Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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NRG1976 said:
If you’re asking who creates God, then you could equally also ask who created matter? So if one is possible are you saying the other is not? Welcome to the concept of infinity.
First, that isn’t a conceptualisation of infinity. Secondly, it’s a valueless argument. You start with who/what created matter (which is arguably a mid formulation of the relevant question anyway)? The answer is: someone or something which we will label God. Then you ask who/what created God? All you’ve done is move the question back a stage. You haven’t uncovered a rationale for the existence of a creator: both questions and answers yield nothing: they are basically the same question. So you don’t make the existence of a God more valid by comparing these questions side by side.

NRG1976 said:
Another scenario, why does God need to be an invisible being, people want to see God then perhaps God is everything we see, all matter? Maybe when people say God is in all what they mean is that we are all just different configurations of the same atoms that came into existence at a set time (big bang or otherwise).
“Maybe” is what we say when we are guessing. If God is all matter (and presumably all energy) then it is a meaningless concept, unless you claim that all matter and energy in the universe has a singular or collective consciousness. The concept of God as a creator or designer or similar being evidence by the mere existence of matter and energy is to argue in a circle: it is saying God created the universe because the universe has been created.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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deckster said:
Plus of course this is entirely the wrong place for this discussion, the whole god/science thing has been done to death in many other threads all of which are more relevant than here. So let's just draw a line under this one.
Yeah - sorry. That’s a better idea.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Al Gorithum said:
Can the Covid loonies please FRO to the appropriate threads?

Or if they are determined to stay, perhaps they could do us the basic courtesy of wearing masks. Just in case their lunacy is contagious.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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kayc said:
coldel said:
kayc said:
coldel said:
kayc said:
think its a bit of a sweeping statement to say that CT' ers as you put it believe in every CT...there is a degree of what to believe and not what to believe in most CT'ers views.Clearly some CT's are ridiculous however others are not.
Where did I say this?
You are effectively saying that you think every CT er is the same and believes every CT.
No, I am not 'effectively' saying this at all. If you read what I wrote properly.

Please reference where you believe I said this.
From your previous post.."i do find the CT pyschology really interesting"...would suggest you think every CT is the same as you have categorized them as such.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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kayc said:
.some Ct are extreme and ridiculous and others arent..its a question of opinion..
All CTs are by definition ridiculous. Some are extremely ridiculous. Some are faintly ridiculous.

Subscribing to even a faintly ridiculous CT marks one’s card. And then it get worse from there.

Edited by anonymous-user on Friday 22 September 22:11


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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RichTT said:
Gadgetmac said:
That Aliens or Lost Technology built the pyramids?

You're joking right???
Not a single credible explanation has been given on how they worked most of the stones with hand tools. Anomalous signs of machined stone is abundant and routinely ignored by main stream Egyptologists. This is not controversial, they just ignore evidence that is unexplainable. I'm not suggesting Aliens, I'm suggesting that they are deliberately ignoring evidence of machining that exists that could only have been done by a technology far in advance of the Egyptians as far as we are led to believe.

Same goes for the very credible evidence of water erosion around the sphinx which contradicts the Egyptologists.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Now now.

It could just as easily have been the Atlanteans. And that would explain how the tech was lost - it sank with Atlantis.

I mean, I say “lost”, but the secret world government - the one backed by the WEF and Gates and Soros - is known to be in regular contact with the Atlanteans today. “Lost” is just what they want you to believe.

wAkE uP sHeEpLE!!!


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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r3g said:
RemarkLima said:
I get that the delivery wasn't great, but surely the point still stands?

When you get commentary on here saying things like "can the Covid loons please leave the thread?", and "this thread is just for x!" it then becomes another echo chamber / safe place...

Are people are opening taking the mick, and then expecting no comeback or right to reply? Or do you all want to just point and laugh from a safe distance? If that's the case, I hear there's a script to block specific posters and you can have "your" thread in peace wink
This. Especially as they have collectively proclaimed that they have "moved on" and "covid is a distant memory" yet still spend the majority of their time talking about it or discussing what other people have got to say about it. Maybe the definition of "moved on" has changed as they very clearly haven't, it's still constantly at the forefront of their mind and they feel the need to post about it several times day. wobble
All muddled, as usual.

It is perfectly consistent to (a) have moved on from covid, as every sane non-obsessive person has; and (b) at the same time be openly amazed at the degree to which the insane covid obsessives - for example ones who refer to the vaccine as a death clot shot or similar; the ones who attribute medical findings about long covid to the vaccine instead, or ones who compare having to wear a mask to having body organs forcibly harvested - can’t escape from their fabricated reality bubbles.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Rufus Stone said:
BlackWidow13 said:
ones who attribute medical findings about long covid to the vaccine instead
Really, what about people with long covid that haven't been vaccinated?
Oh; I expect in the minds of the insane, no such people exist.

They’re not really into what others might think of as “technical detail”, you see.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 24th September 2023
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Random Account No6 said:
How embarrassing hehe
Not for a CTer. They don’t have the concept of embarrassment in their makeup.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Who_Goes_Blue said:
Seventy said:
If you’re going to deride the msm, and therefore I presume don’t read it as that would be rather foolish, then you must be getting your news from somewhere.

Just interested where, that’s all.
Thats a big leap on your part to assume I dont read it. My statement was they dont give the whole truth - i never said i didnt read it or that it wasnt worthwhile reading it
What you said was this:

Who_Goes_Blue said:
Anyone with half a brain cell really shouldn't be taking anything in the MSM as the whole truth
Which boils down to “nothing reported by the MSM can be trusted to be accurate”.

In one sense that may have some truth to it in that every outlet will to some degree edit a story and so omit some detail, and/or an editorial slant on it.

But to jump from that starting point to your sweeping statement is a bit like saying that because your granny says she’s 88 when she’s actually 89 nothing she says can be trusted. It’s overstepping.

Reframe the question: what non-MSM sources do you go to to fill in the gaps or undo the slant that you perceive there to be in MSM reporting?


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Who_Goes_Blue said:
KarlMac said:
Bet a significant sum of money WGB is an active Rumble subscriber and doesn’t consider GBNews/OAN to be ‘mainstream media’

Failing that probably gets all their opinions like most CTs, from unhinged Twitter / tik tok accounts.
How much? I`ll take that bet
To win that bet you’d have to answer the question that has been put to you.

10/10 for bravado.

0/10 for thought.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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bodhi said:
In fairness I don't think he was banned just changed his forum name. From what I can tell he used to turn up on the Takeaway thread quite a lot, but I'm buggered if I can remember his previous name.
Raccacoonie and Golfgtimk28v according to his profile.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 4th October 2023
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This isn’t so much a CT as an example of nuttiness in the general vicinity of the CT bubble.

In the other thread, someone posted a tweet by a Dr who’d put together a montage of talking heads from newscasts (MSM, obviously) who were characterised by said Dr as having been complicit in “crimes against humanity”.

A bit of digging revealed said Dr was a PhD rather than an MD. The PhD started in one country and finished in another - unusual but not a red flag by any means.

Dig deeper: the PhD holder describes his PhD as being in biotechnology. Promising, but then not so much: it was in aquaponics: the art of growing plants underwater. But he’s now a self styled covid expert and covid ultrasceptic - it’s all harmless and ivermectin is the answer etc.

Yet one of his ideas is that the vaccine caused him to get myocarditis for a year. Not, you understand, because he had the vaccine himself. No, he’d never have the vaccine. But because he sat next to a friend who’d been vaccinated and then developed heart irregularities. Apparently “vaccine shedding” is both real and causative based on an untested sample set of one, but the virus is a nothing burger.

This is quite a good example of how someone who plainly has the determination and enough brain power to go through the required hoops to get a PhD can nonetheless be batst mental and inhabit a maze of rabbit holes of their own construction. All very strange.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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zbc said:
Surely the thinking man's CT is that it the vaccine is a complete scam and it isn't actually a vaccine for covid at all or at best as a side effect. In fact it's a vaccine for some other disease that will be released in due course and finish off those who refuse to comply.
There was IIRC a poster in the other thread who was loudly and confidently claiming that everyone who had the vaccine would be dead within six months from fatal vaccine side effects. In all seriousness.

I think his theory was that this was accidental rather than deliberate, but he was absolutely adamant about it.

fking looney.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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coldel said:
119 said:
Now we have Covid is potentially to blame for the war in Israel.

Jesus fking Christ.

Oh really, would love to know how
I’ve just been reading it. Spectacular stuff. When idiots collide.

On one hand: Israel was so oppressive in its vaccination programme that it failed its citizens. And now it has failed its citizens again by allowing the attack. So it’s the same, see? Which means one caused the other.

On the other hand: nah mate. The attacks happened because Israel let them happen. And the US is in on it on Israel’s side because, well, US pharma! Follow the money.

There is a third group saying: you’re both fricking nuts. But they’re not getting the traction they deserve.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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NRG1976 said:
I think there is a spectrum, so 9/11, flat earth, covid, bill gates, illuminati, lizards etc. are basket case level. The Israel one is not too far removed from a possibility.

False flag is a known geo-political tactic. Equally a few MSM feel hamas operation was designed to destabilise the talks between Saudi Arabia in recognition of Israel being a state etc. etc. so equally on the spectrum of Israel self inflicting.

Edited by NRG1976 on Saturday 21st October 10:35
First, mixing “false flag”, “geo-political” and “MSM” in close proximity screams “I am a level 12 deep thinker” but quietly says the opposite.

Secondly, it’s properly bizarre to compare an objectively rational hypothesis for Hamas’s attack (cleaving relations between Israel and Saudi) with a CT that Israel let it happen to create a pretext to retaliate. One involves A killing its enemy, B, expecting B to respond in such a way as to alienate C. The other involves B allowing its own civilian citizens to be slaughtered so it can kill A’s soldiers and civilians.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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kayc said:
coldel said:
Who_Goes_Blue said:
Hoofy said:
coldel said:
I did do a bit of reading on these guys a couple of years back as they are associated with qanon / capitol raid etc. and they really are just a bunch of people who often are low income, wanting more, feel they are owed, and ironically often involved in fraud and scams to rip other people off.
I think it's down to people being told what they want to hear so they are more easily agreeable to it. I've seen it a lot in my industry (therapy/complementary health). People promising things. Using loose logic to say things that people want to hear. Chuck in a bit of pseudo science, make it sound technical and clever but also use words like "scientific" and "critical thinking" to imply that if you disagree you're... wrong. In the 3 years of my science degree, not once did anyone say "critical thinking". In a word, it's manipulation.
youve summed up pretty much the whole covid debacle right there
Yes, from ideas that drinking bleach cleans it out to all the other misinformation out there that extreme groups were peddling.

I remember one where someone was quoting something from the guy that invented the PCR test I think it was, the guy unfortunately had passed on a few years before who spoke about his PCR testing, but this chap peddled is as true and undiable that the PCR test wasnt fit for purpose. Upon closer inspection it became clear that the quote not only was completely out of context, but actually made up of two different quotes made months apart that had been put together to support some spurious nonsense around it.

Even when I pulled the relevant articles, pointed out that the quote wasnt factual and that the context was completely different - that guy said that it was still relevant. Classic CT behaviour. Even bare faced facts still wouldn't shift his belief in a falsehood. "
So..09/2021..Joe Biden official White House statement designed to scare/influence people..."This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" from your beliefs and trust in authority he was either misinformed or choose..what we do know is that his statement ,(anyone who questioned it at the time would be a CT as Joe has no reason to mislead), is now factually proved to be incorrect.
That isn't the killer argument you think it is. You've made something up and hinged an opinion around it. The made up bit is: "anyone who questioned it at the time would be a CT as Joe had no reason to mislead". The first part of the sentence is simply untrue and the second part "no reason to mislead" ignores the context of encouraging vaccine uptake and that the vaccinated who caught Covid had better health outcomes. Of course, you don't deal in nuance so, in your opinion, it is simply something that "is now factually proved to be incorrect".


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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kayc said:
coldel said:
kayc said:
ot bored do you think that CT's at the time thought Joe was misleading or lying to the public because what he was saying looked illogical and has now been be a proven correct opinion( for a reason yet to be discovered)...or gonna gloss over that as usual?
Making basic and simple mistakes is quite boring I agree. In case you missed it, Nobel Peace Prize is not the Nobel Prize for Medicine. And a nominee, is someone nominated, not a winner. It becomes a lot more interesting when you work that out.

Gloss over? Or simply that it is tiresome saying the same thing to you, that the world isn't binary, that opposing one thing doesn't automatically throw you into the diametrically opposite view. CT opposing everything they were told is very different to a person that evaluates statements on their individual merits and coming to conclusions. Doing the latter does not make you a sheep nor does it make you a CT. When you work that out, the world will become a less confusing and conspiratorial place for you.
So lets clarify..if i said to you in Sept 21 that i thought Biden was either lying or misleading the public for reasons known to him and a few others you wouldnt have said i was a CT?..i think you know the answer to that.
The mistake you’re making is thinking that “lying or misleading “ is the issue (although you are using those terms in an overly pejorative way). The issue is “for reasons known to him and a few others”. There were obvious and legitimate reasons to encourage the vaccine uptake, particularly given the misinformation spread through right-wing social media, but you’re hinting at reasons known only to a few people. Without evidence of what these “reasons” are, it sounds like the start of a conspiracy theory.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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kayc said:
o..this is becoming a little tiring..see if you can actually answer a straight question...did Biden say in 09/2021 "it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" to coerce people into being jabbed( factually proven to be incorrect)..anybody who questioned his reasons for saying this for a variety of reasons at the time was considered a CT...
Bold above.

If you can't provide any evidence of this I'd suggest you're flogging a dead horse. It appears to be a figment of your imagination