The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024

The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024



53,299 posts

258 months

Sunday 9th June
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MiniMan64 said:
Don’t know what part of the country you’re all in but I’ve been in shorts for over a month in Plymouth. Having to water the allotment every night, BBQed every week, apart from a slightly stiff breeze occasionally it’s been quite pleasant
Similar here in the Purbecks, but I think we've been lucky.


26,079 posts

170 months

Sunday 9th June
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Today was lovely for the most part. Certainly better than forecast.

Its Just Adz

14,416 posts

212 months

Sunday 9th June
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xx99xx said:
I've been (gas) BBQing since early May. So what if you have to put a jumper on?! Food tastes the same.
Oh I agree, jumper is fine.
Rain coat and trying to light the coals in the rain isn't.


2,020 posts

76 months

Sunday 9th June
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Its Just Adz said:
xx99xx said:
I've been (gas) BBQing since early May. So what if you have to put a jumper on?! Food tastes the same.
Oh I agree, jumper is fine.
Rain coat and trying to light the coals in the rain isn't.
A few weeks ago I erected a tarpaulin shelter to cover the BBQ as there were showers forecast and I had a load of food to cook for 10 people. Took about 10 mins to set up and came in handy when it did actually rain mid burn.

Failing that, an umbrella would've also been fine as the BBQ has a lid.


673 posts

232 months

Sunday 9th June
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South Herts. Got up relatively early and.....

Frost on the ground out back on the sheltered ground.

Not North, not rural countryside away from hotspots, fecking frost in Snalbans in mid June.

What a fecking global warming joke.


27,681 posts

274 months

Sunday 9th June
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xx99xx said:
Its Just Adz said:
xx99xx said:
I've been (gas) BBQing since early May. So what if you have to put a jumper on?! Food tastes the same.
Oh I agree, jumper is fine.
Rain coat and trying to light the coals in the rain isn't.
A few weeks ago I erected a tarpaulin shelter to cover the BBQ as there were showers forecast and I had a load of food to cook for 10 people. Took about 10 mins to set up and came in handy when it did actually rain mid burn.

Failing that, an umbrella would've also been fine as the BBQ has a lid.
Whilst I admire the great British persistence, this just doesn’t sound fun for me. I’ll stick to using the bbq called the grill in my dry, warm kitchen. Fair weather BBQ’er here.

Its Just Adz

14,416 posts

212 months

Sunday 9th June
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Shnozz said:
Whilst I admire the great British persistence, this just doesn’t sound fun for me. I’ll stick to using the bbq called the grill in my dry, warm kitchen. Fair weather BBQ’er here.
Yea it's just not fun if I've got to run about covering stuff up.
If I'm cooking on the bbq, I want my shoulders to be tanning.

Chicken Chaser

7,966 posts

227 months

Sunday 9th June
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We've sat out once for tea this year, and the rear doors opened a handful of times. Since they were fitted 5 years ago, I think every summer they've been open most days between April and September. Apart from the amount of light we are having, this could be a very long March/April.


2,020 posts

76 months

Sunday 9th June
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summit7 said:
South Herts. Got up relatively early and.....

Frost on the ground out back on the sheltered ground.

Not North, not rural countryside away from hotspots, fecking frost in Snalbans in mid June.

What a fecking global warming joke.
I'm doubtful. It was generally about 10 degrees overnight in Hertfordshire. Frost cannot form at 10 degrees, even in sheltered areas. Are you sure it wasn't a covering of the cotton stuff that is floating around at the moment, or spider webs?!

Oh and it's not global warming any more, it's 'climate change'.


5,510 posts

123 months

Sunday 9th June
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To be honest this was a nice weekend weather wise. Very little rain meant I could do lots in the garden, clean the windows, and generally potter about. It’s cool but no rain seems like a blessing currently.


11,792 posts

207 months

Sunday 9th June
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A combination of overcast sky, cool temps, and dry grass made lawn mowing an almost pleasurable task earlier as did re-potting tomato plants.

Both toms and lawn are now happy as it is slatting it down here in TF2.


14,902 posts

194 months

Sunday 9th June
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So for Central London 20C is next potentially forecast in 9 days time . . . only a few days short of the Summer Solstice.

Puggit?? Provide some optimism please. . . smile


17,199 posts

193 months

Monday 10th June
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Bill said:
MiniMan64 said:
Don’t know what part of the country you’re all in but I’ve been in shorts for over a month in Plymouth. Having to water the allotment every night, BBQed every week, apart from a slightly stiff breeze occasionally it’s been quite pleasant
Similar here in the Purbecks, but I think we've been lucky.
I fked it.

Pissing it down this morning in Plymouth…


53,299 posts

258 months

Monday 10th June
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Same here, but the garden will appreciate it!

Runs and hides...hehe


12,813 posts

170 months

Monday 10th June
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It's like midwinter here on the South coast..raining sideways, windy and 11 degrees. This is fking grim.


44,591 posts

200 months

Monday 10th June
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Suffolk, last night.

This morning, cold and rain.


Original Poster:

48,583 posts

251 months

Monday 10th June
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Digger said:
So for Central London 20C is next potentially forecast in 9 days time . . . only a few days short of the Summer Solstice.

Puggit?? Provide some optimism please. . . smile
I'm off to Thailand in 2.5 weeks. Summer, here I come!


5,272 posts

199 months

Monday 10th June
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We reside in the North East and have a micro climate that’s very windy and 5th snowiest village in. England according to records.

We’ve been able to sit outside in the sun twice this year so far. It was 8 degrees yesterday in the wind. So when I see news headlines saying it’s been the hottest month on record I think well yes in the desert. When can we get a summer like 76 again please.


23,465 posts

178 months

Monday 10th June
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It was bloody miserable again yesterday, heating was on as the house dropped below 16c in the evening, getting on for around 9 months of this dismal weather.

Very strange to have long days yet autumn weather.


27,681 posts

274 months

Monday 10th June
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Wills2 said:
It was bloody miserable again yesterday, heating was on as the house dropped below 16c in the evening, getting on for around 9 months of this dismal weather.

Very strange to have long days yet autumn weather.

Agreed. Whilst I appreciate the longer days, they largely seem wasted when you don’t want to venture outside.

Real feel 2 degrees in Leeds centre this morning. Thank fook I’m swapping to Spain this afternoon.