April Fools gag idea thread

April Fools gag idea thread



1,963 posts

204 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Neil_H said:
Borrow a shotgun from a friend who goes shooting, and knock up a wooden rack to hold it. Then get some wire and a good heavy weight and rig it up to the front door, so when it opens, the gun goes off in their face. Hilarious, although can be quite messy, you might want to put some plastic sheets down first.
Needs more love.. I lol'd smile


92 posts

185 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Superglue someones bag to the ceiling


4,381 posts

203 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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My trusty favourite is to find someone in the workplace who has a nearly new, shopping spec car, bought on finance and which will be worth about 10p in three years.

Which they think is the best car ever, in the whole history of the big wide world.

Then simply pour some old engine oil underneath the front of the car, near the sump area, enough so it spills out past the tyres, looking as if the car has dumped every pinto of it onto the tarmac.

I guarantee that person could be in a massive hurry, and wearing a bloody Armani suit, but they will still get down on their knees and wail and moan for a good 5 minutes trying to figure it out.

Made me laugh biggrin And yes, I'm a bad person.


2,982 posts

227 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Chainguy said:
My trusty favourite is to find someone in the workplace who has a nearly new, shopping spec car, bought on finance and which will be worth about 10p in three years.

Which they think is the best car ever, in the whole history of the big wide world.

Then simply pour some old engine oil underneath the front of the car, near the sump area, enough so it spills out past the tyres, looking as if the car has dumped every pinto of it onto the tarmac.

I guarantee that person could be in a massive hurry, and wearing a bloody Armani suit, but they will still get down on their knees and wail and moan for a good 5 minutes trying to figure it out.

Made me laugh biggrin And yes, I'm a bad person.
Better still, do it to the fkwit in sales that has a de-badged BMW 318 with M-Tech wheels, and is always bragging about his bimmer.

Make it gear oil so it really really stinks.

Gags that result in people getting hurt, I don't generally find funny.

Someone should swap David Blunkett's favourite novel for a cheese grater.....


4,381 posts

203 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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thunderbelmont said:
Chainguy said:
My trusty favourite is to find someone in the workplace who has a nearly new, shopping spec car, bought on finance and which will be worth about 10p in three years.

Which they think is the best car ever, in the whole history of the big wide world.

Then simply pour some old engine oil underneath the front of the car, near the sump area, enough so it spills out past the tyres, looking as if the car has dumped every pinto of it onto the tarmac.

I guarantee that person could be in a massive hurry, and wearing a bloody Armani suit, but they will still get down on their knees and wail and moan for a good 5 minutes trying to figure it out.

Made me laugh biggrin And yes, I'm a bad person.
Better still, do it to the fkwit in sales that has a de-badged BMW 318 with M-Tech wheels, and is always bragging about his bimmer.

Make it gear oil so it really really stinks.

Gags that result in people getting hurt, I don't generally find funny.

Someone should swap David Blunkett's favourite novel for a cheese grater.....
Actually, last time I did it was to one of the office crew who was convinced his derv BMW 320 was faster than my M3 because it had some box of cheap Chinese gubbins strapped to it that he bought from E-bay.

Boss couldn't uphold his complaint against me for laughing hehe


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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TheEnd said:
I doubt they'd poke any fun at any "green" ideas in this day and age, as it'll make it look like they are trivialising global warming.


13,616 posts

209 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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chris312 said:
1. Obtain victims car keys.
2. Collect contents of as many hole punches as you can.
3. Empty contents of hole punches into car dashboard air vents.
4. Ensuring ignition is off, open all dash vents and turn control knob to direct air flow into drivers face, ensuring fan setting is at maximum.
5. Return victims car keys.
6. Await amusing results.
When I got married, the team I managed at work did this to me in a brand new Lexus IS200. I wasn't very happy, as I had to drive up & down the motorway for about an hour to lift all the crap that had blown out of the air vents.


1,447 posts

210 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Ketchup sachets opened at one end placed gently under the raised bits of a toilet seat, with the opening pointed forward.

Ketchup in pants moment...laugh....... getmecoat


1,775 posts

198 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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V8TVR1978 said:
This joke started as a way to help my wife forget about her high stress job and to relax at home. When she was working (before the kids were born) she set up the automatic timer for the coffee machine so it would be made when she got up. Some nights after she went to bed, I would remove the paper filter. By doing this she would have coffee grounds in her coffee as there was nothing to filter said grounds. Some nights she would get up 3 or 4 times while watching TV and check to make sure she used a filter. I made sure that I didn't remove the filter more than 3 times in a 2 week period. This just made her believe that she was losing it.

This went on for close to two years and she always believed that she just forgot to use a paper filter and she never did catch on to my joking ways that I know of. Well after catching her 3 days in a row, she decided enough was enough. I came home from work one day and there is a new,fancy,expensive coffee machine on the counter. She was so proud of herself to find a new machine that had a basket instead of a paper filter and this machine would not work if the basket was not in its proper place. She solved her problem with my credit card to the tune of over 250 dollars and that was 17 years ago. The first few nights she still checked the filter set up and I had a few more laughs at her expense. But for the last 17 years I have been looking over my shoulder for her revenge as our friends that I told about this missing filter joke are 1 day going to spill the beans on me. Maybe the joke was really on me from me.........
She had a stressful job and you made it worse? Getting up in the middle of the night to check that she could have a cup of fking coffee in the morning? FFS!

I hope her prank involved your best friend and no contraception- now that is funny!


895 posts

193 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Another joke that we played on our small town Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, was my old girlfriend helped me get my hands on Randy's keys for his new Trans Am for a few hours. To make a long story shorter I went and had these keys copied so we had 2 spare sets. When Randy was off duty he would park his car across the street facing east from our local bar at the gas pumps of a petro station that wasn't open at night. Well I would move the car and face it west but on the same side of the pumps. The look on his face some nights when we left the bar was priceless. One night the ex and I both moved the car so it was back where it started. When I moved out of that town I left my spare keys an a confession of what I had been doing with one of Randy's fellow policemen. My ex followed me to Calgary several months later.
The following fall my ex and I decided to go back to Aldergrove for a visit and get some work done on my new 4X4. We stopped at the local bar to have lunch with my sister (just coffee and soup). My ex stayed at the bar waiting for her Mom to show up and loan us her car for our visit while my truck was in the shop. I left to get things set up at my buddys shop and a RCMP officer pulls me over 1 mile from the bar. He says I have been drinking at the bar for awhile and I have to go in to blow. I argue and he decides to empty our suitcases out in the truck. He tore everything apart and then radios for a towtruck to impound my truck. He even handcuffed me behind my back. As we go in the back doors of the police station, Randy pops out and yells "GOT YA." Our mistake was telling my sister the night before that we were coming home and she told Randy about my new truck.
Several nights later we ran into Randy and some of his co-workers at the neighborhood pub on the outskirts of town. A friend of mine and I went out and removed all 4 valve stems out of Randy's tires. When they left the pub a bunch of us were upstairs at an apartment on the balcony. Randy's date ( my ex's sister ) got to their car and we heard her tell Randy that he had a flat. He then started yelling that somebody must have slashed his tires as he had 4 flats. At that moment he heard from the balcony " GOT YA ".
For the next 10 days I kept a very low profile and didn't see Randy once but his co-workers that I ran into had a good laugh and told me to avoid Randy like the plague. When we got back to Calgary, we mailed him the other set of keys that we still had with some cheap flowers (from my ex.) to the police station he worked out of. He has been transfered out of that station but he told my buddies that someday/somewhere he will find me. So if for some reason you happen to read this Randy K. I now live just outside of Calgary and in the nice weather I drive 1 of my 3 TVRs and 2 of them are V8s and 1 is supercharged.



15,370 posts

191 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Mobsta said:
TheEnd said:
I doubt they'd poke any fun at any "green" ideas in this day and age, as it'll make it look like they are trivialising global warming.
I'll have to take your word for it, link is down at the moment.

No one like a smartarse anywaysilly


2,313 posts

268 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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V8TVR1978 said:
Another joke that we played on our small town Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, was my old girlfriend helped me get my hands on Randy's keys for his new Trans Am for a few hours. To make a long story shorter I went and had these keys copied so we had 2 spare sets. When Randy was off duty he would park his car across the street facing east from our local bar at the gas pumps of a petro station that wasn't open at night. Well I would move the car and face it west but on the same side of the pumps. The look on his face some nights when we left the bar was priceless. One night the ex and I both moved the car so it was back where it started. When I moved out of that town I left my spare keys an a confession of what I had been doing with one of Randy's fellow policemen. My ex followed me to Calgary several months later.
The following fall my ex and I decided to go back to Aldergrove for a visit and get some work done on my new 4X4. We stopped at the local bar to have lunch with my sister (just coffee and soup). My ex stayed at the bar waiting for her Mom to show up and loan us her car for our visit while my truck was in the shop. I left to get things set up at my buddys shop and a RCMP officer pulls me over 1 mile from the bar. He says I have been drinking at the bar for awhile and I have to go in to blow. I argue and he decides to empty our suitcases out in the truck. He tore everything apart and then radios for a towtruck to impound my truck. He even handcuffed me behind my back. As we go in the back doors of the police station, Randy pops out and yells "GOT YA." Our mistake was telling my sister the night before that we were coming home and she told Randy about my new truck.
Several nights later we ran into Randy and some of his co-workers at the neighborhood pub on the outskirts of town. A friend of mine and I went out and removed all 4 valve stems out of Randy's tires. When they left the pub a bunch of us were upstairs at an apartment on the balcony. Randy's date ( my ex's sister ) got to their car and we heard her tell Randy that he had a flat. He then started yelling that somebody must have slashed his tires as he had 4 flats. At that moment he heard from the balcony " GOT YA ".
For the next 10 days I kept a very low profile and didn't see Randy once but his co-workers that I ran into had a good laugh and told me to avoid Randy like the plague. When we got back to Calgary, we mailed him the other set of keys that we still had with some cheap flowers (from my ex.) to the police station he worked out of. He has been transfered out of that station but he told my buddies that someday/somewhere he will find me. So if for some reason you happen to read this Randy K. I now live just outside of Calgary and in the nice weather I drive 1 of my 3 TVRs and 2 of them are V8s and 1 is supercharged.



279 posts

195 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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I got a text at 00:10 saying, "Put the news on, China has just nuclear bombed New York". Obviously i was straight onto sky news, and all i could find in terms of breaking news was alan shearer for Newcastle manager. So i text back "I can't see it anywhere"

Got well and truly done over by that sod when he text back "Check the date"


15,887 posts

266 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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V8TVR1978 said:
Another joke that we played on our small town Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, was my old girlfriend helped me get my hands on Randy's keys for his new Trans Am for a few hours. To make a long story shorter I went and had these keys copied so we had 2 spare sets. When Randy was off duty he would park his car across the street facing east from our local bar at the gas pumps of a petro station that wasn't open at night. Well I would move the car and face it west but on the same side of the pumps. The look on his face some nights when we left the bar was priceless. One night the ex and I both moved the car so it was back where it started. When I moved out of that town I left my spare keys an a confession of what I had been doing with one of Randy's fellow policemen. My ex followed me to Calgary several months later.
The following fall my ex and I decided to go back to Aldergrove for a visit and get some work done on my new 4X4. We stopped at the local bar to have lunch with my sister (just coffee and soup). My ex stayed at the bar waiting for her Mom to show up and loan us her car for our visit while my truck was in the shop. I left to get things set up at my buddys shop and a RCMP officer pulls me over 1 mile from the bar. He says I have been drinking at the bar for awhile and I have to go in to blow. I argue and he decides to empty our suitcases out in the truck. He tore everything apart and then radios for a towtruck to impound my truck. He even handcuffed me behind my back. As we go in the back doors of the police station, Randy pops out and yells "GOT YA." Our mistake was telling my sister the night before that we were coming home and she told Randy about my new truck.
Several nights later we ran into Randy and some of his co-workers at the neighborhood pub on the outskirts of town. A friend of mine and I went out and removed all 4 valve stems out of Randy's tires. When they left the pub a bunch of us were upstairs at an apartment on the balcony. Randy's date ( my ex's sister ) got to their car and we heard her tell Randy that he had a flat. He then started yelling that somebody must have slashed his tires as he had 4 flats. At that moment he heard from the balcony " GOT YA ".
For the next 10 days I kept a very low profile and didn't see Randy once but his co-workers that I ran into had a good laugh and told me to avoid Randy like the plague. When we got back to Calgary, we mailed him the other set of keys that we still had with some cheap flowers (from my ex.) to the police station he worked out of. He has been transfered out of that station but he told my buddies that someday/somewhere he will find me. So if for some reason you happen to read this Randy K. I now live just outside of Calgary and in the nice weather I drive 1 of my 3 TVRs and 2 of them are V8s and 1 is supercharged.

You're weird.


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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moleamol said:
V8TVR1978 said:
Another joke that we played on our small town Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, was my old girlfriend helped me get my hands on Randy's keys for his new Trans Am for a few hours. To make a long story shorter I went and had these keys copied so we had 2 spare sets. When Randy was off duty he would park his car across the street facing east from our local bar at the gas pumps of a petro station that wasn't open at night. Well I would move the car and face it west but on the same side of the pumps. The look on his face some nights when we left the bar was priceless. One night the ex and I both moved the car so it was back where it started. When I moved out of that town I left my spare keys an a confession of what I had been doing with one of Randy's fellow policemen. My ex followed me to Calgary several months later.
The following fall my ex and I decided to go back to Aldergrove for a visit and get some work done on my new 4X4. We stopped at the local bar to have lunch with my sister (just coffee and soup). My ex stayed at the bar waiting for her Mom to show up and loan us her car for our visit while my truck was in the shop. I left to get things set up at my buddys shop and a RCMP officer pulls me over 1 mile from the bar. He says I have been drinking at the bar for awhile and I have to go in to blow. I argue and he decides to empty our suitcases out in the truck. He tore everything apart and then radios for a towtruck to impound my truck. He even handcuffed me behind my back. As we go in the back doors of the police station, Randy pops out and yells "GOT YA." Our mistake was telling my sister the night before that we were coming home and she told Randy about my new truck.
Several nights later we ran into Randy and some of his co-workers at the neighborhood pub on the outskirts of town. A friend of mine and I went out and removed all 4 valve stems out of Randy's tires. When they left the pub a bunch of us were upstairs at an apartment on the balcony. Randy's date ( my ex's sister ) got to their car and we heard her tell Randy that he had a flat. He then started yelling that somebody must have slashed his tires as he had 4 flats. At that moment he heard from the balcony " GOT YA ".
For the next 10 days I kept a very low profile and didn't see Randy once but his co-workers that I ran into had a good laugh and told me to avoid Randy like the plague. When we got back to Calgary, we mailed him the other set of keys that we still had with some cheap flowers (from my ex.) to the police station he worked out of. He has been transfered out of that station but he told my buddies that someday/somewhere he will find me. So if for some reason you happen to read this Randy K. I now live just outside of Calgary and in the nice weather I drive 1 of my 3 TVRs and 2 of them are V8s and 1 is supercharged.

You're weird.
Every story involving a north american man called Randy always feature a Weirdo in it somewhere.

Brown and Boris

11,801 posts

238 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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I see BBC Yorkshire had a story about a Croc being spotted by sewer workers under Leeds, complete with pics poor quality pics. It was only about 30 mins later that the penny dropped.


4,656 posts

195 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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sday12 said:
You, Sir, are a real hoot, the constant mirth in your household must be unbearable, the filer, hehehe, missing, hohoho, no stop please, stop! stop!

The coffee, ruined!!!! Time after time, ho ho ho!!!!!

Edited by Eddh on Wednesday 1st April 16:05


2,261 posts

195 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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My OH texted me this morning to say she's just found the reason why she's been feeling a bit off colour the last few mornings, she's pregnant again ! My breakfast nearly dropped out of my arse when I read it - our daughter isn't even 5 months old yet.

Oh, the mirth when I rang her and heard her pissing herself laughing !

Nearly had a heart attack smile


26,140 posts

217 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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V8TVR1978 said:
A lot of st
I sympathise with your ex.


26,140 posts

217 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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GreenDog said:
My OH texted me this morning to say she's just found the reason why she's been feeling a bit off colour the last few mornings, she's pregnant again ! My breakfast nearly dropped out of my arse when I read it - our daughter isn't even 5 months old yet.

Oh, the mirth when I rang her and heard her pissing herself laughing !

Nearly had a heart attack smile
Now that is funny laugh

I'm considering texting swmbo to tell her she's dumped.

Not sure she'd see the funny side thoough.