Plus one.



Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
Famous Graham said:
Ah so it's just the mathematical angle then?

If people started typing : yes : instead, you'd be happy? (Well, as happy as you ever are, anyway)
Anything as long as it is words and means what it is intended to mean.


4,381 posts

203 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
Famous Graham said:
blindswelledrat said:
Chainguy said:
It's a perfectly valid means of expression. Similar to nodding were you in a group/pub type enviroment.
Ive already acknowledged being in the minority, however typing "+1" is absolutely nothing like nodding agreement in a pub.
It is like saying the words "plus one" in a pub which I still deem to be insanity

yes The smiley to the left of these words is the same as nodding agreement in a pub.
"+1" : The mathematics to the left of thise words most certainly isn't.
Ah so it's just the mathematical angle then?

If people started typing : yes : instead, you'd be happy? (Well, as happy as you ever are, anyway)
I think you've just hit the nail firmly on the head there Graham.


13,015 posts

201 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
blindswelledrat said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
Landlord said:
blindswelledrat said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
Why did you type "-273"?
DO you somehow think that because it is a larger negative integer it would somehow be funnier than the six thousand other variants of exactly the same gag already used on this thread?
Did you hope that somehow this added an hilarious new edge to the gag "-23" or any similar.
I am afraid it doesn't and, but for my comment, would have passed completely unnoticed.
I think it's because it's approximately "Absolute Zero" in degress centigrade? Though I could be bestowing the poster with more perspicacity than he actually has.
Actually thats exactly why I posted it.


Monkey. BEng(Hons)
THen I take it back.
WIsh I had used that rant on one of the other 6000 variants of it that were less clever.
Well done

Edited by blindswelledrat on Thursday 2nd April 12:05
Wind your neck in. No one really cares about your rant.


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
chunkymonkey71 said:
Wind your neck in. No one really cares about your rant.
6 Pages say they do, and that one way or another some entertainment has been had.
Yet prior to this thread I have never noticed a single one of your 1000 posts. You are a total nonentity, the sort who uses the phrase "wind your neck in".
Now shush before I fall asleep.


19,761 posts

238 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
blindswelledrat said:
Jesus, Silent 1.
THat is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me or about me.
I feel a warm glow all of a sudden.
I'm not certain you're right mind you, but it has given me tears of joy all the same.

You've got to fight, fight for your right........toooooo arguuuuueeeee.

dirty boy

14,728 posts

212 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
chunkymonkey71 said:
Wind your neck in. No one really cares about your rant.
I care.


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
dirty boy said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
Wind your neck in. No one really cares about your rant.
I care.
CHeers. I had to acknowledge this as my pre-emptive reply will look absurd if it never reaches 6 pages.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
dirty boy said:
escargot said:
You'd actually get your cock out in the middle of a pub full of blokes, then relieve yourself over a plate of food.

Since when did scampi fries get served on a plate? Do you live in Epsom or something?
You revolting little oik, you! What in God's name makes you think we'd allow those vile, stinking orange monstrosities to be sold anywhere remotely near here?


13,015 posts

201 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
blindswelledrat said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
Wind your neck in. No one really cares about your rant.
6 Pages say they do, and that one way or another some entertainment has been had.
Yet prior to this thread I have never noticed a single one of your 1000 posts. You are a total nonentity, the sort who uses the phrase "wind your neck in".
Now shush before I fall asleep.
Please go to sleep. You really are a crushing bore.

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

218 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
Am i not the only one who clicked on this expecting it to be a rant about weddings`?

Anyway, now that i have read all the bickering i have to agree. Either write something worthwhile or dont bother.

And now i am fraught with worry that i have written something un-worthwhile, is this now a paradox?


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
chunkymonkey71 said:
blindswelledrat said:
chunkymonkey71 said:
Wind your neck in. No one really cares about your rant.
6 Pages say they do, and that one way or another some entertainment has been had.
Yet prior to this thread I have never noticed a single one of your 1000 posts. You are a total nonentity, the sort who uses the phrase "wind your neck in".
Now shush before I fall asleep.
Please go to sleep. You really are a crushing bore.
Coming from the sort of person who feels the need to post his exam results after a post to somehow ingratiate himself with, and validate his opinon to a bunch of complete strangers on the internet.
And whose fovourite comeback to any kind of insult is "I know you are, you said you are but what am I?"


11,876 posts

254 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
BSR could you just clarify if you mean 6 pages on which forum display page settings?

I'm winding my neck right out in support and I just need to know.


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
parakitaMol. said:
BSR could you just clarify if you mean 6 pages on which forum display page settings?

I'm winding my neck right out in support and I just need to know.
I see.Well done. I was predicting, as I suspect you have realised, the true potential within this great thread.
I am a little shy so far, but it is a truly great thread and I still feel confident.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
parakitaMol. said:
BSR could you just clarify if you mean 6 pages on which forum display page settings?

I'm winding my neck right out in support and I just need to know.
There are multiple forum display page settings? confused


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
Yes Kermit, I believe there are.

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

218 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
Yup, us enlightened users have 80 posts per page, i think the default is 20.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
blindswelledrat said:
Yes Kermit, I believe there are.
Blimey. You learn something new every day. smile


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
Lord Pikey said:
Yup, us enlightened users have 80 posts per page, i think the default is 20.
SUrely that's a bad thing? Great big endless walls of text that take forever to load?

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
quotequote all
blindswelledrat said:
Lord Pikey said:
Yup, us enlightened users have 80 posts per page, i think the default is 20.
SUrely that's a bad thing? Great big endless walls of text that take forever to load?
Surely everyone has broadband now, don't they?


99 posts

184 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Tut some people on this topic are so predictable

'Inhales deeply'


Its forum talk, its unstoppable *shurgs*