


Utterly Clueless

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1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Lagerlout said:
I can't believe I'm the first to say this but... TROLL.. Clearly we have a first year pysch student here having a laugh... If not I'm speechless. hehe
Nope, not a troll, just someone unconfortable with how they look and therefore putoff the idea of sex due to fear of disgusting the other person/embarassing them by having bigger tits.

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Monday 23 March 00:21

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Gym would be great bu injuries from cycling limit what i can do, swimming would be good but i dont like it for much the same reasons i dont fk much

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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oh, and she is my best mates sister.

that may have had something to do with it.

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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now thats probably how i should have explained it as it would made things simpler. I'm a personality not looks type of person. If the personality is there then im much more comfortable in a relationship than if its seemingly based on looks, which is where i get depressed and fk things up.

now i know what i need to do!!!

i need to grow a pair

Utterly Clueless

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1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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someone who obviously hasnt read the whole thread so doesnt quite understand we've gotten to the root of the problem and that im now a reformed PH'er.

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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well, one of my friends (female) took me out for a drink the other night and that was actually good fun, after some drinks she turned out to be a bit (read alot) of a biter (which i very much enjoyed(yes yes i like biting (yes i am wierd (yes ive just put brackets in brackets in brackets in brackets)))).

I'll see what i can get there but i'll also scout around for some others rather than concentrate everything on one person.

that way i will have taken your collective advice and i will not run the risk of another beth event (beth being the girl the OP was about)

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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schmalex said:
I'm really scared of you
haha, thats normal