Facts that shocked you

Facts that shocked you


Stan the Bat

9,044 posts

215 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Milkyway said:
Stan the Bat said:
Milkyway said:
Af eighty thousand feet, the Lockheed SR71 / Blackbird spy plane took a minimum of four minutes to complete a full ‘180’... covering approx 145mls in that time.
Sounds like my wife , except the 80000 feet.
biglaugh Four minutes & 145m.
It did say approx.


5,275 posts

271 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Milkyway said:
Af eighty thousand feet, the Lockheed SR71 / Blackbird spy plane took a minimum of four minutes to complete a full ‘180’... covering approx 145mls in that time.
And at that speed only 20% of the total thrust came from the engines; the remainder came from the airflow being manipulated by the moveable spikes ahead of the inlets, channelling air directly to the afterburners etc.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,055 posts

230 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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The great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man-made structure for around 3800 years, and is still the 3rd heaviest.


40,466 posts

199 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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Nethybridge said:
97% of the people in the UK are not black, it's utterly shocking how unrepresented they are in the population.

97% of people in the UK probably couldn't give a toss what colour other people are. It seems to be just a rather vile minority who seem all het up about it.


41,116 posts

193 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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Countdown said:
Nethybridge said:
97% of the people in the UK are not black, it's utterly shocking how unrepresented they are in the population.

97% of people in the UK probably couldn't give a toss what colour other people are. It seems to be just a rather vile minority who seem all het up about it.
you're both sort of correct. BAME (not however East Asian) people do seem to be well represented in several areas (which is where I suspect Net is looking at) - however, whilst things are getting better, they do seem to be woefully under-represented 'where it matters' (ie senior management and/or the boardroom) and this is something which people do, rightly, care very much about...

Interestingly enough BAME representation in politics (in this country) is approaching proportionality @10% vs 14% - sadly all that seemed to have happened is that you are now represented by a scheming, lying, cheating venal scumbag who's not white. Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.

Edited by DodgyGeezer on Saturday 12th August 11:06


44,591 posts

200 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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The World’s Largest Landowners.

Madison Trust article said:
The largest landowner in the world currently is King Charles III of England. How much land does the Royal Family own? He and the British Royal Family own more than 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world. They technically own many territories around the globe, amounting to 1/6 of the surface of the planet. The family owns land in the United Kingdom, Canada, and beyond.
Second is the Catholic Church


12,392 posts

191 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
Ironically, listening to the lyrics of Shake It Off, it appears she actually wrote it for V41LEY rofl

I'm 60, I won't be going to the concerts or downloading the albums, but surely most people can appreciate the Shake It Off is a fantastic pop song. You don't have to be a fan to appreciate that she's brilliant as what she does.

I think she’s really bland.

But, back to really shocking facts… you and I are older than Arthur Daley!

Douglas Quaid

2,332 posts

88 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
P-Jay said:
Starfighter said:
V41LEY said:
Taylor Swift is popular ?
Taylor Swift is a country artist.
It's probally fair to say She was a Country Artist, and whilst she has never shied away from her roots, she's transitioned to pop music with various other influences including hip hop, rock, alternative and folk.

She is HUGELY popular, arguably the most popular artist of the last decade. This is because she has some unique abilities. She can retain fans who would have outgrown their other early musical tastes for more mature music, whilst still gaining new fans in 'kids' who are first getting into it. At the same time, impressing music critics who usually detest pop music, on principle. She can do this because her music is both easily accessible with catchy choruses and tunes, whilst having meaningful lyrics and excellent musicality.
I liked that song she did about being over her ex, felt it really stood out from the rest of her catalogue.
Style is probably her best one. Best played very loud.

It is a real feat that she has such a broad appeal. Very well produced and great lyrics.


12,809 posts

213 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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Blib said:

The World’s Largest Landowners.

Madison Trust article said:
The largest landowner in the world currently is King Charles III of England. How much land does the Royal Family own? He and the British Royal Family own more than 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world. They technically own many territories around the globe, amounting to 1/6 of the surface of the planet. The family owns land in the United Kingdom, Canada, and beyond.
Second is the Catholic Church
The Royal Family fact is not correct, confusing ceremonial "ownership" - e.g. the Commonwealth, Crown Estates, etc. The Queen owned no property overseas.


29,107 posts

245 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
The great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man-made structure for around 3800 years, and is still the 3rd heaviest.
Weighed by the World's biggest set of bathroom scales.


7,558 posts

223 months

Saturday 12th August 2023
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The heaviest whale is the blue whale at 180 metric tons.

To verify this information, they had to take it to the nearest whale weigh station.

Choo choo! getmecoat


8,456 posts

208 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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Douglas Quaid said:
CT05 Nose Cone said:
P-Jay said:
Starfighter said:
V41LEY said:
Taylor Swift is popular ?
Taylor Swift is a country artist.
It's probally fair to say She was a Country Artist, and whilst she has never shied away from her roots, she's transitioned to pop music with various other influences including hip hop, rock, alternative and folk.

She is HUGELY popular, arguably the most popular artist of the last decade. This is because she has some unique abilities. She can retain fans who would have outgrown their other early musical tastes for more mature music, whilst still gaining new fans in 'kids' who are first getting into it. At the same time, impressing music critics who usually detest pop music, on principle. She can do this because her music is both easily accessible with catchy choruses and tunes, whilst having meaningful lyrics and excellent musicality.
I liked that song she did about being over her ex, felt it really stood out from the rest of her catalogue.
Style is probably her best one. Best played very loud.

It is a real feat that she has such a broad appeal. Very well produced and great lyrics.
Style is rumoured to be about her relationship with Harry Styles. In fact, lots of her songs are about famous people she has dated and/or had run-ins with. The entire album 'Red' is pretty much all about Jake Gyllenhaal. 'Midnights' is considered a break up album regarding her long term partner Joe Alwyn - also the muse for the 'Lover' album. Lots of easter eggs in her lyrics too. The colour red is Jake, but the colour 'blue' usually refers to Joe.

I must admit, I never thought I'd be interested in Taylor's music. My wife usually puts on some music when we go for random drives in the countryside - and now I'm seeing Taylor Swift live next year in France with my wife and her friends!

Pit Pony

8,987 posts

124 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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DodgyGeezer said:
Countdown said:
Nethybridge said:
97% of the people in the UK are not black, it's utterly shocking how unrepresented they are in the population.

97% of people in the UK probably couldn't give a toss what colour other people are. It seems to be just a rather vile minority who seem all het up about it.
you're both sort of correct. BAME (not however East Asian) people do seem to be well represented in several areas (which is where I suspect Net is looking at) - however, whilst things are getting better, they do seem to be woefully under-represented 'where it matters' (ie senior management and/or the boardroom) and this is something which people do, rightly, care very much about...

Interestingly enough BAME representation in politics (in this country) is approaching proportionality @10% vs 14% - sadly all that seemed to have happened is that you are now represented by a scheming, lying, cheating venal scumbag who's not white. Meet the new boss Same as the old boss.

Edited by DodgyGeezer on Saturday 12th August 11:06
When I was a student I had a landlord who was both Asian and a tt.
It turns out
Not all Asians are tts.
Not all landlords are tts
Not all Asian landlords are tts.
Not all tts are landlords or Asian.
But most politicians are tts. (Although not all)

Strange how one encounter could colour your judgement.
Stereotyping based on small sample size very dangerous.


4,376 posts

167 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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Pit Pony said:
When I was a student I had a landlord who was both Asian and a tt.
It turns out
Not all Asians are tts.
Not all landlords are tts
Not all Asian landlords are tts.
Not all tts are landlords or Asian.
But most politicians are tts. (Although not all)

Strange how one encounter could colour your judgement.
Stereotyping based on small sample size very dangerous.
A lot of politicians are landlords.

Much higher percentage than the general population.


12,809 posts

213 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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AstonZagato said:
Blib said:

The World’s Largest Landowners.

Madison Trust article said:
The largest landowner in the world currently is King Charles III of England. How much land does the Royal Family own? He and the British Royal Family own more than 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world. They technically own many territories around the globe, amounting to 1/6 of the surface of the planet. The family owns land in the United Kingdom, Canada, and beyond.
Second is the Catholic Church
The Royal Family fact is not correct, confusing ceremonial "ownership" - e.g. the Commonwealth, Crown Estates, etc. The Queen owned no property overseas.
Just remembered that The Crown does own the foreshore between low and high tides.


26,016 posts

196 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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AstonZagato said:
Just remembered that The Crown does own the foreshore between low and high tides.
Most of it, along with most of the seabed in UK territorial water; there are small bits which ended up owned by others. The foreshore in Rothesay belongs to the Mount Stewart Trust.


2,797 posts

22 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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The RAF had a marine division, the Royal Air Force Marine Branch. They operated watercraft.

Came across the fact after watching this video


WWII Rescue Buoys - Secret 'Floating Hotels' of the English Channel


67,808 posts

224 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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One I heard in passing recently, although I've no idea of its validity:

There have been approximately 108 billion humans in the history of our species... of which 52 billion have been killed by mosquitoes.


1,713 posts

152 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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Cockaigne said:
The RAF had a marine division, the Royal Air Force Marine Branch. They operated watercraft.

Came across the fact after watching this video


WWII Rescue Buoys - Secret 'Floating Hotels' of the English Channel
So do the Army https://www.army.mod.uk/who-we-are/corps-regiments...

The Navy fairly obviously have both a flying, FAA, and soldering branch, the Marines.
All this seems rather confusing to politicians and the more political senior officers who seem to think if it floats it’s Navy, if it flies it’s RAF with everything else being Army.


12,392 posts

191 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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This is ‘trivial maths’!

GroundEffect said:
It's trivial maths to look at it.


D = C/Pi()

X = 0.3/Pi() = 0.1m

For change in radius (gap under the string at a given point_0.05m aka 2 inches.