Yet more frivolous purchases, stuff you don't need...

Yet more frivolous purchases, stuff you don't need...



3,391 posts

169 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2020
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There is perhaps another small frivolity. Brief background, not since the days of my Amstrad CPC464 have I been able to game. The motion tends to knock me quite ill. Gutting, especially as I’d love to play some Star Wars games as well.
For Father’s Day one of our adult kids gave husband their Xbox one that they didn’t use so he could play Forza 4. In the bundle of games was F1 2018.

Well. Turns out, I can play it. In the back of that he’s bought me a second hand racing wheel and a new seat, acquired a tv and is setting me up a small racing room upstairs in the spare room.

In the scheme of gaming it’s not really frivolous , but for someone who is likely to throw up half way through a Grand Prix.....biggrin. As an aside. Am now coveting the Red Bull seat and a force feedback wheel...


3,761 posts

160 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2020
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and I thought I was bad at nearly throwing up with my first experience of VR racing!


3,391 posts

169 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2020
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devnull said:
and I thought I was bad at nearly throwing up with my first experience of VR racing!
Been the source of much amusement over the years. I fell over in an arcade at Blackpool watching one of the kids drive one of the full car sims. Just went dizzy and fell.
Tried mario galaxy on the wii as well and was violently sick within 15 minutes.
I can only assume the refresh rates on the Xbox and the newer tv we’ve had may have helped a little, though there is a Star Wars game in the bundle as well that knocks me instantly sick.

Would love to know why I can race but not first person shoot.


951 posts

106 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2020
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SistersofPercy said:
I was being quite good, what with pandemics, husband on half pay and our holiday still being up in the air (pun intended), then I saw this, because clearly everyone needs Deadpools head.....

The only slight let down is it's not Ryan Reynolds voicing it, but it's close enough that I'm happy with it.
I accidentally bought a full dead pool costume on Friday after too many IPA’s.
Frivolous because I will never wear a costume and it was coming from wish, somehow when I woke up the next morning I managed to beg and get it cancelled.
I did have a survival kit, torch, laser pen, extendable Barton & a ninja throwing card in the basket that I had the sense to not order as well.


3,391 posts

169 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2020
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theguvernor15 said:
I accidentally bought a full dead pool costume on Friday after too many IPA’s.
Frivolous because I will never wear a costume and it was coming from wish, somehow when I woke up the next morning I managed to beg and get it cancelled.
I did have a survival kit, torch, laser pen, extendable Barton & a ninja throwing card in the basket that I had the sense to not order as well.
Shame that, have the set of knives he wears on his back in the loft biglaugh


19,910 posts

193 months

Wednesday 24th June 2020
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Im trying to combine a Stormtrooper printed mask, with an open-face OMP Jet.

That has to be frivolous? When Ive mastered this a full-face Stormtrooper Shoei is on the cards.


3,561 posts

225 months

Wednesday 24th June 2020
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To go with the superfluous mechanical keyboard which I ordered weeks ago (which hasn't arrived yet) I needed to order a custom, braided USB cable..


18,324 posts

201 months

Friday 26th June 2020
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Loads of flat pack stuff arriving tomorrow, obviously I have a electric screw driver, so I had to buy an other, Bosch IXO.


4,341 posts

178 months

Friday 26th June 2020
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I live in a low crime area. I have little that anybody would want to break in for, I have 2 large and loud dogs and I dont know of anyone in a mile or so radius who has been broken into in the 6 years I have lived here. So of course I was able to justify buying 4 neos smart cameras

And I've also order 2 7.6m USB cables to power the two I'll be putting out side the house....but their not outdoor cameras so I've also order a housing and mounting kit to put them outside.

So far pretty impressed, clear enough and easy enough to set up and linked into I can sit in bed in the middle of the night and say "Alexa show me the hall way"


3,391 posts

169 months

Friday 26th June 2020
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KrazyIvan said:
I live in a low crime area. I have little that anybody would want to break in for, I have 2 large and loud dogs and I dont know of anyone in a mile or so radius who has been broken into in the 6 years I have lived here. So of course I was able to justify buying 4 neos smart cameras

And I've also order 2 7.6m USB cables to power the two I'll be putting out side the house....but their not outdoor cameras so I've also order a housing and mounting kit to put them outside.

So far pretty impressed, clear enough and easy enough to set up and linked into I can sit in bed in the middle of the night and say "Alexa show me the hall way"
Had a little Neos cam free with home insurance last year, keep it in the kitchen for watching the dog. It's an excellent little bit of kit, wonderfully simple and alerts if he barks. Keep saying I'm going to get a couple more and never get around to it.


77 posts

138 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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A few people within the frivolous community have listed their spending transgressions citing a predilection for radio-controlled models....

There have been some fine examples of excess, but I put to the collective the following...

any interest in this?

Does anyone have the cojones to sneak that past their other half?

Unfortunately, I don't have the space... or the cojones!

I do think even at the BIN price it is worth it... how much would that have cost to build in the first place??


6,095 posts

193 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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Robdabank said:
A few people within the frivolous community have listed their spending transgressions citing a predilection for radio-controlled models....

There have been some fine examples of excess, but I put to the collective the following...

any interest in this?

Does anyone have the cojones to sneak that past their other half?

Unfortunately, I don't have the space... or the cojones!

I do think even at the BIN price it is worth it... how much would that have cost to build in the first place??
Blimey it’s certainly a monster that’s for sure.

As you said biggest issue is just that, The sheer size of the thing, I think only a proper hangar or industrial unit would be suitable for stowage of something that colossal!

Multi engine planes are very hard to fly too, and even though they are what looks like essentially large petrol strimmer type engines that can be quite hard to start and get them all running at the same relative speeds for power output balance.

It’s really the type of model only to be used by an Experienced scale model show flight crew, for public flight displays at shows like Weston Park.

It’s an ace thing though,I wonder if it will actually get bought?


11,200 posts

212 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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nigelpugh7 said:
Robdabank said:
A few people within the frivolous community have listed their spending transgressions citing a predilection for radio-controlled models....

There have been some fine examples of excess, but I put to the collective the following...

any interest in this?

Does anyone have the cojones to sneak that past their other half?

Unfortunately, I don't have the space... or the cojones!

I do think even at the BIN price it is worth it... how much would that have cost to build in the first place??
Blimey it’s certainly a monster that’s for sure.

As you said biggest issue is just that, The sheer size of the thing, I think only a proper hangar or industrial unit would be suitable for stowage of something that colossal!

Multi engine planes are very hard to fly too, and even though they are what looks like essentially large petrol strimmer type engines that can be quite hard to start and get them all running at the same relative speeds for power output balance.

It’s really the type of model only to be used by an Experienced scale model show flight crew, for public flight displays at shows like Weston Park.

It’s an ace thing though,I wonder if it will actually get bought?
have sent the link to a friend who has a massive collection including jet engined aircraft hehe


351 posts

186 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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Paul_M3 said:
I was on a Skype call with a work friend yesterday and he said he'd bought an inflatable paddleboard. I didn't even know that they existed to be honest. I'd never really thought about paddleboards at all.

By lunchtime I'd ordered this so I could go with him:

I think we all know the chance of me using it more than 2 or 3 times is pretty slim...
I thought the same when I bought ours a few years ago. They've had so much use; hands down one of the best investments we've made. They've been with us to Australia, Singapore, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Costa Rica as well as lots of UK weekends away.

If you happen to be anywhere near London come say hi in the 'SUP London' Facebook group. Lots of people there happy to help out with places to paddle.

Harry Flashman

19,557 posts

245 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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Inspired by this thread I bought new grips for the BB pistol that I almost never use.


39,259 posts

101 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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I have a brazier we light from time to time in the garden, we were given half a dozen 4-5 foot logs for it, these need cutting up which of course necessitated the purchase of a reciprocating saw............


19,910 posts

193 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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No. That looks quite handy, so it cant be frivolous.

Frivolous would be a hand-forged axe and splitting wedge, maybe with a Damascus blade. Something that is no use for anything else and is barely used for its 'required' task. biggrin


745 posts

184 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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GC8 said:
No. That looks quite handy, so it cant be frivolous.

Frivolous would be a hand-forged axe and splitting wedge, maybe with a Damascus blade. Something that is no use for anything else and is barely used for its 'required' task. biggrin
Exactly, now this on the other hand would be frivolous



39,259 posts

101 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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ndtman said:
GC8 said:
No. That looks quite handy, so it cant be frivolous.

Frivolous would be a hand-forged axe and splitting wedge, maybe with a Damascus blade. Something that is no use for anything else and is barely used for its 'required' task. biggrin
Exactly, now this on the other hand would be frivolous

You, uh, don't happen to have a link to that do you?!?!?! hehe

C n C

3,389 posts

224 months

Saturday 27th June 2020
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There seems to be a video on youtube.