Post amazingly cool pictures of sci-fi machinery

Post amazingly cool pictures of sci-fi machinery



22,907 posts

244 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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JonRB said:
Marf said:
its quite long and drawn out, and very wordy
yes and they don't half talk a load of rubbish in a lot of anime, including GitS. You can have someone talk for 10 mins without actually *saying* anything. It's just random words almost.

Gundam Wing had the odd episode like that too and you find yourself thinking "oh FFS get in your Gundam and go shoot up some Mobile Dolls!" hehe

I would definitely recommend that if you wanted to give GiTS another watch that you try the LMF Fansub.

The guy who did those fansubs was a native Japanese speaker who was also fluent in english. His translations are bang on and all make total sense, whereas the official dubs and subs gloss over alot of the meaning of the more wordy sections, which I felt was to the utter detriment of the series.

He even goes to the length of carrying through Japanese euphemisms and sayings, explaining them in popup boxes, and also overlaying english text over Japanese text that appears in the series, in things like news broadcasts, signs etc.

It really does put the official versions to shame and represents what the official versions should be aiming towards.

If you drop me a mail I'd be happy to sort you out the LMF versions.


21,627 posts

195 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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i would like to say this:

But the thing is the russians actually made it....


24,114 posts

232 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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I know people said the film was naff but when this thing "woke up".. Just a shame it was not shown more. frown


10,746 posts

199 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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glazbagun said:
I must have missed it, surely! 20 pages and not one shot of Kaneda's kickass bike?

Cool 3d rendition here:
Ah, but not fiction anymore though...

Fully functional

Another version currently being built in America.


23,279 posts

233 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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I've been trying to track down the Appleseed Ex Machina DVD but only have it in Blu-Ray although they have a DVD of Appleseed, so are these the same film?

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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croyde said:
I've been trying to track down the Appleseed Ex Machina DVD but only have it in Blu-Ray although they have a DVD of Appleseed, so are these the same film?
No. Ex Machina is a sequel. 2004 & 2007 respectively.

Well, I don't know if it is in terms of story as I haven't watched it yet biggrin


8,883 posts

251 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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shakotan said:
glazbagun said:
I must have missed it, surely! 20 pages and not one shot of Kaneda's kickass bike?

Cool 3d rendition here:
Ah, but not fiction anymore though...

Fully functional

Another version currently being built in America.

But not in this country....cos the rake is too steep.
And were all to crap at riding to be able to deal with that apparently.

What? Yes nanny.....

King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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cazzer said:
But not in this country....cos the rake is too steep.
And were all to crap at riding to be able to deal with that apparently.

What? Yes nanny.....
But it has leading link forks, thus the trail is reduced to manageable proportions and.... oh never mind.



139 posts

219 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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dont know how much interest but

Chippenham library tomo (sat 7march)
10.00 - 16.00 sci-fi day
doctor who and daleks and characters,
davros maybe
and stuff on for kids like colouring comp,
costume parade
and Dr who quiz,
sci-fi comic shop stall

unsure if the tardis will be there or Dr who and Donna

  • cant spell

Edited by Rogue_420 on Friday 6th March 18:49


75,255 posts

275 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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OK, I'm confused. I have a DVD called Appleseed on the shelf (C)1992 also have the 2004 film (which I think I may have missed) and a 1988 film (which I think may be the OVA)

I am sure I have a VHS called Appleseed somewhere (I suspect that could be the 1988 OVA) which I probably bought around the same time as Battle Angel Alita (and I seem to have ended up with 2 copies of that on VHS for some reason)


75,255 posts

275 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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Oh yes, I need to post some more "amazingly cool pictures of sci-fi machinery"...

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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Don't take my word for it - I'm new to anime really (apart from the obvious Akira, Fist of the Norht Star etc 15 years ago or whenever that boom was).

I'm going off what my local's barman told me the other night when he recommended I watch the Appleseed films.


1,970 posts

192 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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I havnt got any pics but you anime fans should check out Blue Gender. My first anime series and I got totaly engrossed in it then watched Evangelion too. Excellent sci-fi machinery in both.


3,178 posts

262 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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croyde said:
I've been trying to track down the Appleseed Ex Machina DVD but only have it in Blu-Ray although they have a DVD of Appleseed, so are these the same film?
Be careful, Appleseed is the storey of Deunan and Briarios as they join Olympus etc. Ex-Machina is set much later, but for me, a fair few ideas were re-used. So check the year 1988 for the original Shirow based Anime, and 2008 for the new story


7,378 posts

241 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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JonRB said:
Ah, yes - SF3D / Maschinen Krieger.
Several kits avialable, and very nice they are too; try
Things like the Kroete show real imagination.


3,269 posts

217 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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75,255 posts

275 months

Saturday 7th March 2009
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Skywalker said:
"Gun Tau". Cool.!


3,269 posts

217 months

Saturday 7th March 2009
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JonRB said:
Skywalker said:
"Gun Tau". Cool.!

Vice Counsellor Du Pont said:
"Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically-predictable element. The Gun Kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents, while keeping the defender clear of the statistically-traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increased lethal proficiency makes the master of the Gun Katas an adversary not to be taken lightly."


12,955 posts

235 months

Saturday 7th March 2009
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Never noticed that the muzzle flash was the shape it is.


75,255 posts

275 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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I just started watching " Ergo Proxy"