The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024

The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024



44,591 posts

200 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I blame Puggit.



2,033 posts

206 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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The thunderstorm yesterday has knocked the temperature down a bit here in Croatia.
Felt a bit chilly on the veranda this morning, maybe 22.
28 at the moment, but a nice sea breeze.

16 at home, ffs grumpy


7,878 posts

83 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I'm actually cold. Thermostat says 19.3 but it feels colder. Going to put a sodding jumper on.


20,368 posts

123 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I'm quite thankful of global warming, the hell-like furnace which is now, er, the The Med, seems like paradise on Earth and I can't wait to experience the climate crisis in all its glory on my August Greek hols.

!4c in Macc, overcast, heating came on last night.


738 posts

141 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Article about the current run of gloomy weather on the BBC website today:

As always, the culprit seems to be the jet stream, which is affecting most of Europe,
not just the UK:


750 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Blib said:

I blame Puggit.

Lovely memorial. You knew Summer more than I. We only met very briefly for few hours last week. In that time I knew I’d experienced something special, that will always be in my memory. I am thankful of that fleeting encounter and now, we, with you, will spend the rest of the year mourning. RIP indeed.


20,368 posts

123 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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biggrin Promising young footballer, always missed, heaven's gained an angle etc etc

In truth of course British summer never showed promise of any kind, was often deceitful and frequently stabbed you in the back. Which is why those of us who can go abroad to enjoy some life-affirming solar heat.


4,508 posts

241 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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popeyewhite said:
I'm quite thankful of global warming, the hell-like furnace which is now, er, the The Med, seems like paradise on Earth and I can't wait to experience the climate crisis in all its glory on my August Greek hols.

!4c in Macc, overcast, heating came on last night.
Alty here - heating ticked on for the 3rd night in a row last night and it's even kicked in in the daytime today!


567 posts

2 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Swervin_Mervin said:
popeyewhite said:
I'm quite thankful of global warming, the hell-like furnace which is now, er, the The Med, seems like paradise on Earth and I can't wait to experience the climate crisis in all its glory on my August Greek hols.

!4c in Macc, overcast, heating came on last night.
Alty here - heating ticked on for the 3rd night in a row last night and it's even kicked in in the daytime today!
Well thanks for posting as it makes me feel better.

Went out this morning and with the drizzle and the breeze i came back and put the heating on myself

Its Just Adz

14,412 posts

212 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Wacky Racer said:
What's happened to it?

I live in the North West of England, here we are, July 1st, it's cold a raining hard outside.

I reckon there has been no more than six or seven nice warm dry days all through April/May/June.

Come back 1976.
This is what I keep saying. Since last July we've had only a handful of nice days.
It's genuinely getting me down.


1,485 posts

136 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Its Just Adz said:
It's genuinely getting me down.
I've posted here multiple times about my mild depression which is brought on by miserable weather. I can tolerate some of winter as it's expected to be a bit dull, darker and shorter days. But when it comes to Spring, Summer and early Autumn and it's still miserable, overcast, cold, windy it's just really fecking depressing.

My mood increases 10 fold whenever I am either abroad in nice sunny weather (and I don't mean simply as I am on holiday), or even in the UK, when it's 8am and you see a bright blue sky and morning sun, which lasts all day into a nice warm evening.


26,078 posts

170 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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redrabbit29 said:
Its Just Adz said:
It's genuinely getting me down.
I've posted here multiple times about my mild depression which is brought on by miserable weather. I can tolerate some of winter as it's expected to be a bit dull, darker and shorter days. But when it comes to Spring, Summer and early Autumn and it's still miserable, overcast, cold, windy it's just really fecking depressing.

My mood increases 10 fold whenever I am either abroad in nice sunny weather (and I don't mean simply as I am on holiday), or even in the UK, when it's 8am and you see a bright blue sky and morning sun, which lasts all day into a nice warm evening.
That never happened you filthy liar


20,368 posts

123 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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PBCD said:
Article about the current run of gloomy weather on the BBC website today:

As always, the culprit seems to be the jet stream, which is affecting most of Europe,
not just the UK:

Yes it's the jet stream. Has this event not happened previously in living memory? Because we've had bad summers before, but nothing like this. Although 2014 was atrocious...perhaps that was another, milder, jet stream summer?


567 posts

2 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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popeyewhite said:
Yes it's the jet stream. Has this event not happened previously in living memory? Because we've had bad summers before, but nothing like this. Although 2014 was atrocious...perhaps that was another, milder, jet stream summer?
I am wondering if it's a "getting old" thing.

We've definitely had crappy Julys with loads of rain but genuinely can't recall having this feeling of being cold as well.

This is not the weather where you can just slip on a thin waterproof and you are fine.


1,978 posts

173 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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popeyewhite said:
Yes it's the jet stream. Has this event not happened previously in living memory? Because we've had bad summers before, but nothing like this. Although 2014 was atrocious...perhaps that was another, milder, jet stream summer?
It needs to bugger off up to Iceland. I'll even throw in some cod if it helps


27,679 posts

274 months

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Just stepped outside this morning in Leeds and it’s brisk. App showing a real feel of 5 degrees. Yay.

Its Just Adz

14,412 posts

212 months

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Shnozz said:
Just stepped outside this morning in Leeds and it’s brisk. App showing a real feel of 5 degrees. Yay.
I was in Leeds yesterday afternoon and it was blue skies and pleasant, t shirt weather while loading the truck.
Got back to Preston and it was grey, pouring down and cold.


15,022 posts

217 months

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This morning in Ayrshire, 9 degrees, windy and pissing down frown


5,300 posts

33 months

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Beautiful day here in the Thames Valley. Sunny, breezy, no more than 19 degrees, perfect. Laundry dying nicely.


9,109 posts

181 months

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CivicDuties said:
Beautiful day here in the Thames Valley. Sunny, breezy, no more than 19 degrees, perfect. Laundry dying nicely.
Yes looks like a brief day of sun in Surbiton