Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Yeah, but, Byker is sitting at home throwing food for spiders to catch.


Byker28i said:
It's that time of year, they are all fattening up for winter, plus looking for somewhere warm. I've a large one on the study window I've been watching catch food.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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We're having the lowest key 25th Wedding Anniversary in the history of low key wedding anniversaries.

To compensate, there are to be two fancy restaurant lunches, on different dates, for different groups of family in the near future. In case you were worried.

Tonight we will be consuming modest amounts of cake and alcohol.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Thanks, psi.

The first Mrs C and I only managed 20 years. She didn't remarry. I may have put her off the whole institution.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Byker28i said:
Happy wedding anniversary Dicky. We've just had our 38th.
Thanks, Byker. We've been quietly glowing all day smile We're both second-time-arounders so I think we've done well. 38 is very good.

Thanks to all for your felicitations.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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slopes said:
Congratumalations on your wedding anniversary Your Lordship
Me not living up to my early promise persuaded the first Mrs C she'd be better off without me.

I've been Trivialating for more than half of my marriage to the second Mrs C.

We'll be keeping that quiet now, won't we?


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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The new car is proving difficult to insure. Because the engine is too big? Because I'm old? Because it's an import?


The secretary at the dealer wrote CDI instead of CGI in the 'Model' box and, in so doing, converted the car from a 1.8 litre petrol to a 2.5 litre diesel. Instead of giving me the opportunity to rectify the error, when insurance websites find the anomaly, they through me out. I'm getting too old to be thrown out of places. If I'm to be deposited by the wayside, I would like to be lowered down gently, if that's okay.

Just one insurer's system played ball and sorted it out. And then quoted £800. Sake. That's more than twice as much as the AMG this car replaces.

I guess I know what I'm doing today.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Ah that's poo Dicky!!!
How do you get that sorted???
In the short term I'm on the dealer's trade policy.

You're doing what, now?

Yeah, I know. But it was their mistake.

The £800 pa people have revised their thinking this morning. They're now offering the same insurance at £740.

I didn't know insurance premiums were open to bartering. Are there any goats left in the paddock after Battert's Goat Cheese experiments? Goats are good for bartering.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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psi310398 said:
You have the advantage of me, slopes I’m not enough of a connoisseur to be able to differentiate between them paperbag
We're resolving issues on the Trivial Thread using calculus now?

I see.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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Any Simon and Garfunkel fans in tonight?


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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witteringon said:
What's the betting this meets with the sound of silence?

Yup, looks like you're right.

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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psi310398 said:
DickyC said:
We're resolving issues on the Trivial Thread using calculus now?

I see.
You surely don’t disapprove of the intellectual approach, Dicky? It’s so much less sweaty and grubby than manual labour.

It's an integral part of it.

Trivtonhenge? I rest my case.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Thursday 14th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Well, I suppose it's better that sitting in a railway station with a ticket for my destination at the arse end of nowhere...
Remind us what Paul Simon chose to rhyme and scan with 'the arse end of nowhere.'


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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slopes said:
DickyC said:

Sorry your lordship, i was in bed when you posted this, had been a long day.
It's fine, snowy, we are a multi-hourly, global organisation now - ready anywhere, any time and available on Catch Up.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Catch up?!? confused
You're not talking about that newfangled Internetology thing again are you?!?
Nooo. I'm reading junk and spouting rubbish.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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paua said:
I'll try t' look after th 8 hour segment at my longitude, while you chaps kip. D' we ave anyone t cover th between bits? Where be th absinth?
Have you tried the Trivton Insomniacs Team?

Don't go all acronym on them, though. They're a sensitive bunch.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Ah, Mr Glenfunkel. We've been expecting you.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Said no cardiac surgeon ever...

I'm pretty sure theyve been expecting me to die, but I'm hoping to take them all by surprise.

How are you getting on lately, your Raquelness?
Are you now getting behind the wheel once more? driving
Yes, I am Jaun Automatic Fangio once more. Albeit more sedately. I traded the SLK32 AMG for a C200 Estate AMG. It's an AMG in body trim only and hence exactly the sort of car I have ridiculed others for owning. A Tokyo car, according to the dealer. Mercedes tend to congregate in Tokyo. Uh, huh. Car dealer, are you? Tokyo where, in addition to no salt on the road, there is also no dirt. Astonishingly clean underneath for 2012 car.

It may not stay that clean for long.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
That's in a Stonishing condition, Dicky! cloud9
Have you managed to resolve the anomaly with the vehicle's model identity in relation to the insurance companies' assessments?
Saga to the rescue. Their website accepts most of what you tell them. Phew. Fifty quid a year more than the Golf.

The Golf that is also going. Going to the great WeBuyAnyCar in the sky Basingstoke. Unless they knock me down too much. In which case it will go on FaceBay. I had it MoT'd. It will do someone a favour.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
You may well be right old chap, half the sodding shops in Polpero were shut!!!
Good to know the other sodding shops were open. Which variety of sodds were you after? If you'd said we could have steered you away from the ones they make especially for the tourist market.