Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



9,674 posts

136 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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NMNeil said:
Living in Roswell New Mexico we know all about conspiracy theorists.
Our economy relies on them continuing to believe, and visiting Roswell with all their lovely money. biggrin
I've often thought that there's something alien about your posts.


44,558 posts

200 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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NMNeil said:
Living in Roswell New Mexico we know all about conspiracy theorists.
Our economy relies on them continuing to believe, and visiting Roswell with all their lovely money. biggrin
NMNeil, earlier.

Jazzy Jag

3,451 posts

94 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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V6 Pushfit said:
My SIL is a nurse currently doing care home testing and jabs. She says most of the under 25 staff are refusing the jab because they’ve read about the microchips being injected and regards it as FACT because it’s on Twitter/FB etc.
Had that conversation with DIL.

When I asked why Government would bother with this when she never moves room without taking her cell phone with her, she was a bit lost.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Jazzy Jag said:
Had that conversation with DIL.

When I asked why Government would bother with this when she never moves room without taking her cell phone with her, she was a bit lost.
Yes, but her mobile phone can't send the government up to date information on what she had for breakfast and how much she drinks and smokes hehe.

Does the technology they are talking about even exist in the real world?

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Wednesday 23 December 10:48


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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V6 Pushfit said:
My SIL is a nurse currently doing care home testing and jabs. She says most of the under 25 staff are refusing the jab because they’ve read about the microchips being injected and regards it as FACT because it’s on Twitter/FB etc.
I think it was Obama who rightly said the problem is often that there’s no baseline for facts anymore.

In the old days you looked at a dictionary or encyclopaedia for information or maybe went to a library. Now people get their facts from YouTube and Facebook. The internet is full of things which are wrong but keep getting quoted and click and pasted into other people’s sites and repeated enough that they become common misconceptions.

People can find evidence online for anything at all they want to believe.

Plus the distrust of experts and authority figures and devaluing of genuine knowledge has made it even worse.

Obviously the internet is great for getting information on how to fix something or up to date facts about a variety of topics from people from a variety of backgrounds but once you make sources anonymous and democratise all that knowledge as social media and the internet often does, it’s often hard to tell who actually is an expert with reliable information and who is just blagging and talking bks or just wrong.

Jazzy Jag

3,451 posts

94 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Jazzy Jag said:
Had that conversation with DIL.

When I asked why Government would bother with this when she never moves room without taking her cell phone with her, she was a bit lost.
Yes, but her mobile phone can't send the government up to date information on what she had for breakfast and how much she has drinks and smokes hehe.

Does the technology they are talking about even exist in the real world?
They would never to check out her Social media posts for that.


27,121 posts

164 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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El stovey said:
What often surprises me with conspiracy theorists is that many are actually intelligent individuals. As said above though this is likely from having knowledge in one field and thinking it must allow them to be experts in many other areas also and perhaps find it easier to ignore the likely facts and believe the less likely conspiracy instead.

Conspiracy theorists have to be able to ignore or discredit a wealth of information from reliable sources and then get their truth (conspiracy theory) from fringe blogs and websites and YouTube often because those unreliable sites are the only ones that reflect their views (which is what they’re actually looking for)

Often when we have conspiracy theorists on here it’s telling that their sources are always obviously unreliable or they’ve taken primary source data and misrepresented it.

With a conspiracy theory, people have to really want to believe it as they have to ignore things like scientific consensus and reliable sources of information and on the other hand trust obviously unreliable sources of information, usually as it’s linked to their politics or other world view.

Obviously the more they read up about their conspiracy the more their views get reflected by internet/YouTube etc search algorithms then the conspiracy is emboldened. This also gives a feeling that more people must believe it too and creates a them Vs us mentality where ‘they’ become the government and the media and often science etc who are all in on it but conspiracy theorists and their fringe blogs have seen through it and can’t see why all the ‘sheep’ can’t also see the truth.

It’s classic brainwashing but actually done by the individuals themselves and how they reinforce their beliefs not some cult leader trying to control them.

It’s very unlikely someone with a genuinely open mind would end up on the side of the conspiracy theory long term.

Obviously not many conspiracy theorists actually think they’re conspiracy theorists because they think their conspiracy is the truth and they think conspiracy theorists are the ones beyond them like flat earthers or people who think the moon landings were fake etc
We have some relatives who are conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxers, yet they have had a number of successful businesses and are very wealthy.

It started with anti-vax, but it's moved onto 5G and tracking chips, Bill Gates invented Covid, and the US election was rigged.


6,326 posts

268 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Does the technology they are talking about even exist in the real world?
Not in the form they’re describing, no. Could you have a chip implanted? Yes. Would it be bloody obvious? Also yes. biggrin

A chip that’s small enough to be essentially microscopic so it can be injected, that could power itself, and that somehow will contact to the government doesn’t exist. If it did, apart from anything else mobile phones would be way cooler than they currently are.


7,728 posts

258 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Hanlons Razor

For gummint conspiracy, my general take is that incompetence is at way to high a level for government agencies to do a fraction of the stuff they are accused of. hehe

Social media giants are a different story, however their agenda is completely about how much money can they make. Now if they were rolling out a vaccine, I would be surprised if there wasn't a tracking device in it! biglaugh


5,573 posts

152 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Ace-T said:
Social media giants are a different story, however their agenda is completely about how much money can they make. Now if they were rolling out a vaccine, I would be surprised if there wasn't a tracking device in it! biglaugh
Orwell was right about big brother. The part he got wrong was who big brother is. Its not the government, its Google Amazon and Apple and they really dont care what you do as long as its spending money or handing over your data via their portal.

I also think the American government encourage the whole Roswell/area 51 tosh as it distracts from they are really doing with new weapon systems and stealth bombers.

The Moose

22,934 posts

212 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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I read an interesting article a while back. I don’t remember the finer details, but the jist of it was that conspiracy theorists’ brains are wired slightly differently which makes them pre-disposed to believing these theories.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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The Moose said:
I read an interesting article a while back. I don’t remember the finer details, but the jist of it was that conspiracy theorists’ brains are wired slightly differently which makes them pre-disposed to believing these theories.
They are physically different to other people?

Surely that could only be through genetics?


27,121 posts

164 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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DanL said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
Does the technology they are talking about even exist in the real world?
Not in the form they’re describing, no. Could you have a chip implanted? Yes. Would it be bloody obvious? Also yes. biggrin

A chip that’s small enough to be essentially microscopic so it can be injected, that could power itself, and that somehow will contact to the government doesn’t exist. If it did, apart from anything else mobile phones would be way cooler than they currently are.
Agreed. If the technology existed they would be exploiting the hell out of it commercially. Arbitrarily tracking the population is pretty much pointless.

I'll bet 99% of conspiracy theorists also carry a mobile phone, which does track you!

dirky dirk

3,034 posts

173 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
dirky dirk said:
Ive got a crackers brother in law,
ive had all about einstein island, all the celebs abusing kids (that are locked up still)
trumps getting back in, Had three dates so far for this one
then weve had the covid business,
how your house isnt an asset, how the government is paying everyones mortgage off,

i told him to use the internet for naked ladies
will you change your thoughts on the US election if Trump serves a second term, or will you just convince yourself that your brother was still wrong?

As for Epsteins island, I though that was established as fact, it is just not confirmed exactly who was there, and probably never will be....

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Wednesday 23 December 10:25
how is he going to serve a second term?
bidens won?

dirky dirk

3,034 posts

173 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Whenever the subject of smart meters comes up on Fb
i always post saying that when you go out they switch all your stuff on,

youd be amazed how many people believe it,

im sure all kinds of st gos on, that we dont need to know about,
but the theorists are ludicrous,

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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dirky dirk said:
how is he going to serve a second term?
bidens won?
The way the constitution works says you may well be wrong about that! The media is saying he has won, but they don't get to decide.

You are probably right, but i wouldn't bet the house on it.

I noticed that Betfairs odds on Trump being re-elected fell from 34/1 to 18/1 a week or so ago but they could have just been hoovering up the last of the suckers money as they have now removed the option to bet.


Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Wednesday 23 December 16:21


24,375 posts

116 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
The media is saying he has won, but they don't get to decide.
It's not 'the media is saying' Biden has won, it's the voters and the electoral college numbers. Biden won, and he won by a large margin. The only thing that can alter this would be trump trying to stage a coup. He's obviously a lunatic and therefore this must be considered a possibility, but it's the sort of thing that could result in a civil war.


24,375 posts

116 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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LimJim said:
Perhaps there is also aggrandizing of the media as more significant than they actually in certain events, due to greater familiarity with the media than the mechanics of organisations?
Ignorance. Yes.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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paulguitar said:
It's not 'the media is saying' Biden has won, it's the voters and the electoral college numbers. Biden won, and he won by a large margin. The only thing that can alter this would be trump trying to stage a coup. He's obviously a lunatic and therefore this must be considered a possibility, but it's the sort of thing that could result in a civil war.

For the sake of everyone else here, I am going to walk away from this discussion before it gets out of hand..


24,375 posts

116 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
For the sake of everyone else here, I am going to walk away from this discussion before it gets out of hand..
No need for that at all. You could simply acknowledge your mistake?