What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)

What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)



57,062 posts

207 months

Thursday 6th June
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An unpopular opinion amongst some people, though I suspect not most - the RHS can stick its suggestion that slugs are not pests and we should just learn to appreciate them right up its angel’s trumpet. I’ve been going out each night and snipping the rapacious bds in half, nearly 300 of them over the last three evenings, and have just inoculated the garden with a parasite nematode which will rot them to soup and devour them. And I’m not sorry.


462 posts

9 months

Thursday 6th June
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Modern people are pussifies whining and moaning expected mummy big state to suckle them. Hence why the Tories blown trillions keeping economy going instead of driving productivity.

Strangely Brown

10,266 posts

234 months

Thursday 6th June
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otolith said:
An unpopular opinion amongst some people, though I suspect not most - the RHS can stick its suggestion that slugs are not pests and we should just learn to appreciate them right up its angel’s trumpet. I’ve been going out each night and snipping the rapacious bds in half, nearly 300 of them over the last three evenings, and have just inoculated the garden with a parasite nematode which will rot them to soup and devour them. And I’m not sorry.
Nothing unpopular about that here. Any that I see get dumped in an old paint bucket and then doused with salt where they just fizzle away. I just wish it was as easy to deal with bloody seagulls. bd things!

Short Grain

2,996 posts

223 months

Thursday 6th June
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bodhi said:
If you're after a detailed discussion of the case itself you probably are as this isn't really the thread for it - I'm told there's one in NPE where you can find deep discussion and popular opinions on it to your heart's content.

However political prosecutions do make me deeply uncomfortable for reasons stated, and I'm struggling to see how they help an already massively divided country. Guess we just have to wait to see how the appeal goes.
Please Bodhi, just tell us how it was politically motivated! It was a gift to the Democrats, or could be, but show us where and when the Dems brought the case against the Orange Orangutan! Please!


39,108 posts

190 months

Thursday 6th June
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mickythefish said:
Modern people are pussifies whining and moaning expected mummy big state to suckle them. Hence why the Tories blown trillions keeping economy going instead of driving productivity.
That's not unpopular, that's just a fact and especially since the pandemic.


462 posts

9 months

Thursday 6th June
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slopes said:
That's not unpopular, that's just a fact and especially since the pandemic.
Nobody moaned when free money was being out.

Five years of pain we could emerge the best country in Europe but no one wants to cut back on anything or change their lifestyle.


57,062 posts

207 months

Thursday 6th June
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Strangely Brown said:
otolith said:
An unpopular opinion amongst some people, though I suspect not most - the RHS can stick its suggestion that slugs are not pests and we should just learn to appreciate them right up its angel’s trumpet. I’ve been going out each night and snipping the rapacious bds in half, nearly 300 of them over the last three evenings, and have just inoculated the garden with a parasite nematode which will rot them to soup and devour them. And I’m not sorry.
Nothing unpopular about that here. Any that I see get dumped in an old paint bucket and then doused with salt where they just fizzle away. I just wish it was as easy to deal with bloody seagulls. bd things!
You'd have thought so, but a few people on a gardening group got really upset by my nocturnal slug slaughtering - 173 in one night was what prompted it - and accused me of destroying the ecosystem, would I brag about cutting cats in half, etc. Post got removed by moderators by the looks of it.

I'm with Titchmarsh on this, "I've had a little bit of beef with being told slugs are my friends. It's like saying to people that bed bugs and ticks are your friends. Don't be ridiculous".


9,062 posts

149 months

Thursday 6th June
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otolith said:
You'd have thought so, but a few people on a gardening group got really upset by my nocturnal slug slaughtering - 173 in one night was what prompted it - and accused me of destroying the ecosystem, would I brag about cutting cats in half, etc. Post got removed by moderators by the looks of it.

I'm with Titchmarsh on this, "I've had a little bit of beef with being told slugs are my friends. It's like saying to people that bed bugs and ticks are your friends. Don't be ridiculous".
I kind of see their point, something quite unpleasant about murdering a creature that isn't harming you and isn't the most hideous looking creature in the world, but you got to draw the line somewhere and I have decided those slimy little fkers can go to hell.


57,062 posts

207 months

Thursday 6th June
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e-honda said:
I kind of see their point, something quite unpleasant about murdering a creature that isn't harming you and isn't the most hideous looking creature in the world, but you got to draw the line somewhere and I have decided those slimy little fkers can go to hell.
Indeed. I could live with "they're doing a bit of damage", but when they are as prolific as they are this year, you can end up with them killing everything you plant. If you've got a lot of them and you're going to tolerate them, you have to accept that you aren't going to get any produce and you can only grow ornamentals that they won't eat. Last year they killed all my French beans, and all my courgettes. Even with control measures they've done a fair bit of damage this year, they got all my radishes, mowed down everything else sown direct, killed about 20% of my broad beans and damaged the rest. Hostas are gone, marigolds are gone, a lot of the lobelia is gone. The nematodes don't work on snails and the protection doesn't seem to be lasting as long as in the past.

Frankly, if you aren't going to kill them you may as well spend your money on the yellow stickered veg from the supermarket and put that out for them to eat, it will be cheaper way of running a slug sanctuary and you'll get the same yield of nothing. Not sure what the RHS are growing, but I think they are smoking it.


10,900 posts

232 months

Thursday 6th June
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Short Grain said:
bodhi said:
If you're after a detailed discussion of the case itself you probably are as this isn't really the thread for it - I'm told there's one in NPE where you can find deep discussion and popular opinions on it to your heart's content.

However political prosecutions do make me deeply uncomfortable for reasons stated, and I'm struggling to see how they help an already massively divided country. Guess we just have to wait to see how the appeal goes.
Please Bodhi, just tell us how it was politically motivated! It was a gift to the Democrats, or could be, but show us where and when the Dems brought the case against the Orange Orangutan! Please!
That was covered on the last page - case was brought by the New York DA, who was elected into his position and identifies as a Democrat.


6,449 posts

24 months

Thursday 6th June
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captain_cynic said:
You mean the woman who he paid to sleep with him and didn't do anything until he was charged with fraud to do with paying her off to keep silent about how he cheated on his wife.

Aside from everything you wrote, you were spot on.
So no resposibility on her part whatsoever then. Tell me. Has she gone after the other men who paid to sleep with her...or didn't they have millions of reasons to do so wink

Pair of them are morally bankrupt individuals, but singling out one over the other is wrong.


24,434 posts

116 months

Thursday 6th June
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carlo996 said:
captain_cynic said:
You mean the woman who he paid to sleep with him and didn't do anything until he was charged with fraud to do with paying her off to keep silent about how he cheated on his wife.

Aside from everything you wrote, you were spot on.
So no resposibility on her part whatsoever then. Tell me. Has she gone after the other men who paid to sleep with her...or didn't they have millions of reasons to do so wink

Pair of them are morally bankrupt individuals, but singling out one over the other is wrong.
One of them is not running for president.


8,730 posts

248 months

Thursday 6th June
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bodhi said:
Short Grain said:
bodhi said:
If you're after a detailed discussion of the case itself you probably are as this isn't really the thread for it - I'm told there's one in NPE where you can find deep discussion and popular opinions on it to your heart's content.

However political prosecutions do make me deeply uncomfortable for reasons stated, and I'm struggling to see how they help an already massively divided country. Guess we just have to wait to see how the appeal goes.
Please Bodhi, just tell us how it was politically motivated! It was a gift to the Democrats, or could be, but show us where and when the Dems brought the case against the Orange Orangutan! Please!
That was covered on the last page - case was brought by the New York DA, who was elected into his position and identifies as a Democrat.
So what, that still doesn't definitely make it politically motivated, unless you are saying that the DA can only bring cases against other Democrats as any brought to Republicans are "politically motivated". It's the same as saying any cases as white DA brings against black people is racially motivated, or female DA bringing cases against a male is a sexist motivation etc....

The question was HOW it is politically motivated. You've just said WHY you think it's politically motivated.


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 6th June
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carlo996 said:
So no resposibility on her part whatsoever then. Tell me. Has she gone after the other men who paid to sleep with her...or didn't they have millions of reasons to do so wink

Pair of them are morally bankrupt individuals, but singling out one over the other is wrong.
The other men didn't send a newspaper after her... Nor have they been ina court case where she was requires to testify...

Nor did she actually go after trump. It was the other way around.

Spot on except for everything you wrote again.


128 posts

10 months

Thursday 6th June
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The NHS is not underfunded, because it's government run nobody can be held accountable.

Vsix and Vtec

717 posts

21 months

Thursday 6th June
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J77wck said:
The NHS is not underfunded, because it's government run nobody can be held accountable.
The management are NHS, not Whitehall employees. Whilst it's true they have plenty of money and spend it poorly, the fault lays with the NHS itself for that. Government supplies only money and targets, not day-to-day management.


25,951 posts

196 months

Thursday 6th June
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CalMac should be liquidated and the ferries run by Western or some other commercial ship manager; route planning and replacement vessels should be decided by professionals with input from island residents rather than some pluke in Holyrood.


29,271 posts

206 months

Thursday 6th June
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hidetheelephants said:
CalMac should be liquidated and the ferries run by Western or some other commercial ship manager; route planning and replacement vessels should be decided by professionals with input from island residents rather than some pluke in Holyrood.
admittedly i've only used calmac maybe 10 times but to me they always come over as quite a well run company...


462 posts

9 months

Thursday 6th June
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J77wck said:
The NHS is not underfunded, because it's government run nobody can be held accountable.
Read an article basically the NHS is getting more money yet treating yes. So there is a black hole of people basically not doing a lot. Another gravy train like councils that will have to get addressed.


57,062 posts

207 months

Thursday 6th June
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mickythefish said:
Read an article basically the NHS is getting more money yet treating yes. So there is a black hole of people basically not doing a lot. Another gravy train like councils that will have to get addressed.
Was it this one, from 2022?


Some explanation given here;


There are definitely issues. My operation was cancelled at the last minute (i.e. in the anaesthetic room, all wired up and ready for lights out) because there wasn't a bed for me to go to. Imagine the cost of that, surgeon, anaesthetist, theatre nurses, all stood down at the last minute because someone they had expected to discharge hadn't been able to go. My mother had been on the same ward a couple of months earlier, and had been kept in an additional 24 hours because pharmacy hadn't been able to sort her (admittedly complex) meds for discharge. And then you have beds blocked because non-NHS services are failing and there's nowhere safe to discharge people to. Running too close to capacity seems pretty inefficient.