Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Bill said:
Where do you get this tripe from? the sounds of it David Icke.

We now have not that there wasn’t evidence, but that it was presented by the wrong people.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Here’s one SM:

First one that came up, but there are of course 180,000,000 other reports all similar.

Why am I bothering with this????


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
V6 Pushfit said:
Here’s one SM:

First one that came up, but there are of course 180,000,000 other reports all similar.

Why am I bothering with this????
Forget that.

Give me ONE case that the Trump legal team bought to the court that was thrown out.

just one.

(clue, for court case to be thrown out, the evidence has to be heard)

I know i am probably not going to convince you of anything, but that is the way the court system historically and legally works..
I was wrong.

I admit it. The BBC just confirmed:

It was 62 cases thrown out not 53

And as he BBC have just said - the Trump party of ‘Law & Order’ has chosen to ignore the rulings of each and every one of those cases.

SCOTUS are the ONLY court not to hear any evidence, as they didn’t want to make decisions that were out of their remit and already decided by State courts.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
What great conspiracy?

and while i am it it. wtf is waffeurs monnseur?

Give a buy a break, I am drunk!
and what about the 53 court cases?

Are you going to back that ridiculous claim up?

As I already said, the BBC say 63. Alternatively if you look at the overall metric it’s like this:

So 40 from him and a total of 83 including other Republicans (not that it makes A JOT of difference where a claim against fraud/rigging comes from. So 83 lawsuits FAILED.

They were all thrown out.

I would suggest you reflect on your conspiracies tomorrow and consider a more healthy pursuit that doesn’t cause cognitive issues.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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At 1.37am SM retires to bed, having been kept awake trawling the internet for updates on his hero Trump and the culmination of several months of assault against democracy he thinks was justified.

Tomorrow is another day, and another wild conspiracy to follow on partisan fringe media.

Believing anything, but not believing that Democracy is the reason he lives in secure comfort in England’s Green And Pleasant Land....


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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V6 Pushfit said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
What great conspiracy?

and while i am it it. wtf is waffeurs monnseur?

Give a buy a break, I am drunk!
and what about the 53 court cases?

Are you going to back that ridiculous claim up?

As I already said, the BBC say 63. Alternatively if you look at the overall metric it’s like this:

So 40 from him and a total of 83 including other Republicans (not that it makes A JOT of difference where a claim against fraud/rigging comes from). So 83 lawsuits FAILED.

They were all thrown out.

I would suggest you reflect on your conspiracies tomorrow and consider a more healthy pursuit that doesn’t cause cognitive issues.
Reposted for posterity and you needn’t reply other than to delete your posts denying Trump lost any cases. Hopefully impeachment will be put in place today and the saga bought to an end.

Monty Python....btw


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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eldar said:
deckster said:
Of all the things you've ever said and done, trying to blame somebody else for opening an email that you sent them when it literally contained a snuff movie is quite the worst.
Expected behaviour, sadly. Revels in death, persecution and lies. The most consistently unpleasant person I've encountered on here in recent years.
Yes It’s his polite confidant ‘pressing home’ of complete garbage i find disturbing.

Edited by anonymous-user on Thursday 7th January 09:37


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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As the Prime Minister said today, those that don’t believe Covid exists need to grow up.

The same goes for ALL conspiracy theorists IMO even when it isn’t a danger to a democracy (eg believing Trumps lies) or a danger to life (the Covid deniers).

It’s not clever, they haven’t just discovered a Deep State secret as there isn’t a Deep State, and there really isn’t any government plan to control peoples minds.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 8th January 2021
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The world seems to be full of them, in my own experience they seem to be lured by some huge secret they’ve been let into and the flames are fanned by their peers. It’s not long before reality or rational answers are ignored and the conspiracy becomes ‘real’ to them. It seems to be a mixture of lacking education, subversiveness and just being easily led.

I’ve watched the Trump saga unfold over several years and been astonished at his grooming of followers to a point where he could now get them to act illegally on one tweet that’s fabricated rubbish. It’s all based on lies, but they don’t see that at all and huge numbers honestly believe a ‘rigged’ election despite every rational explanation and fact outside of Trumps cult indicating otherwise. Biden will have his work cut out now and will need to issue some hard facts to get the MAGAs to realise they’ve been played.

If Boris did this, ie stood up after the next election and stated ‘fact’ that it was rigged would we believe him?

Thank God we have a House of Commons - as a ‘Trump’ PM would be demolished in a month of PMQ’s whereas all he needed to do in the US was stop pressers, tweet that the free press was lying and then say whatever he wanted - and bingo they are where they are.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 8th January 2021
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Pistom said:
Not sure if I'm being pedantic, misunderstanding what's been written or one of us is just plain wrong but here is my thinking.

A backhander is a secret and illegal payment. If I give the Policeman a bribe to let me off speeding - is there a conspiracy?

Nepotism is the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. If I make my son the job of Manager when others were more deserving of the role - is there a conspiracy?

I would say technically yes as it takes at least 2 people to act in an illegal manner but conspiracies are generally thought of as being a larger group of influential people.

Where did you get your definition of conspiracy theorists?

A conspiracy theory is an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as the result of the actions of a small powerful group. Such explanations reject the accepted explanation surrounding those events so a conspiracy theorist is the person or people who arrive at that explanation.

It's very difficult to give examples as very few real conspiracies come to light and those who find themselves tied up in them are often prevented from sharing what they know but let me try with this one.

We know about Katherine Gun - the GCHQ analyst who passed emails to an anti-war activist over the US and UK trying to persuade the UN to pass a resolution for war with Iraq.

That information was the basis for a conspiracy theory which at the time was questioned, denied but eventually validated.

Those who presented the accusations were "conspiracy theorists"

Should they have "grown up"?

I think our difference in opinion is over the specific definitions but I fear your understanding is becoming more and more popular in the common vernacular which is a little worrying as it has become so easy for real conspiracies to hide behind such dismissals.

I think this is partly due to the growth of loony conspiracies but as I said earlier - not all loony conspiracies are so easy to dismiss.

I suspect that if someone like Katherine Gun did what she did then today, it would never be given headline space.
There’s a big gulf between validly questioning something or releasing information you’re not comfortable with knowing as part of a deceit, to tweeting some half understood unresearched rumour you’ve heard tenth hand as being ‘fact’ with the ubiquitous ’please share ASAP’


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 8th January 2021
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It’s also the case when the nutters get banned/removed from Twitter etc it’s very easy to cry censorship.

The internet is basically Speakers Corner where any man can speak whatever he wishes without fear.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 9th January 2021
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Well the CT Commander in Chief is now banned from most social media, its odd he even used it as he has a press office to make announcements.... but then again he doesn’t use that because after a year he didn’t like the questions.
The Farce will hopefully peter out now.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 9th January 2021
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Pistom said:
V6 Pushfit said:
Well the CT Commander in Chief is now banned from most social media, its odd he even used it as he has a press office to make announcements.... but then again he doesn’t use that because after a year he didn’t like the questions.
The Farce will hopefully peter out now.
Sadly, I fear the seeds of the idiocracy have been allowed to grow too long but I sincerely hope you're right V6
You’re right, but there are quite a few Republicans saying they’ve had it with him.
I should imagine even SMcT is having second thoughts. Or should I say first thoughts as I doubt there’s much cognitive involvement to start with if he actually believed Trump.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 9th January 2021
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I’m surprised there haven’t been more CT’s on here but maybe now that Trump is imploding it’s making them think for once.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 10th January 2021
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There was a tv programme last year about the brains of criminals - they did a scan of a guy and the head boffins identified an old injury corresponding to his inability to judge right from wrong or self awareness. He had murdered someone and felt no feelings about it, no guilt nothing. It all tied up to his being hit on the back of his head by his mother when he was very young and he saw stars at the time me with only a tiny scar left now he had forgotten about.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 10th January 2021
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paulguitar said:
A lot of Twitter madness today regarding a blackout at the Vatican and supposedly the Eifel tower which is all something to do with trump's election being 'stolen'.

Or something...
Probably all part of some global plan.

Quite how these countries link up to do it is another matter....


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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IMO Biden needs take initiative of Trumps absence to do a speech, a sort of ‘President Elect will be speaking at 6pm’ thing and on all networks. He should inform Americans that despite Trumps assertions there was no ‘rigged’ election it was fair/checked/confirmed etc, that Trump has continually lied and that the US has become a mess due to lack of leadership.

That kind of thing. At the moment the CT’s/revolutionaries/nutters have the breathing space to wind themselves up and there’s nothing from Biden to counteract it.

Also the impeachment is just for the insurrection. Surely it should also be for glaring inability to make rational decisions, encouraging and spreading lies about the election, refusing to accept court rulings, not accepting that he lost, not attaining the level of leadership of the US, divisive partisan behaviour, self interest.... and many more. The man is a complete failure all round.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
quotequote all would be one of those major historic speeches to unite a divided America and resound through the Republican dissenters that they have followed a false prophet. The conspiracy theorists would be stopped in their tracks.

In the same way if it all got more out of hand here. and Boris did an impassioned factually correct speech about 5G, vaccine, chem trails, Deep State and abiding by Covid rules it would knock the CT’ers for six. Although it’s not needed yet as they are only a lunatic fringe and not in the mainstream millions like the US.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Bill said:
They simply wouldn't listen. Even if Trump stood up and said he's wrong, he was trying to cheat and he's now conceding they'd wind themselves up that the deep state had got to him.
You may be right, but I think a good proportion would, reducing the nutter base - there’s more of a CT surrounding Biden not doing it !


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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