Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 5th July 2023
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Al Gorithum said:
twing said:
What an idiot.

Standing by for the PH clowns to start crying about freedom of speech, or something...
Will be interesting to see who stops posting on the Covid .. worse thread when he gets sent down. smile


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 5th July 2023
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kayc said:
coldel said:
valiant said:
We just had similar in the Gbeebies thread in NP&E before the mods stepped in and cleaned things up. Truly astonishing how some people think and whoever said that that when you believe one conspiracy you tend to believe all of them was bang on the money.
Yes CT are a behavioural type.

Often deep seated need to feel special, like they know something the majority dont. Or that they feel superior as they are 'free thinkers' and not sheep or any other made up name they throw about. What ironic is that CT often are the polar opposite of what they think they are, they are very closed minded, even when they are shown to be incorrect, they carry on regardless saying the same lines they have rehearsed. Often anti establishment, or anti authority.
From what you are saying you clearly think you are superior..thats the irony
I'm sure most people believe they are superior or inferior to others in various ways. The issue is more around the need to feel superior. I think a non-CT is superior to a CT simply because they don't rely on half-baked 'facts' garnered from dubious corners of the internet. It has nothing to do with feelings for a non-CT.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Timothy Bucktu said:
Seventy said:
Don’t be so childish, you’re better than that.
My questioning is indeed childish, but honestly, taking the P may just make people realise how silly these attempts at pseudo phycological posts are.
Accusing the other chap of being inferior is a bit of an own goal! I just though it was quite funny.
An inferiority complex doesn’t mean someone is inferior. You don’t need to understand “phycological”, a bit of logical thought and common-sense does the trick. If I say that the lack of logical thought and common-sense are characteristics of CTs will you come back again to defend them?


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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Anyone who has seen that documentary by John Carpenter called The Thing knows they are buried in the icecaps.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 17th August 2023
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bodhi said:
after 418 (baby) pages you haven't really proved the thread title correct yet,


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 17th August 2023
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Random Account No6 said:
They do seem to like coming over here though, don’t they.
Every looney enjoys day release.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 17th August 2023
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Seventy said:
September is nearly here and the covid thread is ramping up, it’ll be disappointing for them if nothing happens over winter, I think a few are banking on masks being reintroduced at the very least to keep the cycle going.

We’ve had: Boris was faking it, posters posting adulterated links, crisis actors at hospitals, posters posting the same sentence three times as they’ve had no response, (the same) poster criticising the ‘insane support of some old bloke walking round his garden’ the BBC and climate change, ivermectin is the answer, cyclist who asked questions has ‘accident’ and the kicker - ‘globalist funded’ ad nauseam over the last few days.
It’s a fascinating insight into serious delusional thinking. I know one should feel concern, but its entertainment value is too great.

What’s amazing is that there is a spectrum of nuttiness that ranges from some mild peanut flavouring all the way to mainlining peanut butter into a major vein. And yet none of the participants with afflictions at the milder end of the spectrum is remotely self-conscious about the nuttiness of their fellow travellers.

You might just think that a normal rational person would ask themselves: “Hmm. If I am on the same platform as this fellow who is obviously foaming-at-the-mouth mad, perhaps I need to rethink my choice of platform”.

But no; they all seem to enjoy each other’s company, which to me says the mildly afflicted are simply masking their true selves.

So sad.

Well, sad and fascinating. And entertaining. Especially the level of self-assurance they have in their little fabricated belief systems, and the faith they place in the views and insights of randoms they find on YT and X. That’s extremely entertaining.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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cardigankid said:
Seventy said:
cardigankid said:
Seventy said:
Serious question, cardigan.

Do you think Trump won the 2020 election?
I think there is evidence of serious electoral fraud. Had the election been free and fair, Trump would probably have won.

A couple of serious questions for you. Do you think that the Hunter Biden laptop is real or made up, and do you think that Russia interfered in the previous election, as alleged by pillars of democracy like Hillary Clinton?
There was indeed electoral fraud, but if you think that it’s enough to overturn the seven million or so votes or have any effect on the electoral college then you’re sadly mistaken.

Have a look here:

Hunter Biden definitely had a laptop, so I definitely think it’s real.

Russia definitely interfered (as they have done in multiple elections worldwide, including here).
Even the Republican Senate intelligence committee reported as such.
It’s five volumes, but you really should give it a read.

I’m presuming that you have better information though.
That is based on a load of nonsense, now proven to be false, cooked up by the FBI, RAND Corporation and others (the same people who tried to cover up the laptop) on orders from the political establishment. Believe it if you want, its your funeral.

Well, looks like we have a live one.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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A certain thread has done one of its periodic shark jumps.

There is a suggestion that a certain virus will be reintroduced so as to allow lockdowns to be imposed, thus promoting postal ballots for a certain upcoming election, which thereby will be rigged in favour of a certain incumbent, who is so old and decrepit that apparently not only can he not campaign this time, but he didn’t campaign last election and still won.

Nuttier than squirrel st, dumber than a rock, thicker than mince…


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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kayc said:
Gadgetmac said:
kayc said:
deckster said:
kayc said:
deckster said:
kayc said:
sed a lot of insider info to get it ‘right’..actually speak to an ex colleague of his..he never could understand why George had six different passports..but I’d imagine most normal people have..
So innuendo and gossip then.

Any actual reasons?
You tell me ,why does he need 6 different passports?

You brought it up, I have no idea if it's even true. You tell me why it means he's a bad person.
Its true,why need 6 passports if you are doing nothing wrong?I
So what's he doing wrong?
Having six passports doesn’t suggest anything dodgy?tell me why he needs six different ones..
If you’re up to no good, how exactly does having six passports help?

I have a mate who has four: Aus, NZ and two U.K. passports. Does they make him 2/3s evil?


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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kayc said:
Bill said:
BlackWidow13 said:
If you’re up to no good, how exactly does having six passports help?
Particularly if you've told everyone...
He didn’t..only people who arranged his travel..
And the governments that issued the passports…


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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kayc energetically proving the thread title.



Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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kayc said:
deckster said:
kayc said:
He didn’t..only people who arranged his travel..
Why does that make George Soros a bad person?
Why do you need to hide who you are?
Ah. So he has six passports in six different names does he? His own and five aliases.

No, of course he doesn’t.

How does having multiple passports in your own name hiding who you are?

Take your time. We can wait.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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kayc said:
GroundEffect said:
kayc said:
Seventy said:
Are they all in different names, then?
Got some rock solid investigative journalism on that?
Dont be silly,only from one of his PA’ s of 15 years,why would he need to lie ?
Post a source, or stop making st up.

Either way, put the booze down. You’ve had enough.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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LF5335 said:
I’ve got 3, all in one name though.

Actually I’ve got 4!

Two from the country I was born in, one from my father’s homeland and one from a country I reside in for large chunks of any given year, that I effectively bought, but was issued within the existing government rules. If I marry my girlfriend, I might qualify for another as well. Sadly, I don’t have an evil lair in an extinct volcano populated by hundreds of evil henchmen all on my payroll.
Dude, proper bad guys have their lairs in live volcanoes.

Haven’t you seen Incredibles 2?


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th September 2023
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bodhi said:
redrabbit said:
What really boils MY piss is people in supermarkets wearing hats. I saw this young chap wearing a hat in the frozen food aisle yesterday, and politely enquired why he was doing it. He gave me a funny look, before replying that it looked cool. I asked him what evidence he had to support that conclusion, but he just told me to fk off and mind my own fking business, and to get some better fking shoes while I was at it, because mine were st.

Classic deflection strategy, and no substantive proof whatever to back up either of his assertions. These sheeple.
This has the potential to be a really amusing joke - unfortunately wearing hats has many proven benefits, from keeping the head warm, keeping the world from seeing bed hair and keeping those of us with folical challenges from getting sunstroke.

£3 bits of cloth from Etsy people get strangely religious about - not so much.
Oh, look.

A real-time sense of humour failure.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 10th September 2023
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Challo said:
Is the concern that once you have a smart meter, the government will just turn your electricity on and off and decide who gets to turn on lights etc.
I think the point that was made, which seems to be an entirely fair one, is that once some of them get smart meters they are in serious danger of being outwitted in their own homes.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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mko9 said:
The reverse is equally true though. There are large numbers of people who now whole heartedly believe that Russell Brand is a rapist, because it has been widely broadcast in the MSM and so many women have come forward.
Is that really the case? I tend to doubt it. There may be a large number of people who think that RB has some serious questions to answer. There may also be a proportion of them who jump to the conclusion that the volume of complainants makes it likely that in at least some instances he won’t have a very compelling answer.

I suspect you’re getting ahead of yourself.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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LF5335 said:
I think we’re miles off topic now. This place isn’t for s=discussing CTs in depth, it’s just for pointing out the latest daft nonsense that’s being peddled. I’m sure religion could fall into many different discussions, but is here really the place for it?
Not really a CT but certainly qualifies as daft. In a certain long running thread the claim has been made, apparently honestly, that being made to wear a mask is logically indistinguishable from having a kidney forcibly harvested from you.

Impressively rabid.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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deckster said:
swanny71 said:
Random Account No6 said:
It’s would appear that face masks are equal to forced kidney harvesting now.

The mental rotate gymnastics required to equate the two are mind boggling.
The step from "everybody has their own agenda" to "the lizard people are controlling us" is, apparently, a short one.
No less amazingly, there is a stout defence of that “reasoning”, which includes the classic approach of claiming that dismissing this nonsense out of hand serves as some sort of validation that it’s logically sound.