unit before final clean should get done by close tomorrow. Currently cooking spicy wedges and chicken enchiladas.

Well don Bobbers, nice to get feedback.

I went to a C of E school with church every Friday morning then maths. Funny I’m RC so I was well confused and not sure which Lords Prayer was right.
I went to an all boys Grammar School, with the Girls school next door, and the Catholic Girls school on the walk to school. Dated a few girls from there, the Nuns didn't beat the naughtiness out of them wink

Mrs B has started preparing a list of decorating she wants done, garden improvements


9,305 posts

206 months

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Morning all.

A day full of utter trivia beckons. I suspect the most exciting thing will be deciding which cheese to have for lunch…

Mr Magooagain

10,208 posts

173 months

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A dull morning greets me today and the weather isn’t that great.
Various stuff is the order of the day in no particular order.



5,259 posts

199 months

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Morning. Rain here. Mid working week Wednesday has arrived.


39,108 posts

190 months

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Byker28i said:
slopes said:
I've just renewed my Operator ID with the CAA for being a Drone Pilot
Yeah did mine last month...

Always handy for telling some Karen that you are a registered operator wink
I tend to find that the following works quite well in those situations
Oi!! You can't fly that here
Oh really? says who?
Well...the police do
Oh really? Member of the constabulary are you? Legal eagle?
Well no...but i know the law...and you can't fly that here.
Is that right? Well if you know the law, then you know that interfering with someone flying any form of remotely piloted device is illegal, so go ahead, call the police and we'll discuss it with them.

Well...look...i don't want you flying it round's annoying

*me looks round ....fields as far as the eye can see*
Uh Huh...anything else to add?

No...but stop flying that here
Push off alright, i'm well within the limits of the regulations which are administered by the CAA and what YOU are doing is illegal, alright?

Most people are either curious or not in the slightest bit interested but i did have that very conversation with some outraged, jumped up bint who thought she knew best


5,579 posts

133 months

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DickyC said:
mikeiow said:
Had a bike ride yesterday (almost 60km).
With a mate.
Who I hadn’t seen since we were school kids, over 40 years ago.
Great day out.

Very, very nice.

But not trivial.


Satisfying, uplifting, heartwarming.

Ah, sorry.
Is it trivial that I fell off a ladder yesterday with a chainsaw on the end of a 4m pole?
I would think so to anyone here!

Mr Magooagain said:
I read this on that other thread Mike. Must of been a bit strange after all those years.
My lifelong pal and his wife arrive here with us in France next Monday for a week. More like a brother really.
It was surprisingly un-strange. Lot of fun - lots of shared distant memories, & a similar outlook on life, it transpires. Coffee with him & wives next week. They are interested in Interrailing, & we have much knowledge after 2 months last year.

Have fun with your pal thumbup

Edited by mikeiow on Wednesday 3rd July 08:03

Still Mulling

12,755 posts

180 months

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Morneve All coffee

So stressed with work. Major project goes live on Monday. Final workshops today and tomorrow, before working over the weekend on the data import and final system admin setup.

It'll be utterly marvellous once it's over and we've had the first few weeks of teething issues, but ee-by-gum it's giving me the shakes for the time being!


39,108 posts

190 months

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Byker28i said:
One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though

I meant to ask, what is this place?


36 posts

54 months

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Morning all

Wifey, me and no 1 grandson are meeting up with father in law for coffee down on the coast today.

Nothing else exciting planned



9,062 posts

149 months

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slopes said:
Byker28i said:
One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though

I meant to ask, what is this place?
Telly tuby HQ


Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

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The microwave went bang.

Actually, it went bang last night but I forgot and just put something to heat up into a dead microwave.


Poppity Ping no more.

Dermot O'Logical

2,664 posts

132 months

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Gud moaneve from a dull and dismal Deep Sarf.

Whenever I read of the work tribulations of some of you guys, I'm always grateful to be retired full-time. Although, as Glenners has said on many occasions, "you never get a day off when you're retired". He's right, as usual.

Today's packed schedule includes going for a couple of walks, and washing my car, which I've been hoping to do for the last couple of days, but life keeps getting in the way. I have some indoor-based domestic stuff to do, as well. I don't know how I manage to fit it all in.

I'll look back later, if I have time.

Keep calm and carry on!


5,579 posts

133 months

quotequote all
slopes said:
Byker28i said:
One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though

I meant to ask, what is this place?
Also curious!
One of the F1 teams I did some work with had something that looked very similar in the Oxfordshire countryside…maybe there?


2,481 posts

54 months

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Found another bat this morning at 05:25 UTC.
It was in the bath. Very cold and not moving. Thought it was a goner initially but no...
Managed to get some heat and protein (buffalo worms) into it and it started looking a bit better.
I was nekkid all this time and getting colder and colder.
I'm not too confident that this one will make it, being as depleted as it was. We'll see.
It's in the box now with four others of its tribe and a warm water bottle.
I'm dressed now, it's safe to look.

Morning All.
Moustache. Time to make the Memsahib's breakfast.


35,661 posts

153 months

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Gude Moaneve my little dumplings! wavey

If it's excitement you're looking for, you've certainly come to the right place:
I just witnessed the sun breaking through a gap in the cloud cover blanketing most of the sky here oop norf! bouncewoohoo
It was an amazing display, I can tell you!!

To celebrate, I opened a new packet of Oaties, by cutting the pack exactly into two halves with my serrated breadknife. Across the middle, obviously not lengthwise. That would be not just silly, but downright irresponsible. I do have certain standards of decency you know.
It's always so satisfying when you stand each half of the pack up on end side by side, and the heights match exacty. bowtie

IOLessTN, I have a nappointment with the Vampire at 10:30 hrs this morning as part of the procedure of my medication review. I wonder if my daily Haribo Starmix Assortment will change?

Also, these suppositories that the Doctor prescribed to me are absolutely useless!
He told me to place one in my back passage each night.
For all the effect they've had, I may as well have just shoved them up my arse! rolleyes

Carry on Trivs, and have a gnice day.

PS. How are the baby batlets doing, _404?



62,299 posts

220 months

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slopes said:
Byker28i said:
slopes said:
I've just renewed my Operator ID with the CAA for being a Drone Pilot
Yeah did mine last month...

Always handy for telling some Karen that you are a registered operator wink
I tend to find that the following works quite well in those situations
Oi!! You can't fly that here
Oh really? says who?
Well...the police do
Oh really? Member of the constabulary are you? Legal eagle?
Well no...but i know the law...and you can't fly that here.
Is that right? Well if you know the law, then you know that interfering with someone flying any form of remotely piloted device is illegal, so go ahead, call the police and we'll discuss it with them.

Well...look...i don't want you flying it round's annoying

*me looks round ....fields as far as the eye can see*
Uh Huh...anything else to add?

No...but stop flying that here
Push off alright, i'm well within the limits of the regulations which are administered by the CAA and what YOU are doing is illegal, alright?

Most people are either curious or not in the slightest bit interested but i did have that very conversation with some outraged, jumped up bint who thought she knew best
Last one was one of the "you can't fly that here brigade", complaining I was flying it over someones house
Erm, I'm doing it with the home owners permission, specifically looking at the pointing on their chimney, or other damage looking for whats causing damp on their wall...

Or I popped it up to look at where a path went to as we walked so far and got stopped by mud. I was in the area later with the car, and a lady with a house at the end complained. I showed her the images, explained what I was doing and asked her about the area. She turned out to be very helpful. Most just don't understand.

Biggest issue is spotting it when higher, hence the bright flashing strobe I have on it now


62,299 posts

220 months

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slopes said:
Byker28i said:
One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though

I meant to ask, what is this place?
The dome at the National Botanic Gardens - Wales


62,299 posts

220 months

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DickyC said:
The microwave went bang.

Actually, it went bang last night but I forgot and just put something to heat up into a dead microwave.


Poppity Ping no more.
It's not poppity ping - it's microdon

One of ours went pop and we didn't replace it. only missed it a couple of times. The bean to cup coffee machine went in it's place


62,299 posts

220 months

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mikeiow said:
slopes said:
Byker28i said:
One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though

I meant to ask, what is this place?
Also curious!
One of the F1 teams I did some work with had something that looked very similar in the Oxfordshire countryside…maybe there?
Hum, it's not Williams at Wantage, I know their buildings.
Not Mercedes at Brackley, nor Aston at Silverstone. That hasn't changed much as the team name changes.