Went ballistic at my OH browsing my facebook

Went ballistic at my OH browsing my facebook



16,484 posts

247 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Georgiegirl said:
I see why you are a bit annoyed, but that level of reaction means one thing to women - you are very very guilty!
Personally it wouldnt bother me if someone looked at my email, facebook, phone.....anything really
Give me all your passwords then and I'll take a look.


12,134 posts

249 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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isee said:
Caught my mrs browsing my facebook on the iphone, reading the messages from my female friends etc.
There was nothing incriminating on there but that really pissed me off in principle.
I confiscated the phone and told her in strong language that what she did is just not on.
To make a long story short she is now upset with ME and is not talking to me unless she has to...

Have I overreacted?
I suppose I made myself look guilty in her eyes by reacting so strongly. I have nothing to hide but it doesn't mean it's ok to read my personal inbox. I never read her messages whenever she leaves her mailbox open on my pc. I never browse through her text messages on her phone either.

I do believe that if you are looking for something you will find it eventually though...

It pisses me off that rather than apologising I am the guilty one now. Not sure how that works but if she keeps that up I am tempted to throw in the towel.
They always reverse it.


12,134 posts

249 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
I'll give it seven days until you post again bleating about your wife having left you.
in 7 days maybe but at this precise moment in time i feel like i'd help her pack her things.
If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women - unless you are asking their advice on buying your OH a fk-off huge diamond - you have no business being married.

Edited by V8mate on Tuesday 31st March 16:55
Utter tripe.


6,333 posts

253 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Erm, why not just log out before you leave it lying around for all to see? Given Facebook owns your soul for the rest of time anyway, the OH is the least of your privacy concerns to be honest.


5,614 posts

258 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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The problem with society is that we haven't yet learned that it simply isn't "OK" to even expect to be able to access someone elses messages.

The whole childish "well what have you got to hide" argument only illustrates this point. Its the same as expecting the automatic entitlement to read someone elses diary.

The fact that some couples are perfectly happy to share an email address should have no bearing upon those who prefer to keep their own messaging more private.


6,225 posts

210 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I do think it is bang out of order for her to be reading your private messages. I would react in a similar (but perhaps less harsh) manner, I should think. Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to share everything (we're talking about stuff like money issues, car purchases and medical stuff, not cheating or anything).


5,829 posts

195 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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She was being nosey!

Perhaps she doesn't trust you? have you been doing anything strange/differently lately.

Anyway, that doesn't matter, as she shouldn't have been looking at your stuff. It doesn't matter if it's your Facebook messages, private email, work email or post etc. It's none of her business what is in them. The same goes for post lying about the house, it might be open, but that doesn't give her the right to read it.

If she doesn't trust you enough to talk to you about it then there is something wrong with her. Why go looking for trouble.


6,375 posts

187 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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4 out of 10 for the shameless "I've got an iPhone" plug...


834 posts

186 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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For my money, just because you enter a relationship with someone it does not mean that you're not allowed any personal privacy any more. If you live with someone you automatically lose almost all private space anyway. If she was looking at his FB emails (rather than his public wall for example) then to me that is pretty out of order and no real difference from reading his post.

On the other hand, if I had done something like this (which I wouldn't) and my OH then took MY phone off me I would be apopleptic, and I would perhaps do more than just give him the silent treatment - what gives him the right? That's something I'd expect from my Dad, not my partner!

If I had have been the OP I would have expected an explanation, and an apology and would have left it at that - unless it happened again. If she did it again, it just reeks of either mistrust, disrespect, or both and is not a good sign for future relations.


8,799 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Mrs is always on my facebook.

Sometimes I think people want to hang onto a small part of singledom "just in case" maybe leave a few irons in the fire. I think if your going to go for a relationship you've got to cast off and accept these kind of things. It always amazes me when couples have separate bank accounts and things like that. The more you're willing to share the less you have to worry about. It makes for a lot easier and less stressful life in the long run. Oh and having joint bank accounts doubled my monthly pay too biggrin


35,829 posts

274 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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fridaypassion said:
having joint bank accounts doubled my monthly pay too biggrin


4,899 posts

204 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I don't stop my OH doing this - but it does annoy me. She occassionally just browses through things on the computer... not sure why. I don't stop her because I've got nothing to hide. If she feels the need to do it then fine, I'll let her be.

Fetchez la vache

5,595 posts

217 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Shakespeare said:
Methinks isee doth protest too much

Sheets Tabuer

19,225 posts

218 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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fridaypassion said:
It always amazes me when couples have separate bank accounts and things like that.
Never been divorced have you?


8,799 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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No I'm blissfully ignorant of the possible pitfalls biggrin

GT 1

2,056 posts

215 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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It isn't a matter of trust, women are nosey.....fact!


5,186 posts

247 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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'Tis well out of order to go through anyones private phone, facebook etc etc. Its a cardinal sin. You were right to have a go, but perhaps now its time to make up.


5,614 posts

258 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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gbbird said:
You were right to have a go, but perhaps now its time to make up.
He'll have to endure the mandatory 48 hour sulk first, 72 if he hasnt bought her an iphone of her own.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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As I see it, if the OP couldn't be bothered to protect his information, then he can hardly complain if anyone else sees it.


76,802 posts

285 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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