Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)

Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)



39,785 posts

287 months

Saturday 6th March 2021
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captain_cynic said:
Cotty said:
Why on earth would you think anyone is crying. Someone expressing their dislike for something, doesn't mean they are crying. The 7 volumes of this thread are about things people dislike but I have never heard of it bringing anyone to tears. Very odd comment.
Erm... It's because it's what they're doing.

They are having a big whinge over nothing. This inevitably turns into a 3 page cry fest until a mod steps in and frankly, the rest of us are sick of it ruining a good thread.
What do you think the solution is? Perhaps nonsequitur could stop the puns and this would all go away. There would be nothing for people to react to.


20,083 posts

119 months

Saturday 6th March 2021
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21st Century Man said:
There's no point crying over spilt puns.
That's milking it too far.


24,114 posts

232 months

Saturday 6th March 2021
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nonsequitur said:
21st Century Man said:
There's no point crying over spilt puns.
That's milking it too far.
This thread has turned sour.


24,114 posts

232 months

Saturday 6th March 2021
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Windows updates. When it is doing it's download it would be nice to know that something is happening in the background so I wonder why everything is grinding to a halt.


7,495 posts

196 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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People who don't put the separator on the conveyor belt after loading their shopping


9,872 posts

149 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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V8covin said:
People who don't put the separator on the conveyor belt after loading their shopping
They have been taken away in my Tescos, Covid precaution.


17,155 posts

193 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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The checkout staff in Morrisons who think they work at Aldi and along with the stupid sloping down packing area they have means all the food gets crushed at the bottom before it makes it in the bags


20,312 posts

123 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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V8covin said:
People who don't put the separator on the conveyor belt after loading their shopping
Yes, I have forgotten to do this a couple of times. Once on the receiving of a 'tsk' and wag of the head from the following consumer. What drives the specific annoyance though? Are you delayed placing your shopping on the belt? Do you think your shopping risks being paid for by the shopper in front? I ask only out of a genuine interest as it's something I personally don't think important, but obviously is to some.


20,083 posts

119 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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It causes confusion to the cashier who won't know where one shop ends and another begins. Recently I was engrossed in my news paper as the cashier scanned some of my items to the previous customer who had failed to use the divider (Tesco ,still at the check outs)


7,495 posts

196 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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popeyewhite said:
Yes, I have forgotten to do this a couple of times. Once on the receiving of a 'tsk' and wag of the head from the following consumer. What drives the specific annoyance though? Are you delayed placing your shopping on the belt? Do you think your shopping risks being paid for by the shopper in front? I ask only out of a genuine interest as it's something I personally don't think important, but obviously is to some.
It shows a level of ignorance and selfishness.
You finishing loading you put the separator,job done.It's not exactly difficult


20,312 posts

123 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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V8covin said:
It shows a level of ignorance and selfishness.
You finishing loading you put the separator,job done.It's not exactly difficult
Sorry I asked! hehe

Do you think anyone deliberately doesn't use the separator?


4,156 posts

203 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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V8covin said:
popeyewhite said:
Yes, I have forgotten to do this a couple of times. Once on the receiving of a 'tsk' and wag of the head from the following consumer. What drives the specific annoyance though? Are you delayed placing your shopping on the belt? Do you think your shopping risks being paid for by the shopper in front? I ask only out of a genuine interest as it's something I personally don't think important, but obviously is to some.
It shows a level of ignorance and selfishness.
You finishing loading you put the separator,job done.It's not exactly difficult
Alternatively, playing devil's advocate, if you want to put your shopping behind mine, put the separator down first.

I get around the dilemma by having the shopping delivered.


20,312 posts

123 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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nonsequitur said:
It causes confusion to the cashier who won't know where one shop ends and another begins.
Isn't the confusion caused by the proximity of your goods to the shopper's before you? I mean wouldn't leaving a simple gap be just as effective as placing the separator on the belt? Some are very keen to herd the previous shopper through and hang over their shoulder even up to when paying by card. Not saying that's you at all.


7,495 posts

196 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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popeyewhite said:
Sorry I asked! hehe

Do you think anyone deliberately doesn't use the separator?
Yes because they can't be arsed


20,083 posts

119 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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popeyewhite said:
nonsequitur said:
It causes confusion to the cashier who won't know where one shop ends and another begins.
Isn't the confusion caused by the proximity of your goods to the shopper's before you? I mean wouldn't leaving a simple gap be just as effective as placing the separator on the belt? Some are very keen to herd the previous shopper through and hang over their shoulder even up to when paying by card. Not saying that's you at all.
Although there is a decent gap between shops, the 'magic Eye' which controls the conveyor belt trumps even the most diligent shopper.


7,495 posts

196 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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nonsequitur said:
Although there is a decent gap between shops, the 'magic Eye' which controls the conveyor belt trumps even the most diligent shopper.
Magic eye ? The conveyors are controlled by the checkout operator surely ?


20,083 posts

119 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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V8covin said:
nonsequitur said:
Although there is a decent gap between shops, the 'magic Eye' which controls the conveyor belt trumps even the most diligent shopper.
Magic eye ? The conveyors are controlled by the checkout operator surely ?
Look closer, look closer, it's there at the end in two slightly raised sections of the check out / conveyor belt.


457 posts

148 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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V8covin said:
People who don't put the separator on the conveyor belt after loading their shopping
Yep but easily solved. Start loading your shopping on the belt and see how fast they slam they separator down!


768 posts

111 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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nonsequitur said:
It causes confusion to the cashier who won't know where one shop ends and another begins. Recently I was engrossed in my news paper as the cashier scanned some of my items to the previous customer who had failed to use the divider (Tesco ,still at the check outs)
What would annoy me from the cashier's point of view would be not paying attention and reading a paper. As annoying as texting etc shouts "ignorant".

PH User

22,154 posts

111 months

Sunday 7th March 2021
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stemll said:
V8covin said:
popeyewhite said:
Yes, I have forgotten to do this a couple of times. Once on the receiving of a 'tsk' and wag of the head from the following consumer. What drives the specific annoyance though? Are you delayed placing your shopping on the belt? Do you think your shopping risks being paid for by the shopper in front? I ask only out of a genuine interest as it's something I personally don't think important, but obviously is to some.
It shows a level of ignorance and selfishness.
You finishing loading you put the separator,job done.It's not exactly difficult
Alternatively, playing devil's advocate, if you want to put your shopping behind mine, put the separator down first.

I get around the dilemma by having the shopping delivered.
Agreed. A none issue for me as I used to just leave a gap and not worry about it, never had any issues. I say used to as the last 3 years we've had it delivered.