



3,074 posts

192 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Mk2 Jim said:
BeerForBreakfast said:
Is this the underage goth?
Its the kid who seems to go through life being shafted by not only his own stupidity and lack of common sense but also by others... not his fault I guess, he didn't stand a chance from the start... the very people he'd look to for guidence in life - his parents paid nearly £4k for his Golf... with HIS money! poor kid.
On the upside Hairspray "'The little gay guy working the 16 year old tom boy look" seems to be looking for the same things as you, chin up!
That's true, my post might have been a little harsh perhaps. When you start off in life with parents that thick you don't have a chance once you're out in the real world.

frown A sad story indeed.


544 posts

218 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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ianash said:
Austin.J said:
Get stfaced and forget about it. Also delete her number from your phone as being stfaced may induce "drunk texting" the downfall of men.
Why didn't you tell me this two years ago? An ex GF had pissed me off and after a skin full I sent a series of texts, which warranted a visit from the local constabulary the next morning. I was old enough to be their father and after I had explained the background and they had stopped pissing themselves with laughter, they went on their way. Outcome, when pissed and angry, I lock my mobile in the garage.drink
Get yourself a cheap pay as you go mobile to take to the pub with you and leave your proper one at home.
Don't program in any numers of women, your boss or anyone you don't like.

Since buying a drinking mobile I havn't had a repeat of the "incident"


15,366 posts

239 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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xrv said:
Get yourself a cheap pay as you go mobile to take to the pub with you and leave your proper one at home.
Don't program in any numers of women, your boss or anyone you don't like.

Since buying a drinking mobile I havn't had a repeat of the "incident"
I tried this and just offended my mates instead.

Honestly, don't take a phone out drinking if you are in any way prone to drunken phone calls to people who you would rather not make drunken phone calls to.


5,827 posts

195 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
OllieWinchester said:
Oh, and stop humiliating yourself on here, why post in the P+P about things like this? You truly are a glutton for punishment....
as sad as it is, seeing the keyboard warrior rip me to shreds amuses me, so after a bad day in work, or something else i just post something on here i know i will get flamed for, let the insults roll in 'defend' myself, and laugh at how far off the mark people are. I'll now probably be considered a troll, but I'm not, to my recollection ive only ever done that 5 times.

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Sunday 22 March 21:08
It seems more a case of, you don't get the attention you crave in the real world, so you come on Pistonheads to get it.

It's like that saying "All press is good press"

Only, usually, for a teenage girl - any attention is good attention.


18,789 posts

231 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
OllieWinchester said:
So, you do sort of like sex, but she obviously likes it a lot more than you, and she's 18. She sounds like a go-er. You need to satisfy her sexually before you can expect anything more from her, and this is her way of saying that you aren't.
how can you 'satisfy' someone who wont even acknowledge your exsistance.

asked her if she wanted to go for a drink one night. no reply.

i had to drop stuff off for a mate who lives near her, asked her if she was in an if it was ok for me to pop and 'say hi', she was revising for her end of year exams and was then going to watch skins. and thats when i gave up.

and then about an hour later she called it off.

Unfortunately i cant draw a line between pestering and showing an interest, so to save seeming clingy i will, say for example, send a text, if i get a reply i will continue texting. when the replies stop i stop. If i dont get a reply, i then wont text until the evening or next day.
Sorry to hear that you are beating yourself up over this, but it sounds like you are being played to me fella. It seems like you are showing her enough interest to keep the game going and she is playing you like a fool.

It sounds like she's a bit of sausage addict and all she wants is to be boned into the middle of next week. I think that is all she sees in you and by your own admission, you ain't towing the line.

You have, in my opinion, a few options:

a. Ignore her completely. DO NOT text her anymore and DO NOT reply if she texts you. Keep this going and see what happens.

b. Go round and slam her so hard that she bleeds from it. Make her want you and while your at it, conquer the oxo tower. Also film this and post pics of her during the vinegar stroke on here.

c. Burn her and all of her family and have a nice life being 'little mary the prison bh'.

I know what i'd do!

Edited by funkyrobot on Sunday 22 March 23:31

The Excession

11,669 posts

253 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
Glassman said:
22 mins after posting this up... you went for a pay at pump question...
yeah, and whats that got to do with anything, if im pissed off at a woman for doing something am i not allowed to ask a question thats unrealted in a different thread in a different sub forum? Must i sit in a dark corner and contemplate murdering her and her whole family for a couple days or do i just get it out of my system and carry on with my day? personally i think the latter, but if you cant think about more than one thing at once then dont make out its a bad thing when someone starts two different threads that are on completely different topics.
Be careful, I nearly had the Police on the doorstep this afternoon for posting something fare less threatening than that on PH. wink


5,666 posts

195 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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For whats it worth, if I was the OP I'd listen to Funkyrobot and take option B.

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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It just gets to me a bit as ive chased this girl for nearly 5 years and when i finally get her i fell at the first hurdle because i wouldnt fk her within 2 days of the relationship so she then ignored me for a little while and then ended it. its not the 'relationship' (if something that short can be called such a thing) got to me, its the fact i wasted a few years of my life chasing her. I'm like a dog chasing cars, but as soon as i catch one i dunno what to do.

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Sunday 22 March 23:43


15,366 posts

239 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Are you a virgin?

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
AJS- said:
Are you a virgin?
no, but i was until i was 18 and have only had sex the once, again here comes the pisstaking, but oh well.

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Sunday 22 March 23:44


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Clueless, do yourself a favour, stop being so painfully honest. This forum probably isn't the place for the sort of help you need.


5,666 posts

195 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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When will you learn. Stop dropping yourself in it FFS! You are either a troll, or you get off on being ridiculed on a public forum. Throw your bloody PC out of the window and go out with your mates or something!

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
OllieWinchester said:
When will you learn. Stop dropping yourself in it FFS! You are either a troll, or you get off on being ridiculed on a public forum. Throw your bloody PC out of the window and go out with your mates or something!
I would if i had friends.


5,827 posts

195 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Even if you're offered a sympathy shag you'll probably turn it down.

I don't get it!


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
OllieWinchester said:
When will you learn. Stop dropping yourself in it FFS! You are either a troll, or you get off on being ridiculed on a public forum. Throw your bloody PC out of the window and go out with your mates or something!
I would if i had friends.
Don't you have a family member you can confide in?

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
Slagathore said:
Even if you're offered a sympathy shag you'll probably turn it down.

I don't get it!
I'm stupid, but not THAT stupid

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
ianash said:
Utterly Clueless said:
OllieWinchester said:
When will you learn. Stop dropping yourself in it FFS! You are either a troll, or you get off on being ridiculed on a public forum. Throw your bloody PC out of the window and go out with your mates or something!
I would if i had friends.
Don't you have a family member you can confide in?
nope, i'm adopted so just generally feel inadequate so never really try to better myself. its a bad mentality but its one ive had for many years, and never tell anyone anything and just bottle everything up

Edited by Utterly Clueless on Sunday 22 March 23:54


15,366 posts

239 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Go to a we.
Honestly, it will help.


8,969 posts

211 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
Utterly Clueless said:
ianash said:
Utterly Clueless said:
OllieWinchester said:
When will you learn. Stop dropping yourself in it FFS! You are either a troll, or you get off on being ridiculed on a public forum. Throw your bloody PC out of the window and go out with your mates or something!
I would if i had friends.
Don't you have a family member you can confide in?
nope, i'm adopted so just generally feel inadequate so never really try to better myself. its a bad mentality but its one ive had for many years
There's probably nothing wrong with you other than your state of mind.... unfortunately from your perspective you need to bite the bullet and just go and put yourself out there, meet some people and make new friends.

ETA: this will solve everything as you won't think about this girl, you'll get some new ones, and when you do you won't be so needy and uptight as there will be other ones to distract you if one starts becoming hard work.

Edited by rabw on Sunday 22 March 23:58


5,827 posts

195 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
Slagathore said:
Even if you're offered a sympathy shag you'll probably turn it down.

I don't get it!
I'm stupid, but not THAT stupid
You should think about sending some PMs out. There appears to be one or two desperate women on here!!