Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



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201 months

Friday 28th June
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Bobberoo said:
Mr Magooagain said:
DickyC said:
Bobberoo said:
The fox has been back and been fed some corned beef, she came back again, and bough a pup with her!!!
Did she say anything about on-the-vine tomatoes?
Really! Who eats corned beef with tomatoes?
Mrs Bobbers for one!!!
I knew we would have something in common!

Corned beef, tomatoes, Branston, white bread and butter.

Slabs, dollops or thick slices, thereof, as appropriate.

By the time you've put salt on the tomatoes, it's turning less healthy than you initially convinced yourself, so it has to move to the Comfort Food List.


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50,292 posts

201 months

Friday 28th June
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"What were the chances?" remarked bystanders.


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Red meat treated with salt. High in fat and sodium. Bad for cholesterol and blood pressure.


Something else to cross off the Safe to Eat List.

Just bottled water from Patagonia, then.



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201 months

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witteringon said:
Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Not a great night's sleep, ate junk and drank too much.

At least it looks nice outside, cleaning, a walk while Mrs Bobbers gets her hair cut, some shopping and then over to dad's flat for some more clearing out, both cars to the tip, and finally home.

That's a bugger Dicky!! frown

Thanks hammo19, I can now not see that!!! laugh
That's a bit drastic, Bobbers! Just bicycles now, is it?
Desperate to crank up their eco credentials.


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All round spikey's.

Bring plates.


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201 months

Yesterday morning I drove and walked round Newbury gathering stuff for an afternoon of DIY.


Yesterday afternoon I drove and walked round Newbury retracing my steps hoping to find my GTN* spray.


You know that thing 'it was in the last place I looked'? That usually works because, when you find it, you stop looking. With me, I found in the last place on the list. B&Q. There was nowhere else.

* GTN - Glyceryl trinitrate is a spray used to relieve the pain of angina (pain or discomfort usually felt in the chest but may also be felt in the jaw, throat, one or both arms, shoulders or back). It helps to open the coronary arteries and improve the blood supply to the heart muscle.



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201 months

hammo19 said:
Ooo Dicky, I have 3 of those strategically placed in case of attack. Not used mine for a good year now. They do go out of date.
I've only just reverted to the spray. My GP prescribed it a couple of weeks ago. My appointment with the Cardiology Dept is on Wednesday and I didn't quite make it without angina symptoms. My bypass operation was a year ago today and I'm going back because my recovery stalled. I set myself a target of 10,000 paces a day, including a two mile walk, which I worked up to from a starting point of the doors at the end of the ward and back assisted by a nurse. Having got to 10,000 paces per day, it all started to deteriorate. Where I imagined the up graph of my recovery meeting the down graph of my inevitable age-related decline, I thought the graph would plateau. It didn't. Things got harder, i can't now walk two miles without a rest, plus I'm puffing and panting and having angina symptoms at the drop of a hat.

"Have another bypass."
"Must I? Don't Redex make something suitable?"


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201 months

Exasperated said:
I went for a 100-mile ride yesterday and averaged 71.7mpg on my Africa Twin. I think I'd get punched if I posted this in Biker Banter, so I'm hoping this is a save haven for the most tedious of facts.
100 miles. Not Paris-Dakar, then?

Only a 2.024 on the Triv-O-Meter but a solid 7.170 on the Tedi-O-Meter.

So, neither trivial nor fully tedious according to the guages.

Good, steady work.


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201 months

hammo19 said:
My sympathies go out to you Dicky, it’s serious stuff this angina business and needs careful monitoring. It’s very painful when it comes on and you just don’t know where to put yourself or what to do for comfort. The spray works wonders but gives me terrible migraines. It helps me fall asleep and slow everything down. I carry it with me but haven’t had to use it for 12 months now. I had 4 stents done in two separate ops and with medication and exercise, hence the golf, all is well for the time being. I was close to having a bypass as one of my arteries was 95% blocked.

Sorry to hear things are troublesome for you at the moment. I feel sure things will get better, at least you are having regular attention. All the best my friend.
That's very kind, hammo, thanks. Oddly, none of what I experienced has been painful, not even the operation. The thick end of uncomfortable is my worst. Okay, sometimes moving awkwardly after the op made me yipe, but mostly just discomfort. Very lucky. It took me a while to register the two blue lights and sirens runs and doctors and nurses using the word emergency a lot meant I was in real trouble.

This boy lives in a dream world and would do well to pay attention. - School Report 1968

Too late to change now.



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50,292 posts

201 months

Mr Magooagain said:
DickyC said:
* GTN - Glyceryl trinitrate is a spray used to relieve the pain of angina (pain or discomfort usually felt in the chest but may also be felt in the jaw, throat, one or both arms, shoulders or back). It helps to open the coronary arteries and improve the blood supply to the heart muscle.

And Plonker.
Wow that’s some gear! I’m surprised the makers of those little blue pills haven’t cottoned on to the competition!
Police investigating the incident in Trivton Magna yesterday report that the explosion was not the result of terrorist activity but what they referred to as 'bedroom antics' involving erectile dysfunction tablets and Nitroglycerine.


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201 months

Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.


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201 months

Bobberoo said:
A nexcellent Trivial post there, 9.699 on the old Triv-o-meter, well played!
Our Triv-O-Meters need synchronising.




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201 months

spikeyhead said:
DickyC said:
Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.
Has Swampy been consulted?
We tried. He was in a tree near the proposed eastern entrance to the proposed Trivtone Henge Tunnel, beyond the reach of our loudhailers.

We're all getting older, of course.


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50,292 posts

201 months

psi310398 said:
Morning all.

In another despatch from my hectic life, I can report that I think I’ll wash the car today.

And Dicky, do take care. You really don’t want to be caught short without your dilator juice!
It's one damn thing after another at the moment. Seventy years too late, I'm using sunblock liberally. Too liberally, it turns out. Yesterday I poked myself in the left eye with a fingerful of Nivea Sun. Fearing an imbalance between the protection offered to both eyes I took out the left lens of my sunglasses and the cosmic balance was restored. You have to consider these things.


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201 months

glenrobbo said:
Are you referring to Chemical Chaos, Clockwork Cupcake or one of the other CC's that help make PH such a wonderfully varied and colourful place to tarry awhile?
Thanks, glen, for both your good wishes and the word tarry.

I will now have Cockney Rebel and Come Up And See Me as my agreeable earworm this aftern oon.


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50,292 posts

201 months

glenrobbo said:
When I worked at BAe, there was a guy named Ken Tarry.

Always reminded me of this lovely old song:


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Soldiers come. Take book.


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201 months

A dog ate my pronouns.

He She It everywhere.


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201 months

I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


I'm DIYing in my pyjamas.


He's doing what to himself in his pyjamas?
It's probably best not to ask.


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201 months

Fullook said:
Well, at least the CCTV is working again.