Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Joyeux Anniversaire, Monsieur et Madame Magooencore.



Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Byker28i said:
We've got the police here, talking about ahole. Mrs B is giving a statement
I've been around daughters cutting back brambles and putting back up a curtain pole grandson pulled down. Held in with the tiniest screws...not anymore...

Those curtain poles won't be coming down again for a while.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
That's a good question. In theory it should be kept to a minimum but they have to be handled to get them to feed. Especially the very small ones. As they get bigger they need to be swaddled in a tissue for feeding, to prevent them hurting themselves.
They're social creatures though, and actually enjoy physical contact.
Most likely there is a strong component of association between handling and food but they will scramble into my hand and sit there waiting for the rations. And when they have finished the rations they want to stay in contact.
Fortunately, when they learn to hunt for themselves they leave those behaviours behind them.
You could be describing the Senior Members at luncheon.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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spikeyhead said:
spikey, you didn't respond to mention of your 200th Anniversary. The Chief Steward at the 200 Club will be getting tetchy.

Or, if you did respond, I didn't see it.

Which can happen.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

quotequote all
spikeyhead said:
DickyC said:
spikeyhead said:
spikey, you didn't respond to mention of your 200th Anniversary. The Chief Steward at the 200 Club will be getting tetchy.

Or, if you did respond, I didn't see it.

Which can happen.
My day isn't quite going as planned, I've been somewhat distracted by an orange
Adopt a new paradigm.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

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Bobberoo said:
I can't find reference to that code anywhere in my out of date code book!!!
The closest I can find is:
The next train leaves for Paddington from platform 4, don't drink the tea........
Did you know that Platform 5 and 6 at Paddington are spaced wider than the others because they still have the layout of Brunel's Broad Gauge railway? Broad Gauge finished in 1892.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

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Mr Magooagain said:
psi310398 said:
Indeed! clap

And morning all.

To add to the anniversary news, I’m taking Erin Dawes out for lunch to mark 38 years of serfdom. And she’s not settling for a Wimpy, mark my words!
38 years! Congratulations psi!
The Alfresco Cuisine van has reopened on Gasworks Lane now boasting an alfresco seating area.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

quotequote all
paua said:
glenrobbo said:
e-honda said:
What is someone else sang it?
What indeed, Mr e-honda? scratchchin

Well it be on to this...*

* According to an ancient PH meme
\Not yet ancient, but I'm a mariner

Who'd loike a slice o th breast o th albatross? Yer luck'll hold. According to a friend of more generations in these southern climes than any o th recent colonisers, a nalbatross is a muttonbird you can carve. A fine 'n'salty delicacy, probly similar to a puffin.
Who among ye would be my dinner guest?
Ah'll provide th red screwtop. & no mistake.
A li'l white fishy starter, GR.
On the matter of technique, do you find carving difficult with the bird hung round your neck?


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

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Not recommended in confined spaces, I'd wager.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

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Bobberoo said:
Is that a euphemism???
Are you calling me a phemism?


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Bobberoo said:
Nice to see Mallard126 back posting!!

I'm a little stiff after the gym earlier, I don't suppose doing 5 reps @ 110kg deadlift has helped.
I say, old boy. There are limits to what we are prepared to discuss here before twenty one hundred hours.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

quotequote all
Bobberoo said:
Where the hell has the time gone, 2!?!?! How did that happen???
Makes me cringe just thinking about the chop!!
They give you a badge saying you've been brave.

But only if you have.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

quotequote all
Byker28i said:
Bobberoo said:
If you can get an estate car or van here in the next two weeks you can have it, seriously, it's quite possibly going to a scrap dealer!!!
We used to use them for robotwars stuff. I still have a rather dangerous go kart, made out of old bits. 24v motor powered with 48v of batteries, and a relay instead of the speed controller, so on off...

Someone will want it
Sold my mum's for £300.

I did deliver it, though.

Try to look at it as a nice £300 you didn't have, rather than 75% depreciation over a few miles.

That's right, I'm suggesting you lie to yourself.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

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I'm the kitchen at The Diabetic Confectioner with the second - and with any luck successful - batch of brownies.

The first batch I managed to incinerate.

This means cocktails will be served slightly later than usual.

If you have any concerns, please address them to one of the stewards. Things here are a little fraught.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

quotequote all
Mr Magooagain said:
DickyC said:
I'm the kitchen at The Diabetic Confectioner with the second - and with any luck successful - batch of brownies.

The first batch I managed to incinerate.

This means cocktails will be served slightly later than usual.

If you have any concerns, please address them to one of the stewards. Things here are a little fraught.

The baby brownies will sense it and be just as bad as their parents!
A nightmare scenario and no mistake.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Yesterday (08:03)
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Still Mulling said:
Morneve All coffee

Sadly, I fear my new to work will prevent me from watching the GP. If I’m lucky I might be able to play a rerun this evening. I hope those who see it live enjoy it! smile
I had a think.

And I concluded.

The last time I was really interested in Formula 1 was Damon Hill's pursuit of the World Championship.

I was keen for Lewis Hamilton to do well, but the trepidation had gone.

Excitement diminished.


Abu Dhabi 2021 finished F1 off completely.

And no mistake.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Yesterday (08:23)
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I just found a cucumber in the sweet box.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Yesterday (09:21)
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spikeyhead said:
Morning all,

Today I'll try and do the list if tasks I'd set myself yesterday and felt too lethargic to start
Writing a to-do list is colossal! Take the rest of the day off to bask in the warm glow of achievement.

/peddler of drivel believes he speaks for 98% of men


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Yesterday (09:48)
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glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
I just found a cucumber in the sweet box.
Now that's what I call a euphemism!


You, you, you phemism, you!


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

psi310398 said:
Bobberoo said:
Are you involved in local government psi310398?
Central Government, Bobbers.
Meet P, Bobbers.

He's between M and Q.