Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



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201 months

Monday 8th July
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My friends and I were five, six, seven and eight (5, 6, 7 and 8) years old when Summer Holiday came out at the cinema. With the eight (8) year old Susan Hall in charge, we got on a bus and went to Camberley, to the Odeon, to see it at the matinee. This involved crossing the A30 with no pedestrian crossing. Roads were less busy, cars were slower. Anyway, this whole experience left Andrew Jelly, who was seven (7) worried about a line from one of the songs. The young ones, shouldn't be afraid. We were young, he argued, what was it we shouldn't be afraid of? We couldn't help him. When we got home the mums couldn't help him, nor could the dads when they came home from work. It bothered him for a long time.

What bothers me is why Cliff and The Shadows and their promotional film should be centre stage in my head this morning.

My memory is all over the show at the moment. Patchy. Apache! There's another one.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Monday 8th July
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Byker28i said:
Dermot O'Logical said:
Bobberoo said:
Oh dear, I seem to have carelessly misplaced my entire morning!!!
I blinked and it was lunchtime, how the hell does that happen?!?!?
On that basis, if you blink another nine (9) times it will be Friday evening!
Says the man who appeared to get up at 11:30.... biggrin Kansas.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Monday 8th July
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Flook said:
I need a wee, but the toilet's all the way over there, and I'm over here, and it seems like an awful lot of bother.

Maybe I can just hold on and wait until I'm on my way out of the office in half an hour when I'll have to get up anyway.
But, but...

you'd be peeing in your own time!


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Monday 8th July
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What? We haven't started the Elderberry Wine yet.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Is the S Max too big, glen? No.1 son has one that he regularly drives to Pluto and back. It's done him proud.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Indignant bats?

"Now, look here."


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50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Haha! You think you've got problems. My car informs me I need petrol and is directing me to an all-night filling station eleven (11) kilometres east of Nagahama. There was nothing near Mount Ibuki, we looked. Well, to be honest, we looked if Mount Ibuki is the hill heading north up out of Hungerford.

It's okay, the rule when you're trade plating is, 'when the car says you have run out of fuel and nought remains but desolation and despair, you still have another ten miles.'

Loads left.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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What the Flook?


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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glenrobbo said:
Flook said:
I've just realised that via the wrinkles of auto-complete & 'remember my password' on this laptop that for the past day or so I've re-adopted a username and password I thought lost many years ago and have been posting under my former identity 'Flook' and not my (relatively) new identity 'Fullook'.

I feel like the Count of Monte Cristo. Or is it the man in the iron mask. Or something in the spiderverse.

Who am I?
Who indeed?

I vaguely remember "Flook" by Trogg, or something like that, if it's any help at all?

Good luck on your journey of self-rediscovery. thumbup


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Ooh! A Nissan Almera! Is it the 1 (one) litre?


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Tuesday 9th July
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
GR, I knew a girl who had one of those nice little cars. It went pretty well I thought, she was kind enough to lend it to me for a morning.
Nice girl called Amanda.
But it had a curious foible. The car I mean.
Sometimes she went out in the morning to find that the radio (I wanted to say wireless) was playing.
She has a busy bus stop outside her flat and to cut a long story short the people waiting for the bus and fiddling with their phones would make her car radio wake up and try to make friends with the phones.
Disabling bluetooth on the radio settings menu eventually put a stop to that malarkey. But it took me a long time to figure it out.

when foreigners do trivial
External interference! That explains it. I'm in the Snug at The Rising Bollard that has the gimmicky thing where the whole bar goes up and down periodically. Reading your post made me concentrate to see if I could track down the cause. It's when a Trivton &District bus goes by! It can be dashed inconvenient, I can tell you.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Sil vous plait?

I've been saying silver plate all these years.

Huh. The things that go on.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Thanks to whoever introduced Battert to the music of Bob Marley. The old boy has a new lease of life and immediately became a big fan.

To summarise: Battert's introduction to Bob Marley, a success, Battert's attempts at dreadlocks, less so.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
Thanks to whoever introduced Battert to the music of Bob Marley. The old boy has a new lease of life and immediately became a big fan.

To summarise: Battert's introduction to Bob Marley, a success, Battert's attempts at dreadlocks, less so.
Was it "Iron, Lion, Zion" that turned his head, or "Sit Up Stand Up"?
Or just the romantic notion of Jamaican Patios?


I know that our dearly departed Old Pequod was a fan of the Wailers, and no mistake...
After reading about Jamaican Patios but having no face-to-face experience of it, Battert has unilaterally renamed the terraces of the formal gardens Trenchtown.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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In the run-up to my heart bypass last year, the docs reported I was pre-diabetic and needed to cut down my sugar intake. I did. A year and a bit later, the docs are reporting I'm pre-diabetic and need to cut down my sugar intake. Walking a tightrope, me.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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Mr Magooagain said:
DickyC said:
In the run-up to my heart bypass last year, the docs reported I was pre-diabetic and needed to cut down my sugar intake. I did. A year and a bit later, the docs are reporting I'm pre-diabetic and need to cut down my sugar intake. Walking a tightrope, me.

An appointment with a nutritionist giving them the requirements will sort that out Dicky, then it’s just a matter of discipline.
It was all a bit odd really. She was lovely, the cardiologist. And Italian. (I mention that because I don't think I have been attended by any fully fledged British cardiologists. Perhaps it's not our forte as a nation.) We talked about diet and I said I'd cut down on dairy with very little butter or cheese plus next to no red meat and we talked about exercise and I said I've carried on with my cardiac rehab exercises and aim to walk 10,000 steps a day including a two mile walk. She copied me in with her report to my GP saying she had advised me to cut down on animal fats and take more exercise.



Good plan, Mr M. No one has suggested that. I dropped a stone around the operation and have maintained that. I'm 5'8" and twelve and a half stone. There's room for improvement. The make-up of my diet being more important than simply the weight maintenance.



Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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Roofless Toothless said:
I had a pretty serious operation on my mouth eight or nine years ago. Fed with a tube for a week, then a soft diet for another. Before I got discharged I had a visit from a nutritionist who wanted to check I was capable of eating once I got home. She was a very attractive young lady indeed. She sat herself down on a chair opposite me, had a rummage around in her bag and with a flourish pulled out a banana and held it before me. Oh, she knew what she was doing alright.
Concerned about your potassium levels?


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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Mrs C's second cataract operation was this morning. It was in Basingstoke, half an hour away. To be on the safe side, she said we should allow an hour and a half. Three times as much! I could do Basingstoke in an hour and a half going via Bagshot and the M3. But if I did, she'd want me to allow four and a half hours. I could do Basingstoke via Birmingham in four and a half hours! But if I did...


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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psi310398 said:
DickyC said:
Mrs C's second cataract operation was this morning. It was in Basingstoke, half an hour away. To be on the safe side, she said we should allow an hour and a half. Three times as much! I could do Basingstoke in an hour and a half going via Bagshot and the M3. But if I did, she'd want me to allow four and a half hours. I could do Basingstoke via Birmingham in four and a half hours! But if I did...
How is Mrs C?
She has a sore, runny, eye and has to keep her patch on - Ah, ha! Jim, lad - for 24 hours. Miserable. She is acutely sensitive to light and we are sitting in artificial night time.

Other than that, not bad. She has other ailments but we tackle them one at a time where possible. You'd think we would look at Death's Door, but we look okay. Which is nice.

Thanks for asking smile


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 11th July
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psi310398 said:
thumbup Send her our best.
I will. Thanks.
