Calling the Sexperts

Calling the Sexperts

Poll: Calling the Sexperts

Total Members Polled: 566

Probably a prostitute: 64%
Any girl would say that: 2%
Definitely wants a shag: 34%


10,877 posts

191 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Bill Carr said:
PD9 said:
I had a note left on my windscreen last year "your 'cute' gimme a call: 077.. Michelle x" it was a girl - 8, maybe 10 eventually got my end away!

Edited by Bill Carr on Thursday 26th February 15:34


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Steve Evil said:
Have you called her yet?
I do my calling after sundown cool

PD9 said:
I had a note left on my windscreen last year "your 'cute' gimme a call: 077.. Michelle x" I did, turned out it was a girl - 8/10 who worked in the offices downstairs. Took her out and eventually got my end away!
Good lad!

If this bird is of the devil-fornicating variety, what do you reckon my chances of de-panting her without shelling out?

Im usually up for a challenge nerd


7,507 posts

193 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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If her rates are good tell her to sign up to PH she could make a killing!


2,005 posts

188 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Bill Carr said:
PD9 said:
I had a note left on my windscreen last year "your 'cute' gimme a call: 077.. Michelle x" it was a girl - 8/10 eventually got my end away!


2,005 posts

188 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Mobsta said:
Good lad!

If this bird is of the devil-fornicating variety, what do you reckon my chances of de-panting her without shelling out?

Im usually up for a challenge nerd
Its all in the chase fella! wink


4,309 posts

251 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Mobsta said:
If this bird is of the devil-fornicating variety, what do you reckon my chances of de-panting her without shelling out?

Im usually up for a challenge nerd
Slim, say 10% chance.

MK4 Slowride

10,028 posts

211 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Nobody You Know said:
MK4 Slowride said:
Oh st really?

Classic trap used by 'Greckish Mongolids'. They're after the lining of your skull so they can bury it with some lavender and parsley. This helps the spirits to speak to the living and bring enlightenment to those bereft of thought.
You really have too much time on your hands....
Meh, is that a euphemism?


5,892 posts

209 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Come on fella - i'll wager it's genuine.
A few years ago whilst sat alone in a cafe I had the most stunning girl ask if she could join me. She was absolutely incredible looking, she flirted outrageously for 15 minutes, wrote her number in lipstick on a napkin and kissed me on the cheek as she left.

I was so overcome I phoned my wife to brag about it. biggrin


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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brum said:
Come on fella - i'll wager it's genuine.
A few years ago whilst sat alone in a cafe I had the most stunning girl ask if she could join me. She was absolutely incredible looking, she flirted outrageously for 15 minutes, wrote her number in lipstick on a napkin and kissed me on the cheek as she left.

I was so overcome I phoned my wife to brag about it. biggrin
At least you werent called lonely wink


15,887 posts

266 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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I've not read the thread but I reckon it's one of your mates taking the piss after you were gushing about how you saw a gorgeous girl but you were too scared to talk to her.


322 posts

193 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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The sun's almost down!


1,545 posts

264 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Just call her man, stop being a pussy! laugh


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Yoshiwaan said:
The sun's almost down!
Not 'at' sundown, I said after hehe
Im not THAT lonely. Still working, will ring her later.
I'll gladly share whatever filth she has on offer afterwards.


8,617 posts

207 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Mobsta said:
Earlier today, I parked on the drive, was walking inside (house conversion into appartments) when I bumped into an attractive lady who seemed to have come from the mail pigeon holes, started chatted to her on the stairs. I was in a hurry, shamefully not giving her my full attention, but seem to remember her being dark-ish skinned, thirty-something, kinda pretty IIRC, (couldnt be more vague if I tried!) but what I remember most was her energy. She was very confidently charming, but also strangely confident. Kinda liked her.

Knowing someone had recently moved into the building, I asked if she was one of the new neighbours. She wasnt, said she was seeing a friend, and was knocking on her friends(?) door when I said goodbye - off I trotted.

Hopped into my car this evening, to find a note on the windscreen in an envelope addressed to Mobsta.
With her name changed, it read:

Hello my name is Sarah.
Today I met you on the

'Do you ever get lonely
Sometimes I do'

You may call me if you
like !! x

Tel 07892......


I mean come, on WTF.
Whats with the lonely comment? In quotes just like that, too!?!

Is this merely the sign of a cheeky lady - or the calling card of pay-as-you-go soliciting cat flap slapping devil-fornicator?
Is was wonderfully forward, I must admit.

Thing is, when I first walked into the building, she was standing by the pigeon holes. I had mail, so she might have seen my first name on one of my envelopes. And I dont think I actually remembered seeing her walk inside the middle floor appartment of 'her friend' either - I remember her knocking, and thinking at the time, it was funny she popped down to check her friends mail, and locked herself out. All of the doors here are normal, and dont shut by themselves.

I picked up a free ads paper on my way back this evening, going to scan through the dodgy numbers at the back to see if I can find hers.

Over to you lot. You may fire when ready etc...
Maybe she is a pro and took one look at your mug and thought to herself, I bet he gets lonely. Kerching kerching


3,643 posts

229 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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brum said:
Come on fella - i'll wager it's genuine.
A few years ago whilst sat alone in a cafe I had the most stunning girl ask if she could join me. She was absolutely incredible looking, she flirted outrageously for 15 minutes, wrote her number in lipstick on a napkin and kissed me on the cheek as she left.

I was so overcome I phoned my wife to brag about it. biggrin
I was really expecting a better end to the story than the last line frown


2,584 posts

214 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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18,650 posts

212 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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77 posts

198 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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This has all the makings of a great murder-mystery.


7,424 posts

260 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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BungalowBill said:
This has all the makings of one of those threads that trails off with no resolution until everyone forgets about it.


297 posts

194 months

Thursday 26th February 2009
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Has he rang/texted yet?scratchchin