What would you do?



1,352 posts

207 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Would've left school at 16 and got a job. I'm 24 now, have a degree and some A-levels, and no job.


4,108 posts

234 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Great thread - unfortunately I don't agree you should necessary regret anything. The ups and downs of life make you who you are, and without them your life would have taken a different direction - you'd have seized opportunities or missed them, met different people and travelled to different places.

However, if I could do it all over again, I would have -

1. Spent more time getting to know my parents.
2. Not sold that St Albans apartment in 2004, not bought property in 2007.
3. Not met the ex I wasted eight years of my life with, only for her to cheat on me and run off with the little money I had.
4. Started working for myself sooner.
5. Cheated on my ex, and gone out with my current girlfriend sooner - I had the chance, but stood by my morals - what an idiot! rolleyes
6. Started my prime business earlier - the guys who jumped-in now own property in ten markets, yachts, supercars, you name it...
ETA - 7. Not gone to University.

Edited by sa_20v on Thursday 2nd April 16:50


4,764 posts

190 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I would not have just watched Hollyoaks for the first time, what a depressing programme that was.

Brown and Boris

11,801 posts

238 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I'd go back to that promotion interview in 1994, and in response to the question;

"what could we do to improve equal opportunities in this organisation?" I would say

"Positive action programmes to recruit more under represented groups"

Instead of;

"well for a start we can get rid of all the senior management reserved parking, so that the people who park near the main doors are those who get here first in the morning".

Things were never the same again.

Edited by Brown and Boris on Thursday 2nd April 19:05


1,453 posts

284 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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cheapoman said:
wouldn't change a thing
Me neither. Well maybe I should have bought my neighbours immaculate low mileage Legacy he let go for a song wink


917 posts

223 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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gone back to about 8 and spent my time doing stuff, like playing football rather than playing computer games all the time.

sticking at the stuff i actually did do like boxing, gymnastics and badmminton.

making more friends in secondary school and stop being so naive

oh and not getting THAT pissed on THAT night


8,824 posts

219 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Pony said:
oh and not getting THAT pissed on THAT night


397 posts

225 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I'm sure there are plenty of things but two that annoy me are
1/ not buying that 993 Turbo with 14,000 on the clock 5 years ago for 35,000

2/ not training as a lawyer so I'd know when the bds are ripping me off.


13,645 posts

196 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Not sure I would go back.....am just beginning to like myself again after a very long time. And I believe it's your past who makes you who you are today.

Although I would have to say, I'd change losing my virginity to a ginger paperbag


869 posts

212 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I'd like to go back to when I was 15 - about the time I turned from a nice girl into the teenager from hell! I really regret what I put my parents through.


8,815 posts

217 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I have just lost my Dad but I have a fabulous family of my own. I would love to go and re-live my life from the beginning all over again, just to be with him again, but I would prefer to retain some memories of my current life so that I make the same decisions that led me to my wife, and subsequently my children.


4,108 posts

234 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Georgiegirl said:
I'd like to go back to when I was 15 - about the time I turned from a nice girl into the teenager from hell! I really regret what I put my parents through.
Don't worry - did the same thing (not the girl bit though). Ultimately it made my relationship with my parents stronger, but still feel guilty. smile

Mr Fenix

863 posts

208 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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I have few regrets in my life but I would wind the clock back to when I was 17 and do the following:

1) Keep playing the piano, guitar and drums.

2) Actually study & put some proper effort for my Highers instead of partying and playing carmageddon & quake.

3) Go on to do Medicine or product design instead of a Business degree.

4) Cut off all ties to my bitter, twisted, psychotic & outright dangerous father much, much sooner.

5) Don't take that flight home on the 13th October 2000.

6) Listen to my heart and ask out that stunning medical student who melted my cynical heart and inspired me to be a better man...I honestly think she was the "one".

7) Discover Piston heads sooner !

All in all I've made good and bad decisions in my life and its all helped shape me into the person I am today.

Great Post btw !


17,999 posts

252 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Work my arse of at school become an MP and have an expense account.


1,254 posts

190 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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I would discover my own record label and call it VIRGIN then chill out on my own private island smile


2,546 posts

234 months

Friday 3rd April 2009
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Nothing much.

I make a lot of stupid choices but I like my life smile

Maybe with hindsight I could've picked up on signals from girls who liked me but I was totally oblivious to....