Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



32 posts

54 months

Morning all

Still in shock after the footy, how can you play so bad and still win?



Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

A dog ate my pronouns.

He She It everywhere.


39,086 posts

190 months

Talking of light interventions....
The old Slopes Towers used to be East facing so as soon as the daylight came above the horizon, our chamber was flooded with light. And yes, i am familiar with blackout blinds/ curtains but due to the chamber having an oddly placed window, daylight used to seep round the curtains.

So i used to be awake ish from about 4am. This made me somewhat grumpy

The new Slopes Towers is kind of South East facing so although we are not directly facing the direction the daylight creeps up, we still get it coming in round the curtains......*sigh*.....

However, it does have some...."interesting"...quirks to the area. There are street lights...somewhere...but i'll be damned if they light up the street. We are almost on the East Coast Main Line from London Kings X to Edinburgh and just the other side is a Catholic school with a ver large playing fields.
The old Slopes Towers used to get the local plod helicopter flying over head regularly - the joke being it was stationed above our crap shack - whereas the new Slopes Towers...haven't heard it once, but we do seem to get the air ambiwlans landing in said playing field for the local horse pittle quite regular like.
We are so close that when the local air ambiwlans came over on Saturday, we played the funny game of that rivet looks like it needs replacing

Also near by, is one of the main arterial routes around this godforsaken st hole town lovely metrolips and it's elevated over the railway line. Saturday night about 9 ish, the signs start going up on the pathway to indicate works to be done. Okay. Then about 10pm, they start grinding something - i know this because we had to drop step son off at his girlfriends the other side of town and we could see the sparks flying from the grinding.
It stopped about 10.45 ish.
12:01 into Sunday morning they started using an impact driver to bolt something down irked
Another interesting feature is the parking.
Round the back of Slopes Towers there are some spaces, the idea being one per household. We have some proper idiots that have 2 vehicles who think they own the whole lot.
Another couple have two cars, then there are the two ladies - yes, they are a couple - plus the autistic family and so consequently it is absolute futtin chaos when it comes to parking. We park on the road outside, it's so much easier. I sit and watch them all jockeying for position and it's hilarious. The idiots have been away for 3 weeks in Mexico - Arriba!!! - and when they came back, part of the hedge has overgrown their car, so they moved it to the spot the autistic family park in and now there is a disagreement breaking out as the autistic family are parking on the road.
It's fun to watch hehe
But if i get home tonight and that space is still empty, i'll put Yoshi in it just to throw a spanner in the works laugh

Overall though, it is a much nicer area, it isn't on fire anywhere near as much as the old place, it doesn't smell of weed quite as much as the old place did and although it is a longer commute for now, the company is moving within a year to a new building which will be a 20 minute walk.

This has been a Whothehellcares news cast

Sorry for disturbing you all


9,051 posts

149 months

Etlnsdy said:
Morning all

Still in shock after the footy, how can you play so bad and still win?

By scoring more goals
Doesn't matter if they come in the first or the last minute they are all worth the same.
Although an overhead kick to equalize in the final minute of the game augh to be worth 2 points.

Still Mulling

12,749 posts

180 months

Morneve All coffee

Final week before a major project go-live. Bets being taken on the retaining of my sanity.

(Odds aren't great.)


754 posts

76 months

Good luck with your plot / marble retention SM. Don't let the bds get you down, etc.

Still Mulling

12,749 posts

180 months

Thanks Fullook smile It'll be excellent once complete, just a lot to work through! Everybody's pretty positive about it so far (which I'll enjoy while it lasts! biggrin)


754 posts

76 months

Had a lovely time at the ABR festival. About 16000 middle-aged (aka old) men in a couple of extremely large fields, riding, looking at, talking about and buying (largely unnecessary but who cares) modifications & accessories for 'adventure' bikes.

Also plenty of non-adventure bikes intermingled as part of the general collective.

Couple of nights in a tent - the old ear plugs and beanie hat pulled down over the eyes trick worked a treat for superior sleep quality.

Lots of average beer, excellent food and dubious music. Wrongs were righted, enormous good sense was talked, insights sparked into life, Oh we had all the answers about 4 pints in. I'm sure I put them here somehwere...


754 posts

76 months

Today I am once again girding for some hours on the bike and a tomorrow full of good cheer.

I'll be heading, via A & B roads only if time allows, to south Oxfordshire to stay the night with my old mum, as it is handily placed for tomorrow's fun which is a reunion of some school friends, most of whom I've not seen for 35 or so years... could be brilliant fun, could be an awkward cringey day of eleveneriffe and humble-bragging - we'll see!


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


He's doing what to himself in his pyjamas?
It's probably best not to ask.


754 posts

76 months

DickyC said:
I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


He's doing what to himself in his pyjamas?
It's probably best not to ask.


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

Fullook said:
Well, at least the CCTV is working again.


35,645 posts

153 months

Gude Moaneve Trivpeeps! wavey

It's a definitive British Summer's Day here opp norf:
Dull, grey, gloomy, overcast and damp, with a dearth of centipedes.
But at least this morning's Elbow Test revealed no wood, so here we are ready and prepared for another joyous day of random happenings and experiences to light up our lives.

Today I have succeeded in obtaining a rare and valuable actual face-to-face appointment with today's duty General Practitioner to discuss my problems and also undergo an overdue review of my medications/Haribo Starmix Selection.
Unfortunately there is an unfortunate spacetime continuum overlap/clash with today's cardiac rehab exercise session at a venue some six (6) miles distant from the Medical Centre. Lacking the ability to be in two places at once simultaneously, I have had to use my skill & judgement to prioritise the former appointment and I shall forward my apologies for absence to the ace Fitness Coach who usually put us through the mill on Mondays.

Snowy, your painting in words invokes amental image of a perfect tranquil pastoral Utopian idyll: you are sooo lucky to inhabit such a peaceful haven devoid of all worry and stress, you are a very lucky lucky manperson indeed. Your contentment really shows through and brightens up our rather dull days. cloud9

S&M, Good luck with the big roll-out, fingers crossed it all goes well with minimal casualties! We all know that there is always some collateral to take into account, but obviously that's a small price to pay, justified by the greater good it will inevitably achieve.*

* "You can't make an omelette without breaking a few mixing bowls and making a neggy mess all over the kitchen floor."

It's still rather chilly here indoors, despite me weating my fleece. And it's raining outside.
It's slightly warmer in the conservatory where there are suppisedly 16 centipedes, but the raindrops on the triple walled polycarbonate roof are a bit noisy. rolleyes
If it was winter, I would consider turning on the heating, but this is July, so I mustn't. nono Layers. Thermal layers.
That the way to go, innit.
I wish they would turn off those bloody wind turbines though. They are increasing the chill factor.

IOTN, I have showered, shaved, donned fresh wonderpants and socks in readiness for my appointment with the poor unfortunate GP who drew the short straw this morning.

Mwahahaha! evil

That's all for now folks!
Have a gnice day and KBO!

GRout wavey


35,645 posts

153 months

Etlnsdy said:
Morning all

Still in shock after the footy, how can you play so bad and still win?

What do you mean, E? confused
There is no team in the Tournament that can match England's backpassing skills!
Or their sluggish wide open socially distant marking.

And for sheer indolence, we've got them all licked!


35,645 posts

153 months

DickyC said:
A dog ate my pronouns.

He She It everywhere.
Would wardrobe like to borrow our theythem and poop scoop? biggrin

Edited by glenrobbo on Monday 1st July 10:42


5,964 posts

146 months

DickyC said:
Fullook said:
Well, at least the CCTV is working again.
Ist thou Steptoe?


39,259 posts

101 months

Tired, so fking tired.


35,645 posts

153 months

Fullook said:
DickyC said:
I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


He's doing what to himself in his pyjamas?
It's probably best not to ask.
yikes How l8ong has Dicky been performing on OnlyFans?



5,250 posts

199 months

Just giggling at the Jackdaws walking across the wall from left to right in my window view. It’s like one of those shooting gallery actions.

Oh by the way, it’s raining and we still haven’t reached double centipede figures, my feet are cold.


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

glenrobbo said:
Fullook said:
DickyC said:
I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


He's doing what to himself in his pyjamas?
It's probably best not to ask.
yikes How l8ong has Dicky been performing on OnlyFans?


Wilson, Keppel and Betty.