Plus one.



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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
BSR could you just clarify if you mean 6 pages on which forum display page settings?

I'm winding my neck right out in support and I just need to know.
I see.Well done. I was predicting, as I suspect you have realised, the true potential within this great thread.
I am a little shy so far, but it is a truly great thread and I still feel confident.


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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Yes Kermit, I believe there are.


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Lord Pikey said:
Yup, us enlightened users have 80 posts per page, i think the default is 20.
SUrely that's a bad thing? Great big endless walls of text that take forever to load?


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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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chunkymonkey71 said:
MK4 Slowride said:
Another website I also post on has it right. If you type +1 it comes up with "I am too stupid to form an opinion of my own" which I think is rather fitting.
Wonder what happens when you type -273...

does a complete tt of a keyboard warrior get on his high horse???
Still crying about that?
DId my words actually hurt?
SO much that you had to come one and post your exams up because you think people will listen to you more?
THe irony of calling me both a "twat" and a "keyboard warrior" is quite amusing.
I know you must know what "irony" is because you have a degree.

Please keep posting.


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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scotal said:
Yes, I agree with that.

Hmmm, I like the formal aspect ratty, but I think its generally easier to simply type +1.
Also, if "Yes I agree with that" takes hold, will you be back in a few months time ranting that quoting and then adding Yes I agree with that is somehow wrong, probably from an originality point ofview?

Will the spelling police have a field day on people who misspell any part of Yes, I agree with that.

And if you do agree witht he Op, surely its better to register some form of agreement i.e. +1 rather than simply ignore the thread? Otherwise there will be no idea of how many posters may agree with the OP.
I am sure you are right but mere logic will not stop my quest.
I nearly drowned in my own "fury st" when I first encountered the use of smilies.


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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chunkymonkey71 said:
I can only assume that Higher Education has passed you by...
Just because I don't post my lifehood achievements after each post because I somehow think it makes me better than others, it doesn't mean I don't have them.
On the contrary. You see, I have plenty of other achievements besides my qualifications, unlike you. SO it would be a bit strange to pick and choose all the things boastworthy to irrelevantly type after everything I do.

But seriously Chunky, you are so proud of being one of the very few memebers of our society with a degree and righly so.
Keep telling people. They will admire you so much.
I do.


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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scotal said:
blindswelledrat said:
I am sure you are right but mere logic will not stop my quest.
Well illogical quests are the best sort.

blindswelledrat said:
I nearly drowned in my own "fury st" when I first encountered the use of smilies.
So smile should be replaced by

"Ha ha, that made me smile"?

Do the letter ROFL set you off as well?

If this idea is adopted I forecast multiple RSI cases on here simply from the required amount of typing.
NO, Ive warmed to those now.
rofl was my most hated one of all. It ingited incandescant rage within me, and now I love it like my own family.
Never said I wasnt fickle. Just angry.


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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Swilly said:
YOu sound like one of those ranting wierd groundworkers you see working on the roads.

Oh... I see.


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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chunkymonkey71 said:
I'm glad you admire me. So lets compare degrees... what's yours?


IBTL etc...
LLB Law 2:1 from Manchester.
Now grow up.


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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chunkymonkey71 said:
Yes, his post history seems to be one big rant, doesn't it?

Better not upset him though, he has an LLB from Manchester...
Do you think you are somehow going to "win" this internet argument?
Ive got news for you...


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Swilly said:
blindswelledrat said:
Swilly said:
YOu sound like one of those ranting wierd groundworkers you see working on the roads.

Oh... I see.
No sound came from my post... unless PH has installed an audio function to posts !?

Mr Pedantic spell weird... apply your pedantic rules to yourself will you.

You see... i doubt it... not beyond the tip of your little nose anyway !!
Oh I am so ashamed.
A man who can't use punctuation properly has spotted that I misspelled "Weird".
He is so clever and I am so stupid.
Well done Hemmingway.


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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chunkymonkey71 said:
blindswelledrat said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
Yes, his post history seems to be one big rant, doesn't it?

Better not upset him though, he has an LLB from Manchester...
Do you think you are somehow going to "win" this internet argument?
Ive got news for you...
I'll be completely honest with you BSR. I'm not out to win. I'm just out to wind you up now!

How many of the responses on this thread now relate to the original point? I am hijacking your thread!
That is really your mission?
SO 2 pages after I said "Im obviously in the minority here therefore I will accept that I am wrong" you think there is something clever in running on to the thread to drag it out for 3 more pages?
I am genuinely totally and utterly confused as to why on earth you would want to do this?
It doesn't make any sense at all.
WHy? What is the purpose?


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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chunkymonkey71 said:

And I believe it was you who pointed out that the thread "was 6 pages long" as if it was your own personal achievement...

It's great being a bored nonentity who isn't full of his own self importance...!!!
Except for your degree. THat's important isn't it? Its a good tool to heighten the value of your opinion and attempt to devalue the opinions of others.
But well done anyway.
Congratulations on achieving your impressive goal of making a thread a bit longer.
Wish I had such a strong sense of ambition.


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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Kermit power said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
It's great being a bored nonentity who isn't full of his own self importance...!!!
Says the man who took his screen name from an ice cream flavour from the nineties, which in turn took its name from a children's picture book character from the seventies, who then started a thread to try and tell everyone he'd thought of it himself because "chunky" rhymes with "monkey"?
rofl Please tell me this is true.


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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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NCoT, this feels a bit weird.
I saw your name on this list and thought "Oh, he's popped on to call me a again" and yet everything in the post seems to suggest that you agree......
FOr the second time on this thread I feel all warm.


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235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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To be fair, Escargot, it is a bit fking pretentious knowing a French word.

I can just picture you, in your stockbroker braces, sidling up to women in bars and saying in your sexiest pretntious voice


You arrogant, pretentious bd


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25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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escargot said:
blindswelledrat said:
To be fair, Escargot, it is a bit fking pretentious knowing a French word.

I can just picture you, in your stockbroker braces, sidling up to women in bars and saying in your sexiest pretntious voice


You arrogant, pretentious bd
fk you BSR. fk you AND fk your dog. You can't just call someone from the internet arrogant AND pretentious. You're a nasty piece of work and make no mistake.

I might have to get my directorships out in a minute if this continues.
YOu would be wasting your time.
I can order one, two or even three beers in Spanish.
IN fact- I can order any number of beers I want (although I might have to go to the bar more than once in multiples of 1,2 and 3)
WHat good are your directorships against that?
I can drink beer in SPain where you can only orders Escargots (whatever they are) in France.


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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escargot said:
blindswelledrat said:
escargot said:
blindswelledrat said:
To be fair, Escargot, it is a bit fking pretentious knowing a French word.

I can just picture you, in your stockbroker braces, sidling up to women in bars and saying in your sexiest pretntious voice


You arrogant, pretentious bd
fk you BSR. fk you AND fk your dog. You can't just call someone from the internet arrogant AND pretentious. You're a nasty piece of work and make no mistake.

I might have to get my directorships out in a minute if this continues.
YOu would be wasting your time.
I can order one, two or even three beers in Spanish.
IN fact- I can order any number of beers I want (although I might have to go to the bar more than once in multiples of 1,2 and 3)
WHat good are your directorships against that?
I can drink beer in SPain where you can only orders Escargots (whatever they are) in France.
Trumped by the beers in spain card yet again....

One day I'll win an internet argument.
Not until you get yourself a degree my friend.
Opinions count for nothing without one.