Ungrateful/Argumentative wife

Ungrateful/Argumentative wife


Dog Star

16,241 posts

171 months

Monday 17th June
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I’ve been following this with interest.

OP - you do what is best for you, you have to walk your own path.

If it was me though I cannot imagine the sense of relief at being free of such a person as your wife. At the moment it just sounds like an ordeal - and if you were to have a child with her you are totally fked.

Im glad you’ve plucked up the courage to get where you are now, just hold your nerve. Do not let her get her foot back in the door.


9,212 posts

229 months

Monday 17th June
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Do not try to deny her entry back into the house.

It's the marital home no matter who has paid for it etc..

It just gives the wife/wife's family ammunition to make it more difficult than it needs to be.

Even if you have to giver her a small percentage for a clean break it still sounds like a bargain IMO.

You can recover the financial loss over time, but recovering mentally if it becomes difficult will take a lot longer.


782 posts

68 months

Sunday 30th June
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It's been about a fortnight since she was moved out OP.

Any update? Feeling better or are you giving it another go?


2,766 posts

140 months

Sunday 30th June
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Leave now.


4,972 posts

181 months

Sunday 30th June
quotequote all
Not as simple as that. The OPs parent live with him. The wife has moved out.

OP, are your parents dependent on you? A lawyer may be able to use this to help with your wife’s ability to get back in the home.


76,802 posts

285 months

Sunday 30th June
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Wow, like the England game, that was a turn up for the books!

Well done, OPer, don't bend now.