One for the spelling police

One for the spelling police



34,139 posts

249 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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hollydog said:
It opens your eyes what you think is your parents are aloud to do with there own money and house.


11,666 posts

192 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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phumy said:
But to be pacific hehe
too deep for me that one .............


34,139 posts

249 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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paulwoof said:
the road carrys on up to a couple caul de sacs,


3,054 posts

224 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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SBN said:
The issue is that when i brought the 3 series i knew i should have got the 5 series (bigger, more toys etc)


90,809 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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I'm having a hard time trying to understand why so many people within these pages type skeptic instead of sceptic, in spite of my warnings of dire consequences if this continues.

If this continues, I will have to fart in their general direction.

nutty slack

3,091 posts

179 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
quotequote all


90,809 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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nutty slack said:
You'll get your feet wet in those things.


3,054 posts

224 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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martin84 said:
i wouldnt of minded so much


5,053 posts

214 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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Plagiarise furious Plagiarize furious


ATTAK Z said:
1 Brought furious Bought smile
2 Curb furious Kerb smile
3 There furious Their smile
4 nxt furious next smile
5 kewl furious cool smile
6 Magasine furious Magazine smile
7 Threw furious Through smile
8 nuceler furious nuclear smile
9 body work furious bodywork smile
10 Wot furious What smile
11 ne furious Any smile
12. b4 furious before smile
13.bcos furious because smile
14 ". " furious ". " smile
15 Pacificly furious Specifically smile
16 your furious you're smile
17 Freind furious Friend smile
18 Neccessary furious Necessary smile
19 should of furious should have smile
20 cnt furious can't smile
21 grammer furious grammar smile
22 what so ever furious whatsoever smile
23 seen has furious seeing as smile
24 Wi furious With smile
25 to slow furious too slow smile
26 definately furious definitely smile
27 Shirley furious Surely smile
28 tripple furious triple smile
29 As furious has smile
30 moniter furious monitor smile
31 crewl furious cruel smile
32 else where furious elsewhere smile
33. greeeeeaaaat furious great smile
34. tard furious person of limited mental ability smile - retard is something you do to the ignition wink
35. Cud furious Could smile
36 warrent furious warrant smile
37 "..............." furious "..." or ". . ." smile
38 different to furious different from smile
39 similar as furious similar to smile
40 Quite furious Quiet smile
41 less furious fewer smile
42 Xmas furious Christmas smile
43 Dint furious Dent smile
44 Am furious I'm smile
45 Accomadation furious Accomodation furious Accommadation furious Accomidation furious Acomodation furious ACCOMMODATION! smile
46 driblel furious dribble smile
47 headin furious heading smile
48 stationary furious stationery smile
49 stationery furious stationary smile
50 knightmare furious nightmare smile
51 imbedd furious embed smile (sorry biscuit)
52 calander furious calendar smile
53 piller furious pillar smile pillow smile
54 intitled furious entitled smile
55 attakz furious attacks smilewink
56 what ever furious whatever smile
57 gynacologist furious gyneacologist smile
58 convertable furious roadster smile
59 xcelent furious excellent smile NO on purpose bad spelling allowed :P
60 Huskey furious HUSKY smile
61 attakz furious ATTAK Z smile
62 god furious God smile
64 where furious we're smile
65 dissapointment furious disappointment smile
66 intense furious intents smile
67 NJOY furious enjoy smile
68 to furious too smile (in addition, aswell )
69 too furious to smile
70 two furious too smile
70 repeat again furious repeat smile
71 corrie furious corra smile
72 less furious fewer smile
73 drove furious driven smile
74 thor furious thaw smile
75 pruff furious proof smile
76 staggard furious staggered smile
77 grill furious grille smile
78 Mite furious Might smile
79 Wierdo furious Weirdo smile
80 dic furious dictionary smile
81 invite furious invitation smile
82 suttle furious Subtle smile
83 you're furious your smile back in due to pressure from Proletariat
84 double d-clutching furious double de-clutching smile
85 toe eye furious tow eye smile
86 Hydrolics furious Hydraulics smile
87 intreeged furious intrigued smile
88. carverys furious carveries smile
89.excellant furious excellent smile
90.carbon fiber furious carbon fibre smile
91. route furious root smile (of all evil)
92. were furious we're smile

Edited by ATTAK Z on Saturday 12th November 17:19


11,666 posts

192 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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sday12 said:
plagiarise - take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property

I didn't so it's not


16,006 posts

207 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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To ensure my posessions would be safe, I decided to insure them.

Tony Blair/


11,666 posts

192 months

Wednesday 30th November 2011
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posessions furious possessions smile


2,600 posts

164 months


3,054 posts

224 months

Saturday 3rd December 2011
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Handie Andie said:
i could of come round but im only just getting in from work.


483 posts

155 months

Saturday 3rd December 2011
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Can't quite remember who uses this one but have seen it plenty on PH;



It's TONGUE for feck sake


15,902 posts

204 months

Saturday 3rd December 2011
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gyneacologist furious gynaecologist smile

(see 57 above)


34,139 posts

249 months

Tuesday 6th December 2011
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Bandit said:
they climb over the fences between the houses and walk through the flower boarders mad


33,574 posts

215 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Smart is sexy, apparently - click.


34,139 posts

249 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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hadenough! said:
Guess I'm just going to have to grin and bare it.


3,054 posts

224 months

Monday 12th December 2011
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gaz1234 said:
could of should of would of....
Nobody died, I think if you had of called the rozzers then fine, you didnt.