New Teaspoon Advice Please

New Teaspoon Advice Please



12,827 posts

213 months

Sunday 7th July
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anonymoususer said:
AstonZagato said:
Fessia fancier said:
I am sure the ones he retains are genuine but what about the ones he sells? I have many of them (bought for cash obvs) and I am now a little concerned.
On a separate matter have you seen hidden in the Reform manifesto their policy of imposing CGT on teaspoon profits? Has anyone offshored their collection in anticipation they get in one day?
My collection have been in a Jersey trust since Corbyn was a threat. They are held in a vault in Switzerland - Krupp Schweitzer Bank. I can introduce you to their CEO, Dr Goebbels ("no relation, honest"- as his business card says). The vaults are interesting. Lots of bullion with what look like Buddhist symbols stacked up. Who knew that the Dalai Lama was so wealthy?
People are not interested in wealthy collectors like you.
As my parents used to say knows cost of everything, value of nothing.
If you were a decent chap (which I think you are deep down) you would be making your collectionviewable for people.
You would benefit yourself knowing you had enriched the lives of common folk who unable to afford such treasures as yours never the less briefly enjoyed viewing them
Poor people make me sick. They can stay away for my 'spoons.

No offence.


22,099 posts

199 months

Sunday 7th July
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Given our new Prime Minister is a tea connoisseur, and has an interest in the post-modern northern cutling, this fine new government offers us only opportunity. Except Krupp, obviously.

I suspect the PM reads this thread, and maybe even contributes. wavey


44,666 posts

200 months

Sunday 7th July
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AstonZagato said:
Poor people make me sick. They can stay away for my 'spoons.

No offence.
Well said, AZ!

Flipping peasants, here there and everywhere.



44,666 posts

200 months

Sunday 7th July
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eldar said:
Given our new Prime Minister is a tea connoisseur, and has an interest in the post-modern northern cutling, this fine new government offers us only opportunity. Except Krupp, obviously.

I suspect the PM reads this thread, and maybe even contributes.wavey



22,099 posts

199 months

Sunday 7th July
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You've mistaken Max Headroom for our esteemed Prime Minister yet again. Very careless.


23,850 posts

224 months

Sunday 7th July
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Fessia fancier

1,049 posts

186 months

Sunday 7th July
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AstonZagato said:
Fessia fancier said:
I am sure the ones he retains are genuine but what about the ones he sells? I have many of them (bought for cash obvs) and I am now a little concerned.
On a separate matter have you seen hidden in the Reform manifesto their policy of imposing CGT on teaspoon profits? Has anyone offshored their collection in anticipation they get in one day?
My collection have been in a Jersey trust since Corbyn was a threat. They are held in a vault in Switzerland - Krupp Schweitzer Bank. I can introduce you to their CEO, Dr Goebbels ("no relation, honest"- as his business card says). The vaults are interesting. Lots of bullion with what look like Buddhist symbols stacked up. Who knew that the Dalai Lama was so wealthy?
Many thanks AZ for your very helpful reply. An introduction to Dr G would be most welcome. Perhaps we can make an introduction and he can help with the new "Krupp Gold Range" which that nice Mr Blib was tipping me off about.

I get the point that the general public won't be able to see our treasures, but so long as I and my friends (both Pete and Steve) can see them by appointment I couldn't care less. They are after all MY spoons, not some kind of communal spoon with a half life of a few days.

That is not to say that poor people shouldn't have spoons, but when you can get four for a quid or so at IKEA I don't see why I have to trouble about them.


14,950 posts

194 months

Sunday 7th July
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Dr G is in the house

Must be related surely . . . cannot be a coincidence!


7,209 posts

130 months

Monday 8th July
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Blib said:


Wasn’t his father a spoon maker, or did I mis-hear?


29,145 posts

245 months

Monday 8th July
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wolfracesonic said:
Wasn’t his father a spoon maker, or did I mis-hear?
Yes you misheard his father was a loon maker, easy mistake to make


21,889 posts

228 months

Tuesday 9th July
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mickk said:
wolfracesonic said:
Wasn’t his father a spoon maker, or did I mis-hear?
Yes you misheard his father was a loon maker, easy mistake to make


22,099 posts

199 months

Tuesday 9th July
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In a flash of pure brilliance, that nice Mr Starmer has appointed Ms Abbott as undersecretary for teaspoons. A very positive move I feel, and will bring some much needed innovation.


985 posts

168 months

Tuesday 9th July
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None of your Krupps legendary spoons I'm afraid, just a couple of that were inherited.


16 posts

2 months

Tuesday 9th July
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eldar said:
In a flash of pure brilliance, that nice Mr Starmer has appointed Ms Abbott as undersecretary for teaspoons. A very positive move I feel, and will bring some much needed innovation.
Yes, as long as the role does not require counting above 1, stringing a coherent sentence together, or understanding anything of any kind at any level. It may be possible to train her to say ‘teaspoon’ before the end of this parliament, but we’d need to get cracking as there are only eleventy-seven and four thirds months left.

No offence.

Fessia fancier

1,049 posts

186 months

Tuesday 9th July
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I think you have missed the brilliance. At a stroke this government will be able to show unprecedented teaspoon growth almost overnight.
Provided, that is, that Diane Abbott also gives info to the ONS.

21st Century Man

41,256 posts

251 months

Tuesday 9th July
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The Ziggurat of Ur, fashioned from cauliflower rice and mushy peas. Magnificent. Close Encounters my arse.


793 posts

134 months

Tuesday 9th July
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interesting post there Driver67; what capacity are they?


16 posts

2 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Fessia fancier said:
I think you have missed the brilliance. At a stroke this government will be able to show unprecedented teaspoon growth almost overnight.
Provided, that is, that Diane Abbott also gives info to the ONS.
You make a good point, In my haste to mock Diane I had not considered that.

I would dearly love for you to be right and the UK become the teaspoon capital of the world. It could go either way, though. There’s a 50/50 chance that Diane’s internal random imaginary number generator will under-count, sending us spiralling down global teaspoon league tables, leaving our hard-earned reputation on the world stage in tatters. We’d be a laughing stock, out in the wilderness for decades, the world denied access to our fine teaspoons and all the associated expertise.

Then, desperate to plug the gaping hole our economy, we’ll be left with no alternative but to pursue those elusive pork markets once more.

Is it a risk that we, as a nation, can afford to take?


985 posts

168 months

Tuesday 9th July
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brownspeed said:
interesting post there Driver67; what capacity are they?
Quite a precise teaspoon's worth I'm sure.


6,272 posts

51 months

Tuesday 9th July
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driver67 said:
None of your Krupps legendary spoons I'm afraid, just a couple of that were inherited.

That looks a real pretty spoon. Ive sent you some pics over of stuff i will consider swapping.
Also would you consider letting me get a printed 3D copy of that gem of urs pal